‘Godslap’ Review: Hyperviolence in Black-and-White with a Hint of Red


Comic books have been a neglected medium in recent times. They have basically become the source material for other more profitable mediums like movies, and video games, which is great. However, people seem to forget that they can be their own art form in their own right and are certainly capable of telling stories in full. They don’t need to be the pamphlets of other mediums, and so comes Godslap, a new comic book that is set on telling its own story using the medium to its advantage, and the result is quite striking.

Godslap is the creation of Meatier Productions, which includes the famous YouTuber, Charlie White, also known as, Cr1TiKal, among its founder members. White, along with Jackson Clarke, Matt Philips, and Danny Palmer, are counted among the creators of the property. Stephanie Philips serves as the writer of the project, Ricardo Jaime does the art, white Troy Peteri and Jackson Clarke have their hands on the lettering and the editing, respectively.

Godslap is a hyperviolent action comic book that tells the story of Aius, Darius, and Cyann as they embark on an adventure, searching for answers about themselves and the world. The story takes the protagonist through the underground lair of Montpelier, a den of criminals and all sorts of sketchy individuals that can eat you alive at every corner. When the innocent and yet powerful Aius decides to step into this territory, he will clash face-to-face with forces beyond his comprehension.

Godslap really stands out from other indie comics from the moment you turn the first page. Comics is a very visual medium; the words that are on the page are just as important as the visuals. If both of these elements can attract your attention, then you are set for a good time. Godslap goes hard when it comes to visuals, and Ricardo Jaime proves he is one of the best artists working at the moment. The comic goes for this striking white-and-black style that will certainly remind many of the famous Sin City comics.


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There is a lot of Sin City here, not only because the comic is in black and white and thus hearkens to that famous work but also because of the atmosphere surrounding the setting of Montpelier. The city is a den of criminals and feels very much in line with the atmosphere of the unnamed city in Sin City. These are places of danger, corruption, and deception. Whoever steps into this kind of territory must be ready to fight for their lives. However, Godslap adds a bit of a science-fiction element that sets it apart from Frank Miller’s comic book.

The world of Godslap feels much closer to a classic cyberpunk setting than anything else. Cyberpunk already shares many elements with the noir genre, but here, the creators have decided to step away a bit from those elements and go more into the action side of things. The name itself, Godslap, already gives you a hint of what you are in for. This is a violent tale about superhuman individuals who have been enhanced to another level thanks to technological advancements and also a secret ancient technique that pulverizes everything in front of it.

The first two issues of the comic do a good job of setting the world and characters. The story isn’t particularly original. The character of Aius feels very much in line with other chosen ones who have been unaware of the world around them. And while it feels repetitive, it feels great having someone who can ask the right sort of questions. It is a narrative device that is used a lot, but it keeps being used for a reason. There is a mystery surrounding Aius and his origins, but there are already hints as to what those origins might be.

Godslap feels very much influenced not only by the cyberpunk genre and the manga presentation style but also draws from video games as well. There are hints of Capcom’s God Hand and even some close similarities to the Tekken storyline that will surely make some part of the audience feel like this story could be just as cool and entertaining as those. It is still too soon to judge the characters and their depth, but they sure look cool while destroying their enemies to a pulp with a good old-fashioned slap.

Godslap promises to be a story full of intrigue, action, and mystery, all the necessary components to tell a compelling and intriguing story. That is the word that can define the entire project so early in its run, intriguing. There is a lot of potential here, thanks to Ricardo Jaime’s art, which really stands out as the most impressive element of the comic so far. The characters do fall a bit on the thin side so far, but with just two issues out there, there is just so much characterization that can be done in such a short time.

In the end, Godslap presents an entertaining and intriguing new beginning to a new story that will try to make use of the comic format to really tell its own story. Of course, there is always the interest to go beyond the page and land a juicy TV or movie deal, but it would be pretty nice if the creators could focus on making the best comic book they make. Getting an adaptation is a pleasant goal, but just like in the world of manga, creating a book that can feel complete on its own should be the main goal for now.

SCORE: 8/10

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