Minecraft: Here’s How To Play the Game on a Tablet


Ever since the official release of Minecraft back in 2011, there were numerous times when players were left confused about which version is what and what devices you can play the versions on. This is mainly due to Mojang’s weird naming system for all its base Minecraft games and later releases. If you’re a tablet user, you’re probably wondering if you can play the game on your tablet you can and how.

  • Article Breakdown:
  • Any tablet running Android 6 Marshmallow or above with a minimum of 1GB RAM can successfully run Minecraft.
  • To download, you have to go into the Google Play Store and purchase Minecraft for 7 USD; If you have a tablet like Amazon Fire, you can simply download it from the Apps & Games icon.
  • You can also download it if you’re an iPad user.

Is there a tablet version of Minecraft?

There is no tablet version of Minecraft officially. Players can play the Pocket Edition, a version available for all Android and iOS devices with Google Services. That excludes Huawei users from enjoying the official paid version, but you can still manage to find apk’s for free but not without its consequences, so here’s a list of the consequences you face if downloading Minecraft APKs:

  1. You run the risk of downloading viruses along with the APK
  2. You won’t be able to make a Microsoft Account
  3. You won’t get the newest version, it’ll likely be an older version
  4. There’s a possibility that you’ll accidentally download a totally different app
  5. The game will be really laggy

As Minecraft grows, the system requirements for the devices you can play it on grow with it. Each new version brings new updates and takes a more brutal toll on your device, so it is precisely why you can’t play it properly on anything other than a device running Android 6 ”Marshmallow” or above with 1GB of RAM minimum.


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How to find the Android version on your tablet?

To check the specifications of your tablet and the Android version you’re running, you’ll have to manage on your own since there are way too many devices and all have different ways of accessing this information. I’ll keep the info as general as possible using the example of a generic Android and Apple tablet. So, to check your Android version and system specifications, follow these steps:

  1. On your Android phone, navigate to Settings.
  2. Scroll down until you find the System menu, open it
  3. This will then display info like CPU, RAM, ROM, and battery info
  4. Another option is to navigate to About Phone which will display all the necessary info as well
  5. For Apple devices (even though they don’t run Android but you might want to check RAM) go to Settings, General, About

No guarantees

These recommendations, or rather limits for which tablets and devices can play the Pocket Edition Minecraft come directly from Mojang and are applied as of November 2022. This does not guarantee that your problems with the game will be solved though as some devices may still experience lag and the game crashing, even if they meet the requirements.

Improving stability

To try and combat the problem of your game crashing you can take action. None of these tips guarantee that it’ll not lag, and not all will work, so I suggest you try something and check if your problems are fixed. If not, continue down the list of possible solutions and repeat the process.

  1. Upgrade to the most recent version of Android
  2. Reduce Render Distance in the game. Navigate to Video Settings and reduce it from the default 20 to 16 or even less if you find it necessary
  3. In the Settings Menu in-game, change the Graphics Settings to Fast. This will help render faster
  4. Change Cloud Settings to Off
  5. Change Particles Settings to Decreased or Minimal
  6. If additional programs are running in the background while you’re playing, try to exit them so that only Minecraft is running.

Can you play Minecraft Java on tablets?

Minecraft Pocket Edition is not as fully featured as the Java version, and it’s no wonder. The devices you’re able to run it on wouldn’t be able to handle or process that much information, and so you’re limited to what the developers made the Pocket Edition for, even though Pocket Edition is still Bedrock.

If you’ve never heard that you can succeed in playing Minecraft Java on your tablet and phone, the reason might be that Mojang does not officially support this version, so you might run into some trouble if you decide to download it. Although I do not recommend, you do this since Minecraft PE is only 7 USD in app stores, if your problems with the game lie in the fact that it’s just not as good as Java, here’s what you can do to change that.

With some help from the Pojav launcher, you can experience Minecraft Java on any Android device, jailbroken iOS device, and Chromebook. For information on how to download the launcher and how to play all the latest versions of Minecraft with it, you can find all the necessary information on their website.

The risks of Pojav Launcher

It would be best to get info on whether or not the launcher is safe to use from another source, but Pojav creators guarantee that the launcher is safe to use and doesn’t contain any harmful programs and executables. Microsoft considered the launcher illegal in the past, but this has changed, and it is not illegal in their eyes.

The launcher abides by the Minecraft EULA as well and does not redistribute game files on other servers. It’s a free and open-source launcher, but this is not guaranteed if you download the launcher from a nonofficial source or if the device you’re running it on is jailbroken; this would be the case with iOS users.


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On what devices can you play Minecraft for free?

If you remove the fact that Minecraft Java can be played on Android devices for free, you’re left with absolutely no devices on which you can play Minecraft for free. You’ll be able to play the demo version, but after 100 minutes or so, you’ll be locked out of your world and be forced to buy it. Another way you can play it for free is to play the browser version of classic Minecraft. There’s not much to do on this version, and you can’t save worlds.

Minecraft was and remains one of the cheapest games out there, and for that reason, it’s always best to just go with the official versions!

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