Cooler vs. Broly: Who Is Stronger and Who Would Win in a Fight?

Seeing two martial arts experts fight each other is always very special. Now, when the world of Dragon Ball is concerned, the comparison becomes even more interesting. Why? Well, the characters from Toriyama’s magnum opus are amazing and powerful fighters, and the series as a whole contains some of the most intriguing fights in the history of anime. In this article, we are going to analyze one fight that happened in the series and through it, we are going to tell you whether Cooler could defeat Broly in a direct fight.
From what we’ve seen, Broly is one of the series’ strongest characters, and he would be able to defeat Cooler in a direct fight. Cooler might be strong, but he is not as strong as Super Saiyan Goku, and we know that Broly wiped the floor with Super Saiyan Goku, which means that he would wipe the floor with Cooler as well.
The rest of the article is going to be all about comparing the two selected strong characters from Dragon Ball. You’re going to find out who Broly and Cooler are, as well as what their exact powers and abilities are. In the end, based on what we have presented earlier, we will give our final verdict on who the stronger of the two characters is.
How powerful is Cooler?
Cooler was an alien, the prince of Universe 7, and a commander of the Freeza Empire. His younger brother Freeza, his nephew Kuriza, and his father, the Great King Cold, led the Empire from the shadows. He appears as the main antagonist of the feature film duology consisting of Dragon Ball Z: Cooler’s Revenge and Dragon Ball Z: The Return of Cooler.
He is capable of sensing ki (without the aid of a tracker). He seems to be capable of suppressing his own ki signature (as he was able to sneak past Goku and Piccolo without detection, something other villains have not done). He is also one of the few villains able to use teleportation (the others being Super Perfect Cell and Kid Buu).
Like Frieza and the other members of his race, he can likewise survive in the vacuum of space. The sixth Dragon Ball Z film demonstrates that he can recover from even the most severe wounds and continue fighting thanks to the Big Gete Star’s technology. After losing to Son Goku, he transforms into a Cyborg like his brother, only to be finally vanquished.
In Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans, Dr. Lychee revives Cooler as a Ghost Warrior. Cooler is much more powerful as a Ghost Warrior, capable of rivaling Super Saiyan Goku at Full Power. Cooler uses many of the same techniques as his brother, but he is frequently noticeably stronger. His individual techniques are very similar to Frieza’s.
In the 2004 issue of V-Jump, his appearance in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 3 was confirmed by saying that Cooler’s final form has a level of 470,000,000 units. When he fights Goku and Vegeta as Metal Cooler in his final form, he has superior strength to Frieza’s final form. Notably, he possesses an additional transformation.
Though Frieza uses his transformations to suppress his power, Cooler uses a way to enhance his power through transformation, developing an extra, more powerful form. However, this form was still not enough for the power of a Super Saiyan. Also, Cooler can charge his Supernova attack in less time than Frieza can, which makes him more dangerous than Frieza.
How powerful is Broly?
Broly is one of the few surviving purebred Saiyan males from the planet Vegeta of Universe 7, the biological son of Paragus and reputed as a legendary Saiyan mutant in his universe, existing as the Universe 7 male counterpart of Kale. He was banished at an early age from his home planet by order of King Vegeta, who sent the young Saiyan to another border world known as Vampa when he was very young because he was envious that he was more powerful than Prince Vegeta IV, which caused a deep grudge in his father against the king and his family.
His power and strength far outstrip those of the average Saiyan. This extremely high level of strength enraged King Vegeta, who exiled him from Planet Vegeta and sent him to a distant planet because he was jealous that Broly had a power level of over 10,000 units as a newborn baby, surpassing Prince Vegeta, his precious son.
When his strength increases dramatically in a short period of time, he begins to scream incessantly because his power is causing excruciating pain in his body. Goku is surprised by his level of fighting after the film’s events and even suggests that Broly could be stronger than even the God of Destruction Beerus.
As a result of his restraints through a special accessory, Broly’s base form is extremely weak. But when transforming into the Super Saiyan A-type, he was stated to be capable of destroying the South Galaxy even when his restraints are worn. His restrained Super Saiyan A-form even gave Goku (in base form) a very hard time fighting him. Also, in this same restrained form, Broly’s ki can already be sensed at Kami’s Lookout on Planet Earth, showing a huge potential at this point already. However, Goku has not learned Godly Ki at this point.
But things change drastically when the restraints are removed. He successfully beat Vegeta in Super Saiyan Second Grade form when in full power in his Super Saiyan A-form. He is also extremely tough, able to withstand several attacks from Vegeta in his said form without being hurt or flinching. Fighting him is difficult even for Goku in his Super Saiyan Form.
When Broly began using his famous Legendary Super Saiyan Form, things became much more serious, especially since Goku had not yet attained Godly Ki. Both in Super Saiyan forms, Goku and his son Gohan struggled to defeat the Legendary Super Saiyan. Piccolo struggled to defeat Broly’s ultimate form in his Super Namekian form, Vegeta in Super Saiyan Second Grade, and Future Trunks in the same form.
In his Legendary Super Saiyan form, Broly can easily avoid most of their attacks. To make matters worse, they did no damage despite pummeling him with punches and kicks, forcing Broly to live up to his title. Piccolo, Trunks, Vegeta, and Gohan worked together to transfer their spirit power to Goku in order to defeat him. They would have been wiped out if they hadn’t done this.
Broly gained more Saiyan power in his second film appearance, granting him access to the Super Saiyan C-type and a significant advantage in battle. As a result, he easily defeated Gohan in Super Saiyan 2 form. By using the Family Kamehameha, Goku, Gohan (both in their Super Saiyan 2 forms), and Super Saiyan Goten were able to only push (rather than destroy) Broly towards the sun.
This demonstrates Broly’s incredible durability at this point, as he was only pushed. If Broly had faced Goku in this state, Goku might have been defeated. He also has extremely high stamina and can keep himself alive even when stabbed directly through the heart. All these achievements made fans wonder if Goku could defeat Broly when Goku could only achieve Super Saiyan 2 if they fought one-on-one.
Cooler vs. Broly: Who would win?
And now for our article’s most important and interesting section – the analysis. Here, we will use what we have learned about these two characters and analyze how all these facts would (or would not) help them in a fight against each other. Let us continue.
Because of the fact that Broly is a Saiyan, whereas Cooler is a member of Frieza’s race, it was difficult to compare them using points. Namely, these two groups have vastly different powers, abilities, and transformations, so comparing them like that wouldn’t be fair and objective. What we can say here is that Broly is a character who was able to easily defeat Super Saiyan Goku. This form easily defeated Metal Cooler, who is a stronger version of Cooler.
Broly is exceptionally powerful, and even the slightly revised canon version of the character is far more powerful than anything Cooler offers. Sure, we cannot ignore that Cooler is powerful, but compared to Broly, he is simply not a match for him. Broly is a true beast, and he is so physically imposing that his sheer strength would be enough to crush Cooler in a direct fight, which is why – ultimately – Broly would win. This was quite obvious from the very beginning and we did not really need a category-by-category comparison to confirm what we have said, and that is that Broly is definitely stronger than Cooler.