35 Best Eternals Quotes & Dialogues You Won’t Forget Soon (Movie & Comics)

Best Eternals Quotes & Dialogues


This article brings you the best of The Eternals’ quotes. No matter if you are a fan of Ikaris, Ajak, Gilgamesh, or any other Eternal hero, we have quotes ready for you.

We will bring you the best quotes from Eternals MCU movie and quotes from Eternals comics. Quotes from comics will come from Neil Gaiman’s run and the original Jack Kirby Eternals comics.

Let’s check out the best Eternals quotes below.

Best Eternals movie quotes

“I am Ajak. I am He Who Speaks to Celestials. I am your friend.”

– Ajak

“Hail to the Celestial hosts and those who lead them! We, the reflections of your image, await the meaning of your new mission.”

– Ajak

“Their kind is as old as the stars! Their home is the vast universe!”

– Ajak

“Throughout the years, we have never interfered. Until. Now.”

– Ajak

“5 years ago Thanos erased half of the population of the univers. But the people of this planet brought everyone back with the snap of a finger.”

– Ajak

“I’m just destroying the Eternals. I’m not destroying the Earth.”

– Phastos

“We have watched and guided. We have helped them progress and seen them accomplish wonders.”

– Ajak

“So now that Captain Rogers and Iron Man are both gone, who do you thinks gonna lead The Avengers?”- Sprite
“I could lead them.” – Ikaris

“The sudden return of the population provided the necessary energy for the emergence to begin.”

– Ajak

“We came here 7000 years ago to protect humans from the Deviants.”

– Sersi


Who Are Eros And Pip The Troll In The Eternals?

“Why didn’t you guys help fight Thanos? Or any war? Or all the other terrible things throughout history?”

– Dane

“We were instructed not to interfere in any human conflicts unless Deviants were involved.”

– Sersi

“If this is what the end of the world looks like, at least we have front row seats.”

– Sprite

“You know what’s never saved the planet? Your sarcasm.”

– Phastos

“We have loved these people since the day we arrived.”

– Thena

“When you love something, you protect it.”

– Thena

“Then the time of subtlety is past! Eternals, follow me! The Game is death!”

– Ikaris

“Have no fear for me, girl! The sky is part of my environment! To an Eternal, it is home!”

– Ikaris

“You can’t protect any of them.”

– Kro

“I bet you’ve built the perfect safe house. And what’s this even made of? Vibranium?” – Ikaris
“Fall collection. IKEA.” – Phastos

“What about if I told you that you’d lost your memory, but that you’re over half a million years old, you have powers you’ve never dreamed of?”

– Ikaris

Best Eternals quotes from the comics

“We do not choose sides. Countries are lines drawn in the sand. Empires rise and fall. We are timeless. We will still be here tomorrow, and a hundred centuries from now.”

– Eternals

“If you saw two groups of children arguing over which of them could play in some waste ground, would you choose sides?”

– Morjak

“You Eternals have long lives, but short memories. The changing people have short lives, but we do not forget.”

– Zuras

“Did you spend ten-thousand human lifetimes studying this God-Being? Do you decipher the complexities of its language, the utterance of which would tip a mortal mind into madness?”

– Ajak

“Hail to the Celestial hosts and those who lead them! We, the reflections of your image, await the meaning of your new mission..”

– Ajak

“For the sake of the Earth, Forgotten One…you must destroy the Eternals!”

– Ajak

“It is said that when this object calls to the gods — They will return once more to Earth!”

– Ikaris

“Have no fear for me, girl! The sky is part of my environment! To an Eternal, it is — home!”

– Ikaris

“Blast this century of world wars, mini-wars, and guerrilla wars! Are we now to revive a cosmic war!!??”

– Zuras


20 Strongest Eternals (Ranked)

“Our task is to unite all our species in an effort to deal peacefully with the Space-Gods!”

– Thena

“He is designated the “One Above All”! Most likely the Celestial name for the commander of the Fourth Host! The mission of this Host is to fulfill what these Celestials term as a fifty year judgment, and what we are witnessing now is the beginning of this work!”

– Zuras

“Silence! The decision is mine to make. So shall it be for all eternity, most exalted of Deviants!”

– Tode

“Why can’t we all just get along? The fighting– there is no reason for it. There’s never been a reason. There never will be a reason. It’s one thing for humans to never learn that– their lifespans are short, you turn your head for just a moment, and an entire generation has gone by. But why can’t the other Eternals dumb out what I’ve known since the Pleistocene.”

– Sersi

“Uncle…I-I don’t know what to say. For a millenium, you were a father to me.

And you did me honor more than my natural son ever did, Ikaris. But Thena was right… Our people had grown stagnant here upon the Earth. Our destiny lies among the stars… We learned that much within the Uni-Mind!”

– Ikaris and Valkin
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