Infinite Craft: Here’s How To Make Competition

Infinite Craft is a game with countless possibilities and besides crafting some standard natural phenomena such as clay & rain, you can also make quite elaborate things, like Vegeta from ‘Dragon Ball’ or Adam & Eve. One rather complicated thing to craft is Competition, which seems to be a prerequisite for plenty of other sports-related things in the game, let’s see how to craft it.
How to craft competition in Infinite Craft?
Now the amazing thing in crafting competition is that it requires a whooping 297 steps to make it, at least the recipe I got. So if you have some of these things already crafted, that’s great if you’re starting from scratch there’s only one word to describe your current state -yikes. The good news is that you’re going to unlock some amazing elements that you can use further in your creation, so let’s get started with crafting competition, let’s follow these steps:
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Fire + Water = Steam
- Dust + Earth = Planet
- Water + Water = Lake
- Earth + Water = Plant
- Planet + Steam = Steampunk
- Lake + Water = Ocean
- Plant + Steam = Tea
- Planet + Wind = Storm
- Fire + Wind = Smoke
- Dust + Plant = Pollen
- Plant + Wind = Dandelion
- Dust + Lake = Mud
- Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
- Storm + Tea = Tempest
- Lake + Ocean = Sea
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Plant + Plant = Tree
- Pollen + Smoke = Bee
- Dandelion + Dandelion = Dandelion Patch
- Mud + Water = Swamp
- Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
- Tempest + Wind = Tornado
- Lava + Sea = Stone
- Dust + Tree = Wood
- Steam + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Pirate Ship
- Bee + Wind = Breeze
- Dandelion Patch + Lake = Duck
- Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
- Steampunk Plant + Wind = Airship
- Dust + Ocean = Sand
- Ocean + Tempest = Tsunami
- Stone + Tornado = Avalanche
- Fire + Wood = Campfire
- Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone = Stonehenge
- Breeze + Steam = Cloud
- Duck + Water = Duckling
- Tree + Venus Flytrap = Carnivore
- Airship + Lava = Dragon
- Dust + Sand = Sandstorm
- Avalanche + Tsunami = Disaster
- Earth + Tea = Teapot
- Campfire + Earth = Charcoal
- Steam + Stonehenge = Time
- Cloud + Venus Flytrap = Cloud Trap
- Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
- Duck + Duckling = Family
- Carnivore + Swamp = Crocodile
- Dandelion + Dragon = Dragonfly
- Disaster + Sandstorm = Dust Bowl
- Swamp + Teapot = Witch
- Charcoal + Dust = Diamond
- Airship + Fire = Crash
- Lake + Time = Aeon
- Cloud Trap + Sea = Fish
- Steampunk Tree + Swamp = Tree of Life
- Earth + Family = Farm
- Planet + Planet = Star
- Crocodile + Earth = Egypt
- Dragonfly + Dust = Fairy
- Dust Bowl + Wind = Dust Storm
- Steam + Witch = Broom
- Witch + Witch = Witch Hut
- Tea + Tempest = Typhoon
- Sea + Smoke = Fog
- Crash + Diamond = Emerald
- Aeon + Time = Eternity
- Fish + Lake = Fishing
- Steam + Tree of Life = Evolution
- Fish + Water = Fishbowl
- Farm + Plant = Food
- Plant + Star = Sun
- Egypt + Plant = Papyrus
- Earth + Fairy = Gnome
- Dust Storm + Venus Flytrap = Dust Trap
- Broom + Dust = Clean
- Time + Witch Hut = Wizard
- Fire + Typhoon = Volcano
- Diamond + Fog = Frost
- Crash + Emerald = Green
- Aeon + Eternity = Forever
- Fishing + Wind = Kite
- Evolution + Time = Human
- Fire + Fishbowl = Goldfish
- Food + Food = Meal
- Disaster + Time = History
- Lake + Sun = Sunset
- Gnome + Papyrus = Scroll
- Fog + Plant = Mushroom
- Steam + Stone = Geysir
- Dust Storm + Planet = Mars
- Fire + Steam = Engine
- Dust Trap + Plant = Flower
- Clean + Water = Drink
- Volcano + Wizard = Eruption
- Planet + Time = Universe
- Frost + Frost = Ice
- Ocean + Wood = Boat
- Dragon + Dragon = Dragon Egg
- Forever + Green = Money
- Smoke + Wizard = Genie
- Kite + Stone = Paper
- Dust + Human = Mummy
- Goldfish + Swamp = Piranha
- History + Meal = Thanksgiving
- Ocean + Sunset = Beach
- Cloud + Scroll = Weather
- Geysir + Mushroom = Mushroom Cloud
- Engine + Mars = Rover
- Flower + Plant = Garden
- Crash + Drink = Hangover
- Eruption + Sand = Glass
- Tsunami + Universe = Black Hole
- Engine + Ice = Refrigerator
- Boat + Fog = Ghost Ship
- Plant + Witch = Poison
- Food + Swamp = Gator
- Dragon Egg + Pollen = Dragon Flower
- Genie + Money = Rich
- Mummy + Paper = Wrap
- Piranha + Smoke = Vampire
- Beach + Thanksgiving = Turkey
- Planet + Weather = Climate
- Earth + Mushroom Cloud = Nuclear Winter
- Mars + Rover = Curiosity
- Breeze + Clean = Fresh
- Plant + Tree = Forest
- Fire + Sun = Solar
- Garden + Garden = Park
- Glass + Hangover = Morning
- Black Hole + Water = Drain
- Duck + Wind = Goose
- Plant + Refrigerator = Salad
- Ghost Ship + Plant = Pirate
- Poison + Stone = Snake
- Cloud + Fish = Rainbow Trout
- Dragon Flower + Gator = Lizard
- Money + Rich = Richer
- Wrap + Wrap = Blanket
- Turkey + Vampire = Count
- Climate + Fire = Global Warming
- Cloud + Nuclear Winter = Acid Rain
- Curiosity + Curiosity = Question
- Fresh + Time = Fruit
- Emerald + Lava = Obsidian
- Forest + Forest = Jungle
- Planet + Solar = System
- Avalanche + Earth = Landslide
- Garden + Park = Zoo
- Morning + Mud = Muddy
- Drain + Engine = Pump
- Cloud Trap + Mud = Quicksand
- Fire + Glass = Lens
- Tree + Water = River
- Goose + Swamp = Loch Ness Monster
- Tornado + Venus Flytrap = Funnel Cake
- Fire + Salad = Salsa
- Mushroom + Storm = Toadstool
- Glass + Pirate = Eye Patch
- Snake + Steam = Train
- Lizard + Rainbow Trout = Salamander
- Blanket + Richer = Warmer
- Count + Count = Number
- Acid Rain + Global Warming = Climate Change
- Question + Question = Answer
- Campfire + Time = Story
- Fruit + Lava = Peach
- Obsidian + Stone = Blade
- Jungle + Tsunami = Tiger
- Dust Trap + Venus Flytrap = Flypaper
- Landslide + System = Voting
- Earth + Zoo = Animal
- Dust + Muddy = Pig
- Earth + Pump = Well
- Glass + Lake = Mirror
- Quicksand + Steam = Slow
- Lens + Swamp = Microscope
- Earth + River = Delta
- Flower + Paper = Book
- Glass + Loch Ness Monster = Monocle
- Funnel Cake + Tree = Maple
- Salsa + Steam = Salsa Verde
- Eye Patch + Toadstool = Mario
- Salamander + Train = Choo-Choo
- Number + Warmer = Hotter
- Answer + Climate Change = Denial
- Story + Wind = Tale
- Clean + Solar = Panel
- Mud + Peach = Pie
- Earth + Earth = Mountain
- Blade + Obsidian = Knife
- Dandelion Patch + Wind = Seeds
- Tiger + Tree = Tiger Woods
- Flypaper + Landslide = Sticky Situation
- Animal + Voting = Election
- Ice + Pig = Popsicle
- Mirror + Well = Alice
- Fire + Slow = Stop
- Flower + Smoke = Incense
- Cloud + Microscope = Rain
- Book + Delta = Alphabet
- Maple + Monocle = Professor
- Fire + Salsa Verde = Chili
- Choo-Choo + Mario = Thomas
- Denial + Hotter = Not
- Panel + Tale = Comic
- Clean + Pie = Whole
- Clean + Steam = Iron
- Fish + Swamp = Frog
- Pollen + Swamp = Allergy
- Knife + Mountain = Scalpel
- Duck + Seeds = Feed
- Diamond + Mud = Ring
- Sticky Situation + Tiger Woods = Divorce
- Black Hole + Earth = Hole
- Election + History = President
- Alice + Popsicle = Ice Queen
- Stop + Tsunami = Wall
- Dust + Incense = Prayer
- Glass + Rain = Window
- Alphabet + Book = Dictionary
- Professor + Professor = University
- Chili + Fire = Hot
- Thomas + Time = Tomorrow
- Comic + Not = Serious
- Crash + Whole = Wreck
- Glass + Tornado = Shatter
- Earth + Iron = Metal
- Lake + Mountain = Fjord
- Dandelion + Plant = Weed
- Dandelion + Volcano = Fireworks
- Ocean + Stone = Island
- Fire + Mud = Brick
- Frog + Smoke = Prince
- Funnel Cake + Lake = Oil Spill
- Allergy + Farm = Hay
- Scalpel + Smoke = Surgeon
- Feed + Food = Eat
- Divorce + Ring = Single
- Hole + Kite = Pocket
- Ice Queen + President = Snowden
- Steam + Wall = Graffiti
- Fog + Prayer = Priest
- Wind + Window = Curtain
- Alphabet + Dictionary = Language
- Hot + University = College
- Serious + Tomorrow = Someday
- Shatter + Wreck = Destroy
- Drink + Metal = Can
- Earth + Fjord = Land
- Fireworks + Weed = 420
- Brick + Island = Prison
- Jungle + Prince = Tarzan
- Earth + Oil Spill = Pollution
- Hay + Plant = Horse
- Eat + Surgeon = Operation
- Flower + Mountain = Rose
- Number + Single = One
- Not + Pocket = Empty
- Graffiti + Snowden = Anonymous
- Curtain + Priest = Nun
- College + Language = Latin
- Dragon + Someday = Never
- Can + Destroy = Cancel
- Land + Sunset = Sunrise
- 420 + Water = Bong
- Dust + Prison = Prisoner
- Pollution + Tarzan = Greenpeace
- Horse + Mud = Donkey
- Not + Operation = Opposition
- One + Rose = Unity
- Anonymous + Empty = Nobody
- Latin + Nun = None
- Cancel + Never = Always
- Earth + Sunrise = Day
- Bong + Smoke = High
- Prisoner + Time = Criminal
- Donkey + Greenpeace = Ass
- Latin + Opposition = No
- Not + Unity = Division
- Nobody + Time = Somebody
- Always + None = Everything
- Day + Time = Week
- Fairy + High = Tall
- Ass + Criminal = Asshole
- Division + No = Yes
- Everything + Somebody = Something
- Engine + Human = Mechanic
- Not + Week = Weak
- Asshole + Tall = Basketball
- Something + Yes = Agree
- Crash + Mechanic = Repair
- Never + Weak = Strong
- Agree + Basketball = Consent
- Always + Repair = Maintenance
- Consent + Strong = Contest
- Contest + Maintenance = Competition
Competition is further used to craft things like tournaments, races, etc. So you’re now ready to unlock some specific sports-related elements, besides you’ve unlocked tons of new stuff. Have a combination to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!