‘Deadpool & Wolverine’ Producer Reveals Some of the Wackiest Ideas from the Production

'Deadpool & Wolverine' Producer Reveals Some of the Wackiest Ideas from the Production


Deadpool & Wolverine, which stars Hugh Jackman as Wolverine and Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool, is the most anticipated movie of the year for many fans since it finally brings these two iconic characters together—a collaboration that many had been waiting a long time to see.

The movie is finally out, and it seems that it is doing well, which is why people are quite interested in everything they can get their hands on about the movie. This is why the actors and the producers have been giving numerous interviews in recent weeks, most of which are very, very interesting for the fans.

In a recent interview for SlashFilm, the movie’s producer, Wendy Jacobson, answered some interesting questions about the movie, revealing some hilarious moments from the productions and some wacky ideas that eventually got rejected, but they do seem interesting, as you will be able to read in the upcoming paragraphs.

In this exclusive interview, Wendy Jacobson was asked about the production of the movie and some of the ideas that were proposed but ultimately did not make the cut. The ideas are quite wacky, as Jacobson revealed to us:

Was that series ever used as a case study that, since Marvel fans already know a character that can break the fourth wall, maybe they can handle whatever Deadpool can throw at them?

[Laughs] Maybe. I think the truth is, with breaking the fourth wall, that comes from the source material for both characters, right? And “She-Hulk” was unique because it was the first time we were doing a series about this character in the MCU, but Deadpool was also unique because it’s really the first time that we were inheriting a character with its own history and legacy. So, I definitely got to take great experience from “She-Hulk” and bring it into “Deadpool.” But truthfully, with Ryan and Hugh and Shawn, you’re just letting those guys do their thing and I’m just here to help in any way that I can.

Before Hugh joined the project, Ryan and Shawn have hinted about all the different versions that this movie could have been. Can you think of any specific ideas off the top of your head?

[Laughs] There was definitely a “Sundance-size road trip with Dopinder” movie on the table. At one point, Ryan had this idea for a “Thor 2” frame-for-frame remake until the end of the first act. There was an idea for a deleted-scenes extravaganza where we were going to take famous MCU scenes, but show them from a different angle where you didn’t see that Deadpool got left on the cutting room floor. I mean, it was all over the place.

Source: SlashFilm

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