Infinite Craft: Here’s How To Make Canada


Infinite Craft allows you to craft pretty much everything you can think of. From terms such as competition to dinosaur and pop-culture characters, there’s really no end to combination implemented within the game. But what about countries? We’re pleased to let you know that you can in fact create almost all countries in the world, let’s start with Canada.

  • Article Breakdown:
  • You can create Canada in Infinite Craft by combining Maple leaf and Fire.
  • You can create the United States by combining the Transcontinental Railroad and Earth.
  • Japan is created by combining sushi and land.

How to create Canada in Infinite Craft?

Canada is created by combining Maple Leaf with fire, really simple right? Even if you’re starting from scratch the process involved only 23 steps. Let’s get started:

  1. Earth + Wind = Dust
  2. Fire + Water = Steam
  3. Dust + Earth = Planet
  4. Water + Water = Lake
  5. Planet + Steam = Steampunk
  6. Lake + Water = Ocean
  7. Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
  8. Earth + Water = Plant
  9. Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
  10. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  11. Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
  12. Dust + Water = Mud
  13. Plant + Steam = Tea
  14. Planet + Wind = Storm
  15. Mud + Steampunk Tree = Swamp
  16. Storm + Tea = Tempest
  17. Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
  18. Tempest + Wind = Tornado
  19. Plant + Tempest = Tree
  20. Tornado + Venus Flytrap = Funnel Cake
  21. Funnel Cake + Tree = Maple
  22. Maple + Tornado = Maple Leaf
  23. Fire + Maple Leaf = Canada

How to Create the United States in Infinite Craft?

Creating the United States is a bit more complicated than creating Canada because it requires you to create a Transcontinental Railroad. Let’s see how it’s done:

  1. Earth + Wind = Dust
  2. Fire + Water = Steam
  3. Dust + Earth = Planet
  4. Water + Water = Lake
  5. Planet + Steam = Steampunk
  6. Lake + Water = Ocean
  7. Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
  8. Earth + Fire = Lava
  9. Steampunk Pirate + Wind = Airship
  10. Earth + Water = Plant
  11. Airship + Lava = Dragon
  12. Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  13. Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
  14. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  15. Dandelion + Dragon = Dragonfly
  16. Plant + Steam = Tea
  17. Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
  18. Dust + Water = Mud
  19. Dragonfly + Dust = Fairy
  20. Earth + Tea = Teapot
  21. Mud + Steampunk Tree = Swamp
  22. Fairy + Plant = Flower
  23. Ocean + Ocean = Sea
  24. Swamp + Teapot = Witch
  25. Flower + Plant = Garden
  26. Lava + Sea = Stone
  27. Garden + Witch = Poison
  28. Poison + Stone = Snake
  29. Ocean + Stone = Island
  30. Snake + Steam = Train
  31. Island + Island = Continent
  32. Continent + Train = Transcontinental Railroad
  33. Earth + Transcontinental Railroad = United States


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Alternatively, you can create America which is much shorter only requiring you to craft Island & lake:

  1. Ocean + Earth = Island
  2. Island + Earth = Continent
  3. Continent + Lake = America

How to create Europe in Infinite Craft?

The process of creating Europe requires combining bath & continent, if you’re starting from scratch you’re going to need 34 elements to do it, here’s how it’s done:

  1. Earth + Wind = Dust
  2. Fire + Water = Steam
  3. Dust + Earth = Planet
  4. Water + Water = Lake
  5. Planet + Steam = Steampunk
  6. Lake + Water = Ocean
  7. Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
  8. Earth + Water = Plant
  9. Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
  10. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  11. Plant + Steam = Tea
  12. Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
  13. Dust + Water = Mud
  14. Earth + Tea = Teapot
  15. Mud + Steampunk Tree = Swamp
  16. Planet + Wind = Storm
  17. Ocean + Ocean = Sea
  18. Earth + Fire = Lava
  19. Swamp + Teapot = Witch
  20. Storm + Tea = Tempest
  21. Lava + Sea = Stone
  22. Steam + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Pirate Ship
  23. Dust + Witch = Broom
  24. Tempest + Water = Tsunami
  25. Planet + Planet = Star
  26. Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone = Stonehenge
  27. Broom + Dust = Clean
  28. Star + Tsunami = Black Hole
  29. Ocean + Stone = Island
  30. Steam + Stonehenge = Time
  31. Black Hole + Clean = Dirty
  32. Island + Island = Continent
  33. Dirty + Time = Bath
  34. Bath + Continent = Europe

How to create Japana in Infinite Craft?

Now that we’ve discovered most of the things needed to create Japan, the process is fairly simple all you need to do is combine Land & Sushi:

  1. Plant + Water = Swamp
  2. Swamp + Plant = Venus Flytrap
  3. Venus Flytrap + Ocean = Seaweed
  4. Seaweed + Mountain = Sushi
  5. Earth + Continent = Land
  6. Land + Sushi = Japan

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