The Chronology of Water: Kristen Stewart Began Development Of Her Directional Debut
Kristen Stewart offered an update on The Chronology of Water – a feature film that will be her directional debut.
It’s been known for quite a while that Kristen Stewart will develop the first movie she is set to direct. As reported by Variety, Stewart is actively working on the pre-production of the movie.
“We’re casting right now. We’ve been putting together and have been thinking about this for a really long time. I’m so stoked. It’s taken the time it’s needed. Some of these take a decade to put together. I just jump every gun in my life and start talking about stuff before they’re really relevant, but it’s more relevant than ever. Now we’re casting the movie. We’re finding our Lidia Yuknavitch.”
Stewart also said she’s looking for investors, and how big the movie will be:
We don’t need that much. It’s a really small movie. It’s something I would have wanted to be cast in when I was younger.
Written and directed by Stewart, The Chronology of Water is an adaptation of the book The Chronology of Water: A Memoir by Lidia Yuknavitch. Not much other info about the movie itself is known at the moment.
Description of The Chronology of Water: A Memoir:
This is not your mother’s memoir. In The Chronology of Water, Lidia Yuknavitch expertly moves the reader through issues of gender, sexuality, violence, and the family from the point of view of a lifelong swimmer turned artist. In writing that explores the nature of memoir itself, her story traces the effect of extreme grief on a young woman’s developing sexuality that some define as untraditional because of her attraction to both men and women. Her emergence as a writer evolves at the same time and takes the narrator on a journey of addiction, self-destruction, and ultimately survival that finally comes in the shape of love and motherhood.
Source: Bookshop