Infinite Craft: Here’s How To Make South Park & Cartman
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Infinite Craft allows you to craft almost anything, from natural phenomena such as clay, and rain, to sports, mirrors, stadiums, etc. But the most notable things that people like to create are pop-culture references. So far, we’ve explored the world of SpongeBob and One Piece. We’ve also created Satoru Gojo using a lengthy recipe, and now it’s time to create South Park and its characters. Let’s go.
Creating South Park in Infinite Craft
You would probably think that South Park was created by combining South & park, well it’s not that was the first combo I’ve tried, and the process turned out to be lengthier than expected. The recipe I got combines cartoon and spite to create South Park and it’s a lengthy process with nearly 400 steps. The good news is however that you’re going to craft a lot of stuff along the way that’s going to be useful in the future. Let’s go.
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Fire + Water = Steam
- Dust + Earth = Planet
- Water + Water = Lake
- Earth + Water = Plant
- Planet + Steam = Steampunk
- Lake + Water = Ocean
- Fire + Wind = Smoke
- Dust + Plant = Pollen
- Plant + Wind = Dandelion
- Dust + Lake = Mud
- Ocean + Steampunk = Steampunk Pirate
- Plant + Steam = Tea
- Planet + Wind = Storm
- Plant + Plant = Tree
- Lake + Ocean = Sea
- Earth + Fire = Lava
- Pollen + Smoke = Bee
- Dandelion + Dandelion = Dandelion Patch
- Mud + Water = Swamp
- Plant + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Plant
- Storm + Tea = Tempest
- Dust + Tree = Wood
- Lava + Sea = Stone
- Steam + Steampunk Pirate = Steampunk Pirate Ship
- Bee + Wind = Breeze
- Dandelion Patch + Lake = Duck
- Plant + Swamp = Venus Flytrap
- Steampunk Plant + Wind = Airship
- Tempest + Wind = Tornado
- Fire + Wood = Campfire
- Steampunk Pirate Ship + Stone = Stonehenge
- Breeze + Steam = Cloud
- Duck + Water = Duckling
- Tree + Venus Flytrap = Carnivore
- Airship + Lava = Dragon
- Dust + Ocean = Sand
- Ocean + Tempest = Tsunami
- Stone + Tornado = Avalanche
- Earth + Tea = Teapot
- Campfire + Earth = Charcoal
- Steam + Stonehenge = Time
- Cloud + Venus Flytrap = Cloud Trap
- Smoke + Steampunk Plant = Steampunk Tree
- Duck + Duckling = Family
- Carnivore + Swamp = Crocodile
- Dandelion + Dragon = Dragonfly
- Dust + Sand = Sandstorm
- Avalanche + Tsunami = Disaster
- Swamp + Teapot = Witch
- Charcoal + Dust = Diamond
- Airship + Fire = Crash
- Lake + Time = Aeon
- Cloud Trap + Sea = Fish
- Steampunk Tree + Swamp = Tree of Life
- Earth + Family = Farm
- Planet + Planet = Star
- Crocodile + Earth = Egypt
- Dragonfly + Dust = Fairy
- Disaster + Sandstorm = Dust Bowl
- Steam + Witch = Broom
- Crash + Diamond = Emerald
- Aeon + Time = Eternity
- Witch + Witch = Witch Hut
- Fish + Lake = Fishing
- Steam + Tree of Life = Evolution
- Fish + Water = Fishbowl
- Farm + Plant = Food
- Plant + Star = Sun
- Egypt + Plant = Papyrus
- Earth + Fairy = Gnome
- Sea + Smoke = Fog
- Dust Bowl + Wind = Dust Storm
- Broom + Dust = Clean
- Tea + Tempest = Typhoon
- Crash + Emerald = Green
- Aeon + Eternity = Forever
- Time + Witch Hut = Wizard
- Fishing + Wind = Kite
- Evolution + Time = Human
- Fire + Fishbowl = Goldfish
- Food + Food = Meal
- Disaster + Time = History
- Lake + Sun = Sunset
- Gnome + Papyrus = Scroll
- Fog + Plant = Mushroom
- Steam + Stone = Geysir
- Dust Storm + Planet = Mars
- Fire + Steam = Engine
- Clean + Stone = Slate
- Ocean + Wood = Boat
- Fire + Typhoon = Volcano
- Dust Storm + Venus Flytrap = Dust Trap
- Dragon + Dragon = Dragon Egg
- Forever + Green = Money
- Smoke + Wizard = Genie
- Kite + Stone = Paper
- Dust + Human = Mummy
- Goldfish + Swamp = Piranha
- History + Meal = Thanksgiving
- Ocean + Sunset = Beach
- Cloud + Scroll = Weather
- Geysir + Mushroom = Mushroom Cloud
- Engine + Mars = Rover
- Slate + Stone = Tablet
- Boat + Fog = Ghost Ship
- Fire + Venus Flytrap = Fire Trap
- Dandelion Patch + Duck = Duck and Cover
- Dust + Volcano = Ash
- Plant + Sand = Cactus
- Volcano + Wizard = Eruption
- Dust Trap + Plant = Flower
- Plant + Witch = Poison
- Food + Swamp = Gator
- Dragon Egg + Pollen = Dragon Flower
- Genie + Money = Rich
- Mummy + Paper = Wrap
- Piranha + Smoke = Vampire
- Beach + Thanksgiving = Turkey
- Planet + Weather = Climate
- Earth + Mushroom Cloud = Nuclear Winter
- Mars + Rover = Curiosity
- Breeze + Clean = Fresh
- Swamp + Tornado = Cyclone
- Plant + Tree = Forest
- Smoke + Tablet = Moses
- Ghost Ship + Smoke = Pirate Ship
- Fire + Fire Trap = Fireball
- Ash + Duck and Cover = Fallout
- Cactus + Mud = Clay
- Eruption + Sand = Glass
- Flower + Steam = Perfume
- Ghost Ship + Plant = Pirate
- Poison + Stone = Snake
- Cloud + Fish = Rainbow Trout
- Dragon Flower + Gator = Lizard
- Money + Rich = Richer
- Wrap + Wrap = Blanket
- Turkey + Vampire = Count
- Climate + Fire = Global Warming
- Cloud + Nuclear Winter = Acid Rain
- Curiosity + Curiosity = Question
- Fresh + Time = Fruit
- Cyclone + Fire = Fire Tornado
- Forest + Forest = Jungle
- Moses + Ocean = Parting
- Fireball + Pirate Ship = Cannon
- Engine + Fallout = Nuclear
- Clay + Pollen = Pot
- Glass + Lake = Mirror
- Perfume + Water = Scent
- Earth + Earth = Mountain
- Mushroom + Storm = Toadstool
- Glass + Pirate = Eye Patch
- Snake + Steam = Train
- Lizard + Rainbow Trout = Salamander
- Blanket + Richer = Warmer
- Count + Count = Number
- Acid Rain + Global Warming = Climate Change
- Question + Question = Answer
- Campfire + Time = Story
- Fire + Sun = Solar
- Fruit + Lava = Peach
- Clean + Water = Drink
- Engine + Fire Tornado = Fire Truck
- Fire + Mud = Brick
- Engine + Food = Fuel
- Dust Trap + Venus Flytrap = Flypaper
- Ocean + Stone = Island
- Jungle + Tsunami = Tiger
- Avalanche + Earth = Landslide
- Parting + Perfume = Farewell
- Cannon + Fire = Cannonball
- Nuclear + Steam = Power
- Mirror + Pot = Potato
- Scent + Swamp = Skunk
- Mountain + Mountain = Mountain Range
- Eye Patch + Toadstool = Mario
- Salamander + Train = Choo-Choo
- Number + Warmer = Hotter
- Answer + Climate Change = Denial
- Story + Wind = Tale
- Clean + Solar = Panel
- Mud + Peach = Pie
- Crash + Drink = Hangover
- Brick + Fire Truck = Fireplace
- Flypaper + Fuel = Glue
- Brick + Island = Prison
- Tiger + Tree = Tiger Woods
- Flypaper + Landslide = Sticky Situation
- Cannonball + Farewell = Goodbye
- Fire + Power = Energy
- Planet + Time = Universe
- Kite + Potato = Potato Chip
- Smoke + Star = Comet
- Cloud + Skunk = Smell
- Mountain Range + Volcano = Yellowstone
- Tornado + Venus Flytrap = Funnel Cake
- Fire + Glass = Lens
- Choo-Choo + Mario = Thomas
- Denial + Hotter = Not
- Panel + Tale = Comic
- Clean + Pie = Whole
- Clean + Steam = Iron
- Glass + Hangover = Morning
- Fireplace + Stone = Oven
- Flower + Plant = Garden
- Glue + Plant = Vine
- Dust + Prison = Prisoner
- Diamond + Mud = Ring
- Sticky Situation + Tiger Woods = Divorce
- Energy + Goodbye = Hello
- Tsunami + Universe = Black Hole
- Ocean + Potato Chip = Salt
- Comet + Volcano = Meteor
- Smell + Volcano = Sulfur
- Water + Yellowstone = Geysers
- Fairy + Funnel Cake = Carnival
- Lens + Swamp = Microscope
- Carnivore + Wind = Vulture
- Thomas + Time = Tomorrow
- Comic + Not = Serious
- Crash + Whole = Wreck
- Glass + Tornado = Shatter
- Earth + Iron = Metal
- Morning + Mud = Muddy
- Crash + Oven = Toast
- Garden + Garden = Park
- Flower + Smoke = Incense
- Fog + Vine = Wine
- Prisoner + Time = Criminal
- Divorce + Ring = Single
- Hello + Human = Hi
- Black Hole + Tornado = Singularity
- Meteor + Salt = Seasoning
- Sulfur + Water = Acid
- Plant + Venus Flytrap = Carnivorous Plant
- Geysers + Lake = Hot Springs
- Lake + Mountain = Fjord
- Carnival + Plant = Parade
- Dust Storm + Microscope = Dust Mite
- Carnivore + Vulture = Hyena
- Serious + Tomorrow = Someday
- Shatter + Wreck = Destroy
- Drink + Metal = Can
- Dust + Muddy = Pig
- Metal + Mud = Coin
- Earth + Toast = Bread
- Garden + Park = Zoo
- Dust + Incense = Prayer
- Water + Wine = Holy Water
- Count + Criminal = Judge
- Flower + Mountain = Rose
- Number + Single = One
- Hi + Time = Hour
- Seasoning + Singularity = Spice
- Acid + Engine = Battery
- Water + Wind = Wave
- Campfire + Dust = Ghost
- Carnivorous Plant + Tornado = Flying Cow
- Hot Springs + Plant = Spa
- Cloud + Microscope = Rain
- Pollen + Swamp = Allergy
- Earth + Fjord = Land
- Dust Mite + Parade = Pride
- Hyena + Steam = Laughter
- Dragon + Someday = Never
- Can + Destroy = Cancel
- Dandelion + Pig = Pigweed
- Bread + Coin = Economy
- Earth + Zoo = Animal
- Emerald + Lava = Obsidian
- Holy Water + Prayer = Miracle
- Flower + Judge = Jury
- One + Rose = Unity
- Hour + Not = Minute
- Engine + Spice = V8
- Battery + Diamond = Drill
- Microscope + Wave = Radio
- Ghost + Witch = Halloween
- Flying Cow + Mud = Flying Pig
- Spa + Wind = Spin
- Clean + Iron = Wrinkle
- Iron + Rain = Rust
- Dandelion + Volcano = Fireworks
- Allergy + Farm = Hay
- Land + Sunset = Sunrise
- Laughter + Pride = Satisfaction
- Cancel + Never = Always
- Pigweed + Plant = Cotton
- Animal + Economy = Market
- Obsidian + Stonehenge = Portal
- Jury + Miracle = Verdict
- Minute + Unity = Moment
- Ash + V8 = Vulcan
- Drill + Mirror = Periscope
- Funnel Cake + Tree = Maple
- Dust + Radio = Dusty Springfield
- Halloween + Time = Pumpkin
- Flying Pig + Mud = Muddy Pig
- Brick + Spin = Top
- Rust + Wrinkle = Age
- Green + Wind = Leaf
- Brick + Fireworks = House
- Hay + Plant = Horse
- Earth + Sunrise = Day
- Always + Satisfaction = Guarantee
- Cotton + Flower = Fabric
- Market + Mirror = Shop
- Flower + Water = Lily
- Portal + Stone = Gate
- Moment + Verdict = Decision
- Periscope + Vulcan = Spock
- Maple + Tornado = Maple Leaf
- Cloud + Dusty Springfield = Son of a Preacher Man
- Diamond + Fog = Frost
- Glass + Tsunami = Shard
- Pumpkin + Water = Soup
- Muddy Pig + Plant = Triffid
- Age + Top = Hat
- Emerald + Leaf = Four Leaf Clover
- History + House = Museum
- Horse + Wind = Pegasus
- Stone + Stone = Boulder
- Day + Time = Week
- Fabric + Guarantee = Quality
- Shop + Time = Closed
- House + Swamp = Mansion
- Mirror + Obsidian = Black
- Cloud + Lily = Angel
- Decision + Gate = Choice
- Maple Leaf + Spock = Canadian
- Son of a Preacher Man + Steam = Soul
- Frost + Frost = Ice
- Glass + Shard = Broken
- Engine + Soup = Souped-up
- Triffid + Wind = Tumbleweed
- Four Leaf Clover + Hat = Leprechaun
- Crash + Museum = Art
- Boulder + Pegasus = Rocking Horse
- Not + Week = Weak
- Closed + Quality = Quantity
- Lake + Mirror = Narcissus
- Wind + Wine = Balloon
- Mansion + Water = Swimming Pool
- Angel + Black = Devil
- Canadian + Choice = Eh
- Not + Soul = Body
- Engine + Ice = Refrigerator
- Broken + Stone = Gravel
- Souped-up + Steam = Steamroller
- Leprechaun + Tumbleweed = Lucky
- Art + Art = Masterpiece
- Rocking Horse + Smoke = Unicorn
- Quantity + Weak = Few
- Balloon + Narcissus = Ego
- Brick + Swimming Pool = Water Slide
- Fish + Swamp = Frog
- Engine + Human = Mechanic
- Devil + Paper = Contract
- Body + Eh = Be
- Economy + Fire = Inflation
- Hangover + Stone = Headache
- Plant + Refrigerator = Salad
- Engine + Gravel = Road
- Planet + Steamroller = Flat Earth
- Lucky + One = Seven
- Masterpiece + Time = Classic
- Tea + Unicorn = Magic
- Ego + Few = Fewer
- Water + Water Slide = Fun
- Frog + Smoke = Prince
- Crash + Mechanic = Repair
- Be + Contract = Became
- Headache + Inflation = Pain
- Salad + Star = Superstar
- Flat Earth + Road = Road Trip
- Classic + Seven = Seventh
- Fewer + Magic = Less
- Fun + Fun = Funner
- Charcoal + Water = Pencil
- Frog + Prince = Kiss
- Became + Repair = Repaired
- Not + Pain = Pleasure
- Road Trip + Superstar = Tour
- Less + Seventh = Sixth
- Ego + Funner = Funnier
- Earth + Pencil = Drawing
- Kiss + Soup = Spit
- Pleasure + Repaired = Pleased
- Sixth + Tour = Tours
- Drawing + Funnier = Cartoon
- Pleased + Spit = Spite
- Cartoon + Tours = Cartoons
- Cartoons + Spite = South Park
How to create Cartman in Infinite Craft?
To create Cartman in Infinite Craft you need to combine Human with South Park:
- Water + Fire = Steam
- Steam + Earth = Mud
- Earth + Wind = Dust
- Dust + Earth = Planet
- Wind + Fire = Smoke
- Smoke + Water = Fog
- Planet + Fog = Venus
- Venus + Mud = Adam
- Adam + Venus = Eve
- Adam + Eve = Human
- Human + South Park = Cartman
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