Why Is The Book Of Boba Fett Episode 5 All About The Mandalorian (Din Djarin)?

Why Is The Book Of Boba Fett Episode 5 All About The Mandalorian (Din Djarin)?


Throughout the first four episodes of The Book of Boba Fett, we were mostly treated to 40 to 50 minutes of Boba Fett’s story as the new Daimyo of Mos Espa in Tatooine after taking over from Bib Fortuna, who ruled after Jabba the Hutt. Of course, we also saw a good part of Boba Fett’s past. However, episode 5 surprisingly did not feature Boba Fett but focused entirely on Din Djarin. So, why is episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett all about the Mandalorian?

Episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett focuses on Din Djarin so that we will get to see what the Mandalorian has been up to after the events of season 2 of The Mandalorian. Focusing on Din Djarin also allows us to see how he connects with the events of The Book of Boba Fett, especially after what happened in episode 4.

A lot of people tend to forget that The Book of Boba Fett is supposed to be a spin-off of The Mandalorian. That means that The Mandalorian is still the main series in the Disney+ Star Wars continuity. As such, having Din Djarin making an appearance for one full episode allows us to see how his story connects with that of Boba Fett’s rule in Tatooine.

Why was Din Djarin the focus of The Book of Boba Fett Episode 5?

When episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett, fans of the series were treated to an appearance by Din Djarin, who you probably remember as the titular character of The Mandalorian, the first Disney+ Star Wars series released. 

Now, the thing about this episode is that it did not only feature Djarin, but it actually focused entirely on him as if the episode was an offshoot of The Mandalorian. So, why is Din Djarin the focus of The Book of Boba Fett episode 5?

For starters, people should remember that, while The Book of Boba Fett can stand on its own when it comes to how good it is, it is actually just a spin-off series of The Mandalorian. This means that The Mandalorian is still the main series in the entire continuity of Disney+ Star Wars shows. In a way, the main focus of the continuity is Din Djarin’s story, even though The Book of Boba Fett stars the titular bounty hunter.

So, in that sense, focusing an entire episode on Din Djarin allows us to see the story of the titular character after the events of season 2 of The Mandalorian. In case you have forgotten, Djarin finished his mission of delivering Grogu over to the Jedi in the final episode of The Mandalorian. This means that there is a huge hole in his story now, as we don’t know what he is up to or what the future holds for The Mandalorian.


How Old is Boba Fett in The Book Of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian and Rest of The Star Wars

Bringing him over for one full episode and making him the focus of the entire episode allows us to catch up to Din Djarin’s story in preparation for his collaboration with Boba Fett in the upcoming episodes of The Book of Boba Fett.

It would be very difficult to just suddenly bring Din Djarin over for the next few episodes of The Book of Boba Fett without actually allowing us to see what the Mandalorian has been up to ever since Grogu left with Luke Skywalker. So, by giving him one entire episode, we get to see the bridge between his story and Boba Fett’s involvement with the Pykes in the next few episodes.

How does The Mandalorian connect with The Book of Boba Fett?

Now, while episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett allows the series to bridge the events that happened in the final episode of The Mandalorian with the next few episodes of the Boba Fett series, how do these two shows even connect with one another?

In case you have forgotten, Boba Fett was involved with Din Djarin’s mission during a good part of season 2 of The Mandalorian. Djarin came upon Fett’s armor, which came in possession of a lawman named Cobb Vanth. The lawman eventually relinquished the armor to Din Djarin after the latter helped him eliminate a huge Krayt Dragon on Tatooine.

Later in season 2 of The Mandalorian, Boba Fett appeared to recover his armor from Din Djarin. After an initial confrontation between the two bounty hunters, Djarin eventually allowed Fett to use the armor. Boba Fett was also instrumental in helping Din Djarin recover Grogu from Moff Gideon.


How Is ‘The Book Of Boba Fett’ Connected To ‘The Mandalorian’?

Now, in episode 4 of The Book of Boba Fett, we saw that Fett and his group were preparing for a possible showdown with the Pyke syndicate, a group that was looking to take over Mos Espa and quite possibly the entire planet of Tatooine. Boba Fett successfully convinced the other crime groups of Mos Espa to stay clear of his war with the Pykes. However, in the closing moments of the episode, Fett contemplated on his group’s lack of muscle.

Fennec Shand told Boba Fett that they could buy muscle as long as they had enough credits on hand. From there, the theme song of The Mandalorian played in the background as the episode closed. Playing the theme song of The Mandalorian teased us for a possible return of Din Djarin, who eventually made his appearance in episode 5.

At the end of episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett, we see Shand in Peli Motto’s spaceport telling Din Djarin that she had a job for the Mandalorian. When Djarin asked whether the job involved Boba Fett, he told the former assassin that it was on the house.

What is the significance of Din Djarin’s appearance in The Book of Boba Fett?


While episode 5 of The Book of Boba Fett allowed us to see how the collaboration between Djarin and Fett will happen in the next few episodes, you might be wondering why the Mandalorian’s appearance in The Book of Boba Fett is so significant.

Going back to what we said, it is important to note that The Book of Boba Fett is a spin-off of the Mandalorian, and that means that its events affect the story of Din Djarin as well. We also said that, after the events of season 2 of The Mandalorian, there seems to be a hole in Djarin’s life because he had already completed his main mission during the first two seasons.

So, by bringing him over to The Book of Boba Fett and allowing him to collaborate with Boba Fett’s group against the Pykes, we may be able to see where The Mandalorian is headed to moving forward. The events in The Book of Boba Fett may end up affecting Din Djarin’s journey, and that will allow us to see how The Mandalorian will proceed with its story.

In a way, it all comes back to The Mandalorian, which is the main Disney+ Star Wars show. The things that will be happening in The Book of Boba Fett will quite possibly have a profound effect on what will happen in the future for The Mandalorian, especially when we factor in how the Pyke syndicate has a connection with the Mandalore that goes back to the events of Star Wars: Clone Wars.

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