DC’s ‘Watchmen’ Animated Film Gets a Surprising First Trailer

Just yesterday, we reported on the new information related to DC Comics’ and Warner Bros.’ upcoming Watchmen animated project, which will be released as a two-part animated movie. For the first time in a while, both DC and Warner promise a faithful adaptation of the original comic book, so we are quite excited to see how Moore and Gibbons’ legendary story comes to life in this iteration. Alan Moore’s epic Watchmen comic book is arguably the best comic book ever written. A gritty superhero story that shows the corruption of a not-so-distant dystopian future, Watchmen is a metaphor for a heroless future filled with heroes. The animated project will see the original story adapted using CGI, and we will see the first part released later this year, while the second part is coming out in 2025. On top of that, Warner and DC have surprised us with the first official trailer for the animated project!
The story of Watchmen became an instant classic, so it’s not surprising that the big studios wanted to adapt the comic book in a cinematic format. Zack Snyder did it first with his controversial live-action hit, after which Lindelof’s HBO series polarized the fans even more. Now, after these two adaptations, DC Comics is going back to its roots, as the planned movies are going to adapt the original comic book faithfully.
As is always the case, we are first going to bring you the trailer, which is – of course – the main reason why you’re here, so here you go:
And while you might not agree with the CGI approach, this is definitely the Watchmen we know and love. Snyder did a fairly good job in adapting the comic book, while the television series was a very loose adaptation. This, as we can see, is what Moore’s comic was all about and it seems that DC and Warner will get the job done right this time, as the trailer looks quite promising.
The Watchmen animated project was initially confirmed by Warner Bros., as the studio announced in April 2017 that it is developing an R-rated animated film based on Moore’s story. The movie remained in developmental hell for years until Warner confirmed – at the San Diego Comic-Con 2023 – that the movie would be released sometime in 2024.
In the meantime, we have received confirmation that the Watchmen animated movie will actually be a two-part adaptation and we can confirm that the first part will be released on August 13, 2024, while the second part doesn’t have a release date, but it has been confirmed that it will be released sometime in 2025!
So, there you have it – we won’t have to wait too much for the first part of the adaptation, which is great, more so as we don’t really know much about the project, which makes us even more curious. No cast or crew members have been confirmed so far, so be sure to keep following us for all the upcoming updates!
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