Is Doctor Who Still Worth Watching?

You are looking to get into the science fiction genre, but it seems whoever you ask about where to start, they always recommend Doctor Who. It is a pop-culture staple but you can’t help but wonder is it really that good or does the hype about coming from a sort of obligation to like it due to its status. So before you commit to it, is Doctor Who worth watching?
Doctor Who is definitely worth watching. The show, like any other, has its ups and downs, but the good sides outweigh the bad ones easily. The premise is interesting and paired up with an amazing delivery from the cast the show makes for an enjoyable watch even if you aren’t into science fiction.
If this wasn’t enough to convince you this article will offer a more in-depth explanation as to why Doctor Who is a must-watch. So if you are still in doubt, make sure to read this article all the way to the end.
Why is Doctor Who worth watching?
Doctor Who is absolutely worth watching. If you won’t take my word for it, look no further than the fact that the show has been on the air for almost 60 years and has an enormous fan base.
Besides other reasons, this is mostly due to the fact that the show is made in a way that allows everyone to enjoy it, regardless of their age or even their preferences since the show has so much to offer.
Doctor Who is a staple of the science fiction genre and a must-watch for anyone looking to get into the genre. The show pioneered the idea of time travel.
Over time the idea became more present in the popular media, however, many creators try to stay away from it since it usually makes storytelling quite messy if the creators don’t take everything into account.
Doctor Who remains one of the few shows which managed to pull this off as gracefully as it does, without any inconsistencies in the plot.
The series has its shining moments as well as some episodes that are completely skippable, however, the show overall is great. The best way to go about this is to look up which episodes are not worth watching.
The show’s writing is amazing and makes for an enjoyable plot even if you do not like science fiction in general.
Unlike similar science fiction shows, Doctor Who has all the drama a typical show would have, but it is mixed up with different tones. The humor was a crucial part of the series from its beginning.
Besides just the humor, Doctor Who blends in other genres such as horror into the original plotlines making for a more dynamic watching experience. It also manages to step away from all the silliness and deliver the occasional emotional moment that gets stuck with the viewer long after it has passed.
The acting in the show is very good. The entire main cast provides a believable performance. An especially important part of this is being able to convey that the Doctor is not a human without explicitly saying or showing it.
The cast is consistently comprised of amazing and well-known actors and the script always plays to the strengths of the cast. Some of these big-name actors include David Tennant, who portrayed the tenth Doctor, and Catherine Tate who plays one of the Doctor’s companions.
Why is Doctor Who so popular?
So what exactly makes Doctor Who this popular? One of the main reasons is its premise of it. The idea of time travel allows it to be set up literally anywhere and anytime.
This allows the show to explore ideas that other shows logically cannot since they do not fit with the general premise. The show regularly explores different premises set in conditions other shows can’t emulate or set in historically recognizable moments.
The endless possibilities make sure that the show never gets boring, despite the fact that it works on the same premise applied to every episode with a few plot lines stretching over more than one episode.
The Doctor himself is another reason why the show is as popular as it is. The Doctor is a step away from typical main characters in this genre. He isn’t quick to violence and is overall quirky and silly.
His personality is written in a way that allows the show to explore his character constantly, both his witty and sarcastic surface and more troubling issues that lay beneath it.
Despite his personality, The Doctor is also often remembered for his appearance. Each iteration of The Doctor has something memorable about its appearance, whether it is a bow-tie or a hat and a colorful time.
It’s also worth mentioning that most Doctor’s gadgets automatically become staples of pop culture. Even if you have never seen Doctor Who, you will recognize the Doctor’s mode of transportation, The TARDIS or his sonic screwdriver.
Another thing that makes The Doctor as popular as he is the idea of regeneration. It serves as a way for the Doctor to avoid death. After he has been mortally wounded he regenerates.
This causes him to change his appearance but keep all of his memories and personality. It is a way for the show to keep things interesting and change things up as well as make it more exciting for the fans.
Everyone knows the saying that the hero is only as good as its villain and Doctor Who is no exception to this rule. Over the years the Doctor has made quite a few enemies, each more memorable than the others.
This is in part due to the fact that all of the villains are written to work of the Doctor, having goals that directly conflict with The Doctor. This works especially well when a villain is a single person, like the Master.
From other Time Lords to murderous Daleks the show has many memorable villains and the rouges gallery keeps getting bigger with recent additions like the Silence.
Besides the main character and the villains, the supporting characters are just as memorable. They usually come in the form of companions, random people The Doctor stumbles upon and decides to share his adventures with him.
The companions come in all different forms. The Doctor was accompanied by humans, aliens, an immortal heterosexual man, and even a robotic dog.
This allows the creators to change the overall tone of the show depending on the companion which is accompanying The Doctor and their personality.
Another thing that makes Doctor Who massively popular is the fact that despite its tone the show manages to send heartwarming messages all throughout the show.
The premise could fool you into thinking that the overall message is that in the great scheme of things none of us really matter especially since the show emphasizes the size of Space and the passing of time, the actual message is that everyone is equally important and special despite what they may think.
Throughout the show, The Doctor proves that you do not need to be inherently special to be important and that it is more important to be kind and do what is right because, in the end, it is what makes you exceptional.
The Doctor himself was made as a regular person and the show often points out that he wasn’t a very good Time Lord, but despite all of it, Doctor has proven himself to be significant because of his strives to do what is good.
Should you watch Doctor Who from the beginning?
Since there is over sixty years’ worth of the show the real question is should you watch it from the beginning?
Although you can watch it from the very first episode, it is often recommended to not do so. It would be a rewarding experience that would allow you to enjoy the newer episodes a bit more, but it is also time-consuming.
Most people will recommend watching from the revival of the show in 2005 and then coming back to watch the best episodes of the Classic Who.
Because most of the episodes can be standalone stories, the order in which you watch the show doesn’t really matter as long as you don’t jump between different Doctors too much.
There are many different ways you can go about watching the entire show, but the most recommended ways are either watching from the beginning or from the beginning of the modern Who.