
We all love to chat with someone and find out some exclusive information at the same time; it’s not necessarily gossip, no, but we do like to get our hands on some new information. That is actually what this section is all about, as our writers go out there in the field and talk to the people behind the works we are writing about.

Our Interviews section is dedicated to the people on the screens – the actors – but also to people behind the screens, such as the directors, producers, and writers behind certain projects. Some famous names have talked to us in the past and we will be working hard to provide you with even more exclusive content from more famous names. We’re also quite diverse here as well, as we provide you with interviews with both Western and Eastern stars.

Our writers are known for their thorough and professional approach. We always stick to the point and prepare well for an interview, so you’ll find out all about the interviewee’s current project, but also about their past successes and their upcoming projects, as we aim to both give you some current news and information, as well as some exclusive insights into what you can expect from your favorite celebrities.