Infinite Craft: Here’s How To Make South Park & Cartman

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Infinite Craft allows you to craft almost anything, from natural phenomena such as clay, and rain, to sports, mirrors, stadiums, etc. But the most notable things that people like to create are pop-culture references. So far, we’ve explored the world of SpongeBob and One Piece. We’ve also created Satoru Gojo using a lengthy recipe, and now it’s time to create South Park and its characters. Let’s go.

  • Article Breakdown:
  • To create South Park in Infinite Craft you need to combine cartoons & spite.
  • To create Cartman you need to combine human & South Park

Creating South Park in Infinite Craft

You would probably think that South Park was created by combining South & park, well it’s not that was the first combo I’ve tried, and the process turned out to be lengthier than expected. The recipe I got combines cartoon and spite to create South Park and it’s a lengthy process with nearly 400 steps. The good news is however that you’re going to craft a lot of stuff along the way that’s going to be useful in the future. Let’s go.

  1. Earth + Wind = Dust
  2. Fire + Water = Steam
  3. Dust + Earth = Planet
  4. Water + Water = Lake
  5. Earth + Water = Plant
  6. Planet + Steam = Steampunk
  7. Lake + Water = Ocean
  8. Fire + Wind = Smoke
  9. Dust + Plant = Pollen
  10. Plant + Wind = Dandelion
  11. Dust + Lake = Mud
  12. Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
  13. Plant + Steam = Tea
  14. Planet + Wind = Storm
  15. Plant + Plant = Tree
  16. Lake + Ocean = Sea
  17. Earth + Fire = Lava
  18. Pollen + Smoke = Bee
  19. Dandelion + Dandelion = Dandelion Patch
  20. Mud + Water = Swamp
  21. Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
  22. Storm + Tea = Tempest
  23. Dust + Tree = Wood
  24. Lava + Sea = Stone
  25. Steam + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Pirate Ship
  26. Bee + Wind = Breeze
  27. Dandelion Patch + Lake = Duck
  28. Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
  29. Steampunk Plant + Wind = Airship
  30. Tempest + Wind = Tornado
  31. Fire + Wood = Campfire
  32. Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone = Stonehenge
  33. Breeze + Steam = Cloud
  34. Duck + Water = Duckling
  35. Tree + Venus Flytrap = Carnivore
  36. Airship + Lava = Dragon
  37. Dust + Ocean = Sand
  38. Ocean + Tempest = Tsunami
  39. Stone + Tornado = Avalanche
  40. Earth + Tea = Teapot
  41. Campfire + Earth = Charcoal
  42. Steam + Stonehenge = Time
  43. Cloud + Venus Flytrap = Cloud Trap
  44. Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
  45. Duck + Duckling = Family
  46. Carnivore + Swamp = Crocodile
  47. Dandelion + Dragon = Dragonfly
  48. Dust + Sand = Sandstorm
  49. Avalanche + Tsunami = Disaster
  50. Swamp + Teapot = Witch
  51. Charcoal + Dust = Diamond
  52. Airship + Fire = Crash
  53. Lake + Time = Aeon
  54. Cloud Trap + Sea = Fish
  55. Steampunk Tree + Swamp = Tree of Life
  56. Earth + Family = Farm
  57. Planet + Planet = Star
  58. Crocodile + Earth = Egypt
  59. Dragonfly + Dust = Fairy
  60. Disaster + Sandstorm = Dust Bowl
  61. Steam + Witch = Broom
  62. Crash + Diamond = Emerald
  63. Aeon + Time = Eternity
  64. Witch + Witch = Witch Hut
  65. Fish + Lake = Fishing
  66. Steam + Tree of Life = Evolution
  67. Fish + Water = Fishbowl
  68. Farm + Plant = Food
  69. Plant + Star = Sun
  70. Egypt + Plant = Papyrus
  71. Earth + Fairy = Gnome
  72. Sea + Smoke = Fog
  73. Dust Bowl + Wind = Dust Storm
  74. Broom + Dust = Clean
  75. Tea + Tempest = Typhoon
  76. Crash + Emerald = Green
  77. Aeon + Eternity = Forever
  78. Time + Witch Hut = Wizard
  79. Fishing + Wind = Kite
  80. Evolution + Time = Human
  81. Fire + Fishbowl = Goldfish
  82. Food + Food = Meal
  83. Disaster + Time = History
  84. Lake + Sun = Sunset
  85. Gnome + Papyrus = Scroll
  86. Fog + Plant = Mushroom
  87. Steam + Stone = Geysir
  88. Dust Storm + Planet = Mars
  89. Fire + Steam = Engine
  90. Clean + Stone = Slate
  91. Ocean + Wood = Boat
  92. Fire + Typhoon = Volcano
  93. Dust Storm + Venus Flytrap = Dust Trap
  94. Dragon + Dragon = Dragon Egg
  95. Forever + Green = Money
  96. Smoke + Wizard = Genie
  97. Kite + Stone = Paper
  98. Dust + Human = Mummy
  99. Goldfish + Swamp = Piranha
  100. History + Meal = Thanksgiving
  101. Ocean + Sunset = Beach
  102. Cloud + Scroll = Weather
  103. Geysir + Mushroom = Mushroom Cloud
  104. Engine + Mars = Rover
  105. Slate + Stone = Tablet
  106. Boat + Fog = Ghost Ship
  107. Fire + Venus Flytrap = Fire Trap
  108. Dandelion Patch + Duck = Duck and Cover
  109. Dust + Volcano = Ash
  110. Plant + Sand = Cactus
  111. Volcano + Wizard = Eruption
  112. Dust Trap + Plant = Flower
  113. Plant + Witch = Poison
  114. Food + Swamp = Gator
  115. Dragon Egg + Pollen = Dragon Flower
  116. Genie + Money = Rich
  117. Mummy + Paper = Wrap
  118. Piranha + Smoke = Vampire
  119. Beach + Thanksgiving = Turkey
  120. Planet + Weather = Climate
  121. Earth + Mushroom Cloud = Nuclear Winter
  122. Mars + Rover = Curiosity
  123. Breeze + Clean = Fresh
  124. Swamp + Tornado = Cyclone
  125. Plant + Tree = Forest
  126. Smoke + Tablet = Moses
  127. Ghost Ship + Smoke = Pirate Ship
  128. Fire + Fire Trap = Fireball
  129. Ash + Duck and Cover = Fallout
  130. Cactus + Mud = Clay
  131. Eruption + Sand = Glass
  132. Flower + Steam = Perfume
  133. Ghost Ship + Plant = Pirate
  134. Poison + Stone = Snake
  135. Cloud + Fish = Rainbow Trout
  136. Dragon Flower + Gator = Lizard
  137. Money + Rich = Richer
  138. Wrap + Wrap = Blanket
  139. Turkey + Vampire = Count
  140. Climate + Fire = Global Warming
  141. Cloud + Nuclear Winter = Acid Rain
  142. Curiosity + Curiosity = Question
  143. Fresh + Time = Fruit
  144. Cyclone + Fire = Fire Tornado
  145. Forest + Forest = Jungle
  146. Moses + Ocean = Parting
  147. Fireball + Pirate Ship = Cannon
  148. Engine + Fallout = Nuclear
  149. Clay + Pollen = Pot
  150. Glass + Lake = Mirror
  151. Perfume + Water = Scent
  152. Earth + Earth = Mountain
  153. Mushroom + Storm = Toadstool
  154. Glass + Pirate = Eye Patch
  155. Snake + Steam = Train
  156. Lizard + Rainbow Trout = Salamander
  157. Blanket + Richer = Warmer
  158. Count + Count = Number
  159. Acid Rain + Global Warming = Climate Change
  160. Question + Question = Answer
  161. Campfire + Time = Story
  162. Fire + Sun = Solar
  163. Fruit + Lava = Peach
  164. Clean + Water = Drink
  165. Engine + Fire Tornado = Fire Truck
  166. Fire + Mud = Brick
  167. Engine + Food = Fuel
  168. Dust Trap + Venus Flytrap = Flypaper
  169. Ocean + Stone = Island
  170. Jungle + Tsunami = Tiger
  171. Avalanche + Earth = Landslide
  172. Parting + Perfume = Farewell
  173. Cannon + Fire = Cannonball
  174. Nuclear + Steam = Power
  175. Mirror + Pot = Potato
  176. Scent + Swamp = Skunk
  177. Mountain + Mountain = Mountain Range
  178. Eye Patch + Toadstool = Mario
  179. Salamander + Train = Choo-Choo
  180. Number + Warmer = Hotter
  181. Answer + Climate Change = Denial
  182. Story + Wind = Tale
  183. Clean + Solar = Panel
  184. Mud + Peach = Pie
  185. Crash + Drink = Hangover
  186. Brick + Fire Truck = Fireplace
  187. Flypaper + Fuel = Glue
  188. Brick + Island = Prison
  189. Tiger + Tree = Tiger Woods
  190. Flypaper + Landslide = Sticky Situation
  191. Cannonball + Farewell = Goodbye
  192. Fire + Power = Energy
  193. Planet + Time = Universe
  194. Kite + Potato = Potato Chip
  195. Smoke + Star = Comet
  196. Cloud + Skunk = Smell
  197. Mountain Range + Volcano = Yellowstone
  198. Tornado + Venus Flytrap = Funnel Cake
  199. Fire + Glass = Lens
  200. Choo-Choo + Mario = Thomas
  201. Denial + Hotter = Not
  202. Panel + Tale = Comic
  203. Clean + Pie = Whole
  204. Clean + Steam = Iron
  205. Glass + Hangover = Morning
  206. Fireplace + Stone = Oven
  207. Flower + Plant = Garden
  208. Glue + Plant = Vine
  209. Dust + Prison = Prisoner
  210. Diamond + Mud = Ring
  211. Sticky Situation + Tiger Woods = Divorce
  212. Energy + Goodbye = Hello
  213. Tsunami + Universe = Black Hole
  214. Ocean + Potato Chip = Salt
  215. Comet + Volcano = Meteor
  216. Smell + Volcano = Sulfur
  217. Water + Yellowstone = Geysers
  218. Fairy + Funnel Cake = Carnival
  219. Lens + Swamp = Microscope
  220. Carnivore + Wind = Vulture
  221. Thomas + Time = Tomorrow
  222. Comic + Not = Serious
  223. Crash + Whole = Wreck
  224. Glass + Tornado = Shatter
  225. Earth + Iron = Metal
  226. Morning + Mud = Muddy
  227. Crash + Oven = Toast
  228. Garden + Garden = Park
  229. Flower + Smoke = Incense
  230. Fog + Vine = Wine
  231. Prisoner + Time = Criminal
  232. Divorce + Ring = Single
  233. Hello + Human = Hi
  234. Black Hole + Tornado = Singularity
  235. Meteor + Salt = Seasoning
  236. Sulfur + Water = Acid
  237. Plant + Venus Flytrap = Carnivorous Plant
  238. Geysers + Lake = Hot Springs
  239. Lake + Mountain = Fjord
  240. Carnival + Plant = Parade
  241. Dust Storm + Microscope = Dust Mite
  242. Carnivore + Vulture = Hyena
  243. Serious + Tomorrow = Someday
  244. Shatter + Wreck = Destroy
  245. Drink + Metal = Can
  246. Dust + Muddy = Pig
  247. Metal + Mud = Coin
  248. Earth + Toast = Bread
  249. Garden + Park = Zoo
  250. Dust + Incense = Prayer
  251. Water + Wine = Holy Water
  252. Count + Criminal = Judge
  253. Flower + Mountain = Rose
  254. Number + Single = One
  255. Hi + Time = Hour
  256. Seasoning + Singularity = Spice
  257. Acid + Engine = Battery
  258. Water + Wind = Wave
  259. Campfire + Dust = Ghost
  260. Carnivorous Plant + Tornado = Flying Cow
  261. Hot Springs + Plant = Spa
  262. Cloud + Microscope = Rain
  263. Pollen + Swamp = Allergy
  264. Earth + Fjord = Land
  265. Dust Mite + Parade = Pride
  266. Hyena + Steam = Laughter
  267. Dragon + Someday = Never
  268. Can + Destroy = Cancel
  269. Dandelion + Pig = Pigweed
  270. Bread + Coin = Economy
  271. Earth + Zoo = Animal
  272. Emerald + Lava = Obsidian
  273. Holy Water + Prayer = Miracle
  274. Flower + Judge = Jury
  275. One + Rose = Unity
  276. Hour + Not = Minute
  277. Engine + Spice = V8
  278. Battery + Diamond = Drill
  279. Microscope + Wave = Radio
  280. Ghost + Witch = Halloween
  281. Flying Cow + Mud = Flying Pig
  282. Spa + Wind = Spin
  283. Clean + Iron = Wrinkle
  284. Iron + Rain = Rust
  285. Dandelion + Volcano = Fireworks
  286. Allergy + Farm = Hay
  287. Land + Sunset = Sunrise
  288. Laughter + Pride = Satisfaction
  289. Cancel + Never = Always
  290. Pigweed + Plant = Cotton
  291. Animal + Economy = Market
  292. Obsidian + Stonehenge = Portal
  293. Jury + Miracle = Verdict
  294. Minute + Unity = Moment
  295. Ash + V8 = Vulcan
  296. Drill + Mirror = Periscope
  297. Funnel Cake + Tree = Maple
  298. Dust + Radio = Dusty Springfield
  299. Halloween + Time = Pumpkin
  300. Flying Pig + Mud = Muddy Pig
  301. Brick + Spin = Top
  302. Rust + Wrinkle = Age
  303. Green + Wind = Leaf
  304. Brick + Fireworks = House
  305. Hay + Plant = Horse
  306. Earth + Sunrise = Day
  307. Always + Satisfaction = Guarantee
  308. Cotton + Flower = Fabric
  309. Market + Mirror = Shop
  310. Flower + Water = Lily
  311. Portal + Stone = Gate
  312. Moment + Verdict = Decision
  313. Periscope + Vulcan = Spock
  314. Maple + Tornado = Maple Leaf
  315. Cloud + Dusty Springfield = Son of a Preacher Man
  316. Diamond + Fog = Frost
  317. Glass + Tsunami = Shard
  318. Pumpkin + Water = Soup
  319. Muddy Pig + Plant = Triffid
  320. Age + Top = Hat
  321. Emerald + Leaf = Four Leaf Clover
  322. History + House = Museum
  323. Horse + Wind = Pegasus
  324. Stone + Stone = Boulder
  325. Day + Time = Week
  326. Fabric + Guarantee = Quality
  327. Shop + Time = Closed
  328. House + Swamp = Mansion
  329. Mirror + Obsidian = Black
  330. Cloud + Lily = Angel
  331. Decision + Gate = Choice
  332. Maple Leaf + Spock = Canadian
  333. Son of a Preacher Man + Steam = Soul
  334. Frost + Frost = Ice
  335. Glass + Shard = Broken
  336. Engine + Soup = Souped-up
  337. Triffid + Wind = Tumbleweed
  338. Four Leaf Clover + Hat = Leprechaun
  339. Crash + Museum = Art
  340. Boulder + Pegasus = Rocking Horse
  341. Not + Week = Weak
  342. Closed + Quality = Quantity
  343. Lake + Mirror = Narcissus
  344. Wind + Wine = Balloon
  345. Mansion + Water = Swimming Pool
  346. Angel + Black = Devil
  347. Canadian + Choice = Eh
  348. Not + Soul = Body
  349. Engine + Ice = Refrigerator
  350. Broken + Stone = Gravel
  351. Souped-up + Steam = Steamroller
  352. Leprechaun + Tumbleweed = Lucky
  353. Art + Art = Masterpiece
  354. Rocking Horse + Smoke = Unicorn
  355. Quantity + Weak = Few
  356. Balloon + Narcissus = Ego
  357. Brick + Swimming Pool = Water Slide
  358. Fish + Swamp = Frog
  359. Engine + Human = Mechanic
  360. Devil + Paper = Contract
  361. Body + Eh = Be
  362. Economy + Fire = Inflation
  363. Hangover + Stone = Headache
  364. Plant + Refrigerator = Salad
  365. Engine + Gravel = Road
  366. Planet + Steamroller = Flat Earth
  367. Lucky + One = Seven
  368. Masterpiece + Time = Classic
  369. Tea + Unicorn = Magic
  370. Ego + Few = Fewer
  371. Water + Water Slide = Fun
  372. Frog + Smoke = Prince
  373. Crash + Mechanic = Repair
  374. Be + Contract = Became
  375. Headache + Inflation = Pain
  376. Salad + Star = Superstar
  377. Flat Earth + Road = Road Trip
  378. Classic + Seven = Seventh
  379. Fewer + Magic = Less
  380. Fun + Fun = Funner
  381. Charcoal + Water = Pencil
  382. Frog + Prince = Kiss
  383. Became + Repair = Repaired
  384. Not + Pain = Pleasure
  385. Road Trip + Superstar = Tour
  386. Less + Seventh = Sixth
  387. Ego + Funner = Funnier
  388. Earth + Pencil = Drawing
  389. Kiss + Soup = Spit
  390. Pleasure + Repaired = Pleased
  391. Sixth + Tour = Tours
  392. Drawing + Funnier = Cartoon
  393. Pleased + Spit = Spite
  394. Cartoon + Tours = Cartoons
  395. Cartoons + Spite = South Park


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How to create Cartman in Infinite Craft?

To create Cartman in Infinite Craft you need to combine Human with South Park:

  1. Water + Fire = Steam
  2. Steam + Earth = Mud
  3. Earth + Wind = Dust
  4. Dust + Earth = Planet
  5. Wind + Fire = Smoke
  6. Smoke + Water = Fog
  7. Planet + Fog = Venus
  8. Venus + Mud = Adam
  9. Adam + Venus = Eve
  10. Adam + Eve = Human
  11. Human + South Park = Cartman

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