Attack on Titan Series Finale is Facing a Controversial Ending
Attack on Titan manga readers already know that the ending of the story is somewhat controversial as it triggered two different problems that seem to be angering more than one fandom demographic. Attack on Titan certainly won’t be the first or the last show to cause controversy with a disputable end choice – unrelated to anime shows, remember how people got crazy over how Game of Thrones ended – Attack on Titan might face the same backlash with the season premiere.
Attack on Titan premiered in already far 2013 and achieved a level of popularity that not many anime shows can brag about. Regardless of the major time gap between the first and the second season of the popular fantasy anime, Attack on Titan kept its popularity and a faithful fanbase growing in numbers. The first part of the final season aired in December 2020, while the second part with the final episodes of the series will air in January 2022.
The second part will mark the definitive end of the story, while the controversy already started among the manga readers who read the final chapter. Some fans are satisfied by the ending, while the last chapter is most certainly divisive. To avoid shooting spoilers all over, one of the problems for some fans is the fact that some parts are left unclear and veiled in metaphor, so the fans don’t feel like they’ve got a proper ending.
On the other hand, some fans have problems with Eren’s transformation and problematic messages conveyed within the story’s ending. Even if unaware of the spoilers, the series finale is set to disappoint some fans, out of several different reasons that are best to be discussed once the series officially reaches the climax.
Until then, users can enjoy the bitter-sweet anticipation until the release of the final episodes with new special Attack on Titan content being released on Funimation and Crunchyroll in the meantime.