Heavenly Delusion: Main Characters’ Ages, Genders & More


The Heavenly Delusion saga has gained a ton of fans over the course of its running, well known for its mysterious premise and a range of gripping plot twists. It combines the best of numerous concepts all into one entertaining storyline, set in a post-apocalyptic world filled with unseen threats and vicious creatures.

However, one of the primary factors that make Heavenly Delusion so popular is the fact that it stars some rather young and playful characters. Below is everything there is to know about the main characters in Heavenly Delusion, including their ages, genders, and more.

Heavenly Delusion CharacterAgeGender
Maru15 years oldMale
Kiruko18 – 20 years oldFemale
Tokio14 years oldFemale
Kona17 years oldMale

What Do We Know About the Heavenly Delusion Main Characters’ Ages?

Most of the primary characters in Heavenly Delusion are children, apart from a select few characters who are classified as adults. The fact that young children and adolescents lead this entire saga creates an interesting space where just about anything can happen, contrasting from many other post-apocalyptic inspired manga or anime titles.

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While there are a few characters with unknown ages, they are all likely young teenagers apart from Kiruko. Tokio is the youngest of all the Heavenly Delusion main characters at the age of around 14 years old, followed by the leading protagonist Maru who is approximately 15 years old.

Kona is slightly older than these characters at around 17 years old, followed by the second leading protagonist Kiruko who is believed to be between 18 and 20 years old. The exact ages of the major supporting characters within the series, Mimihime, Shiro, Kuku, Anzu, and Taka, remain unknown, although it’s presumed they could be anywhere between 14 and 18 years old.

What Do We Know About the Heavenly Delusion Main Characters’ Species & Genders?

Although the saga does offer much more than your everyday species, such as mutated and dangerous creatures that roam the outside world, each of the main characters and major supporting characters in Heavenly Delusion is classified as human in terms of their species. This means that their biological genders from birth are quite straightforward.


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Heavenly Delusion’s main male characters include the primary protagonist, Maru, as well as Kona, Shiro, and Taka. The main female characters in Heavenly Delusion include the second protagonist, Kiruko, as well as Tokio, Mimihime, Anzu, and Kuku – although there is still some debate regarding Kuku, as some fans believe that Kuku could be male or female.

What Do We Know About the Heavenly Delusion Main Characters’ Nicknames & Aliases?

Some of the main or supporting characters in Heavenly Delusion also have some additional names that they go by, adding even more mystery to an already vague and plot-twisting group of young characters. Below are all of the known nicknames or aliases of the main Heavenly Delusion characters.

Heavenly Delusion CharacterNicknames/ Aliases
MaruKiriko Takehaya, Haruki Takehaya
ShiroDr. Usami Shun
AnzuNoa Umezo
TakaMinakata Mito

What Do We Know About the Heavenly Delusion Main Characters’ First Appearances?

The two protagonists in the Heavenly Delusion saga, Maru and Kiruko, make their first appearance in Episode 1: Heaven and Hell of the Heavenly Delusion anime series. On the other hand, the rest of the main characters and major supporting characters are gradually introduced to fans as the plot unfolds.

What Do We Know About the Heavenly Delusion Main Characters’ Families?

Considering that the entire premise of Heavenly Delusion is shrouded by mystery, fans have tons of questions regarding the backgrounds and origins of the main Heavenly Delusion characters. Not much is known about the characters within the saga overall, let alone their heritage and relatives – that may or may not exist in the outside world.

Fans only know that Kiruko had a brother whose brain was implanted into her head by an unknown doctor. But, other than this detail, fans are only able to witness the small families that some of the teenagers create amongst themselves.

Tokio and Kona appear to be in a romantic relationship, having an unnamed baby boy together. Anza is married to Taka, and they have a daughter together named Totodori.

That’s everything there is to know about the main characters in Heavenly Delusion, with images and stats thanks to the Heavenly Delusion Wiki. Although fans still don’t know much about the characters that the story follows, the mystery surrounding their background and origins is partially what makes this title so enjoyable.

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