Infinite Craft: Here’s How To Make Competition


Infinite Craft is a game with countless possibilities and besides crafting some standard natural phenomena such as clay & rain, you can also make quite elaborate things, like Vegeta from ‘Dragon Ball’ or Adam & Eve. One rather complicated thing to craft is Competition, which seems to be a prerequisite for plenty of other sports-related things in the game, let’s see how to craft it.

  • Article Breakdown:
  • Competition is created by combining Contest + Maintenance.
  • Competition is later used to create race by combining competition and the finish line.
  • You can also craft sport by combining game and competition.

How to craft competition in Infinite Craft?

Now the amazing thing in crafting competition is that it requires a whooping 297 steps to make it, at least the recipe I got. So if you have some of these things already crafted, that’s great if you’re starting from scratch there’s only one word to describe your current state -yikes. The good news is that you’re going to unlock some amazing elements that you can use further in your creation, so let’s get started with crafting competition, let’s follow these steps:

  1. Earth + Wind = Dust
  2. Fire + Water = Steam
  3. Dust + Earth = Planet
  4. Water + Water = Lake
  5. Earth + Water = Plant
  6. Planet + Steam = Steampunk
  7. Lake + Water = Ocean
  8. Plant + Steam = Tea
  9. Planet + Wind = Storm
  10. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  11. Dust + Plant = Pollen
  12. Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  13. Dust + Lake = Mud
  14. Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
  15. Storm + Tea = Tempest
  16. Lake + Ocean = Sea
  17. Earth + Fire = Lava
  18. Plant + Plant = Tree
  19. Pollen + Smoke = Bee
  20. Dandelion + Dandelion = Dandelion Patch
  21. Mud + Water = Swamp
  22. Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
  23. Tempest + Wind = Tornado
  24. Lava + Sea = Stone
  25. Dust + Tree = Wood
  26. Steam + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Pirate Ship
  27. Bee + Wind = Breeze
  28. Dandelion Patch + Lake = Duck
  29. Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
  30. Steampunk Plant + Wind = Airship
  31. Dust + Ocean = Sand
  32. Ocean + Tempest = Tsunami
  33. Stone + Tornado = Avalanche
  34. Fire + Wood = Campfire
  35. Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone = Stonehenge
  36. Breeze + Steam = Cloud
  37. Duck + Water = Duckling
  38. Tree + Venus Flytrap = Carnivore
  39. Airship + Lava = Dragon
  40. Dust + Sand = Sandstorm
  41. Avalanche + Tsunami = Disaster
  42. Earth + Tea = Teapot
  43. Campfire + Earth = Charcoal
  44. Steam + Stonehenge = Time
  45. Cloud + Venus Flytrap = Cloud Trap
  46. Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
  47. Duck + Duckling = Family
  48. Carnivore + Swamp = Crocodile
  49. Dandelion + Dragon = Dragonfly
  50. Disaster + Sandstorm = Dust Bowl
  51. Swamp + Teapot = Witch
  52. Charcoal + Dust = Diamond
  53. Airship + Fire = Crash
  54. Lake + Time = Aeon
  55. Cloud Trap + Sea = Fish
  56. Steampunk Tree + Swamp = Tree of Life
  57. Earth + Family = Farm
  58. Planet + Planet = Star
  59. Crocodile + Earth = Egypt
  60. Dragonfly + Dust = Fairy
  61. Dust Bowl + Wind = Dust Storm
  62. Steam + Witch = Broom
  63. Witch + Witch = Witch Hut
  64. Tea + Tempest = Typhoon
  65. Sea + Smoke = Fog
  66. Crash + Diamond = Emerald
  67. Aeon + Time = Eternity
  68. Fish + Lake = Fishing
  69. Steam + Tree of Life = Evolution
  70. Fish + Water = Fishbowl
  71. Farm + Plant = Food
  72. Plant + Star = Sun
  73. Egypt + Plant = Papyrus
  74. Earth + Fairy = Gnome
  75. Dust Storm + Venus Flytrap = Dust Trap
  76. Broom + Dust = Clean
  77. Time + Witch Hut = Wizard
  78. Fire + Typhoon = Volcano
  79. Diamond + Fog = Frost
  80. Crash + Emerald = Green
  81. Aeon + Eternity = Forever
  82. Fishing + Wind = Kite
  83. Evolution + Time = Human
  84. Fire + Fishbowl = Goldfish
  85. Food + Food = Meal
  86. Disaster + Time = History
  87. Lake + Sun = Sunset
  88. Gnome + Papyrus = Scroll
  89. Fog + Plant = Mushroom
  90. Steam + Stone = Geysir
  91. Dust Storm + Planet = Mars
  92. Fire + Steam = Engine
  93. Dust Trap + Plant = Flower
  94. Clean + Water = Drink
  95. Volcano + Wizard = Eruption
  96. Planet + Time = Universe
  97. Frost + Frost = Ice
  98. Ocean + Wood = Boat
  99. Dragon + Dragon = Dragon Egg
  100. Forever + Green = Money
  101. Smoke + Wizard = Genie
  102. Kite + Stone = Paper
  103. Dust + Human = Mummy
  104. Goldfish + Swamp = Piranha
  105. History + Meal = Thanksgiving
  106. Ocean + Sunset = Beach
  107. Cloud + Scroll = Weather
  108. Geysir + Mushroom = Mushroom Cloud
  109. Engine + Mars = Rover
  110. Flower + Plant = Garden
  111. Crash + Drink = Hangover
  112. Eruption + Sand = Glass
  113. Tsunami + Universe = Black Hole
  114. Engine + Ice = Refrigerator
  115. Boat + Fog = Ghost Ship
  116. Plant + Witch = Poison
  117. Food + Swamp = Gator
  118. Dragon Egg + Pollen = Dragon Flower
  119. Genie + Money = Rich
  120. Mummy + Paper = Wrap
  121. Piranha + Smoke = Vampire
  122. Beach + Thanksgiving = Turkey
  123. Planet + Weather = Climate
  124. Earth + Mushroom Cloud = Nuclear Winter
  125. Mars + Rover = Curiosity
  126. Breeze + Clean = Fresh
  127. Plant + Tree = Forest
  128. Fire + Sun = Solar
  129. Garden + Garden = Park
  130. Glass + Hangover = Morning
  131. Black Hole + Water = Drain
  132. Duck + Wind = Goose
  133. Plant + Refrigerator = Salad
  134. Ghost Ship + Plant = Pirate
  135. Poison + Stone = Snake
  136. Cloud + Fish = Rainbow Trout
  137. Dragon Flower + Gator = Lizard
  138. Money + Rich = Richer
  139. Wrap + Wrap = Blanket
  140. Turkey + Vampire = Count
  141. Climate + Fire = Global Warming
  142. Cloud + Nuclear Winter = Acid Rain
  143. Curiosity + Curiosity = Question
  144. Fresh + Time = Fruit
  145. Emerald + Lava = Obsidian
  146. Forest + Forest = Jungle
  147. Planet + Solar = System
  148. Avalanche + Earth = Landslide
  149. Garden + Park = Zoo
  150. Morning + Mud = Muddy
  151. Drain + Engine = Pump
  152. Cloud Trap + Mud = Quicksand
  153. Fire + Glass = Lens
  154. Tree + Water = River
  155. Goose + Swamp = Loch Ness Monster
  156. Tornado + Venus Flytrap = Funnel Cake
  157. Fire + Salad = Salsa
  158. Mushroom + Storm = Toadstool
  159. Glass + Pirate = Eye Patch
  160. Snake + Steam = Train
  161. Lizard + Rainbow Trout = Salamander
  162. Blanket + Richer = Warmer
  163. Count + Count = Number
  164. Acid Rain + Global Warming = Climate Change
  165. Question + Question = Answer
  166. Campfire + Time = Story
  167. Fruit + Lava = Peach
  168. Obsidian + Stone = Blade
  169. Jungle + Tsunami = Tiger
  170. Dust Trap + Venus Flytrap = Flypaper
  171. Landslide + System = Voting
  172. Earth + Zoo = Animal
  173. Dust + Muddy = Pig
  174. Earth + Pump = Well
  175. Glass + Lake = Mirror
  176. Quicksand + Steam = Slow
  177. Lens + Swamp = Microscope
  178. Earth + River = Delta
  179. Flower + Paper = Book
  180. Glass + Loch Ness Monster = Monocle
  181. Funnel Cake + Tree = Maple
  182. Salsa + Steam = Salsa Verde
  183. Eye Patch + Toadstool = Mario
  184. Salamander + Train = Choo-Choo
  185. Number + Warmer = Hotter
  186. Answer + Climate Change = Denial
  187. Story + Wind = Tale
  188. Clean + Solar = Panel
  189. Mud + Peach = Pie
  190. Earth + Earth = Mountain
  191. Blade + Obsidian = Knife
  192. Dandelion Patch + Wind = Seeds
  193. Tiger + Tree = Tiger Woods
  194. Flypaper + Landslide = Sticky Situation
  195. Animal + Voting = Election
  196. Ice + Pig = Popsicle
  197. Mirror + Well = Alice
  198. Fire + Slow = Stop
  199. Flower + Smoke = Incense
  200. Cloud + Microscope = Rain
  201. Book + Delta = Alphabet
  202. Maple + Monocle = Professor
  203. Fire + Salsa Verde = Chili
  204. Choo-Choo + Mario = Thomas
  205. Denial + Hotter = Not
  206. Panel + Tale = Comic
  207. Clean + Pie = Whole
  208. Clean + Steam = Iron
  209. Fish + Swamp = Frog
  210. Pollen + Swamp = Allergy
  211. Knife + Mountain = Scalpel
  212. Duck + Seeds = Feed
  213. Diamond + Mud = Ring
  214. Sticky Situation + Tiger Woods = Divorce
  215. Black Hole + Earth = Hole
  216. Election + History = President
  217. Alice + Popsicle = Ice Queen
  218. Stop + Tsunami = Wall
  219. Dust + Incense = Prayer
  220. Glass + Rain = Window
  221. Alphabet + Book = Dictionary
  222. Professor + Professor = University
  223. Chili + Fire = Hot
  224. Thomas + Time = Tomorrow
  225. Comic + Not = Serious
  226. Crash + Whole = Wreck
  227. Glass + Tornado = Shatter
  228. Earth + Iron = Metal
  229. Lake + Mountain = Fjord
  230. Dandelion + Plant = Weed
  231. Dandelion + Volcano = Fireworks
  232. Ocean + Stone = Island
  233. Fire + Mud = Brick
  234. Frog + Smoke = Prince
  235. Funnel Cake + Lake = Oil Spill
  236. Allergy + Farm = Hay
  237. Scalpel + Smoke = Surgeon
  238. Feed + Food = Eat
  239. Divorce + Ring = Single
  240. Hole + Kite = Pocket
  241. Ice Queen + President = Snowden
  242. Steam + Wall = Graffiti
  243. Fog + Prayer = Priest
  244. Wind + Window = Curtain
  245. Alphabet + Dictionary = Language
  246. Hot + University = College
  247. Serious + Tomorrow = Someday
  248. Shatter + Wreck = Destroy
  249. Drink + Metal = Can
  250. Earth + Fjord = Land
  251. Fireworks + Weed = 420
  252. Brick + Island = Prison
  253. Jungle + Prince = Tarzan
  254. Earth + Oil Spill = Pollution
  255. Hay + Plant = Horse
  256. Eat + Surgeon = Operation
  257. Flower + Mountain = Rose
  258. Number + Single = One
  259. Not + Pocket = Empty
  260. Graffiti + Snowden = Anonymous
  261. Curtain + Priest = Nun
  262. College + Language = Latin
  263. Dragon + Someday = Never
  264. Can + Destroy = Cancel
  265. Land + Sunset = Sunrise
  266. 420 + Water = Bong
  267. Dust + Prison = Prisoner
  268. Pollution + Tarzan = Greenpeace
  269. Horse + Mud = Donkey
  270. Not + Operation = Opposition
  271. One + Rose = Unity
  272. Anonymous + Empty = Nobody
  273. Latin + Nun = None
  274. Cancel + Never = Always
  275. Earth + Sunrise = Day
  276. Bong + Smoke = High
  277. Prisoner + Time = Criminal
  278. Donkey + Greenpeace = Ass
  279. Latin + Opposition = No
  280. Not + Unity = Division
  281. Nobody + Time = Somebody
  282. Always + None = Everything
  283. Day + Time = Week
  284. Fairy + High = Tall
  285. Ass + Criminal = Asshole
  286. Division + No = Yes
  287. Everything + Somebody = Something
  288. Engine + Human = Mechanic
  289. Not + Week = Weak
  290. Asshole + Tall = Basketball
  291. Something + Yes = Agree
  292. Crash + Mechanic = Repair
  293. Never + Weak = Strong
  294. Agree + Basketball = Consent
  295. Always + Repair = Maintenance
  296. Consent + Strong = Contest
  297. Contest + Maintenance = Competition


Infinite Craft: Here’s How To Make Technology, Computer & Quantum Computer

Competition is further used to craft things like tournaments, races, etc. So you’re now ready to unlock some specific sports-related elements, besides you’ve unlocked tons of new stuff. Have a combination to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!

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