Suicide Squad ISEKAI Anime: Handlers and Original Characters Revealed
‘Suicide Squad Isekai’ is an upcoming anime series adapted from DC Comics’ renowned Suicide Squad, situated in an alternate dimension. Produced by Wit Studio and backed by Warner Bros. Japan, the series is under the direction of Eri Osada. Tappei Nagatsuki and Eiji Umehara handle series composition and screenplay, while Naoto Hosoda designs characters from a draft by manga artist Akira Amano. Kenichiro Suehiro contributes to the musical score. Slated for a 2024 debut, the opening theme, ‘Another World,’ will be performed by Tomoyasu Hotei. Recently, Crunchyroll disclosed a new character roster along with the voice actors set to embody both classic DC characters and characters original to the show.
Taku Yashiro lends his voice to Rick Flag, Chika Anzai voices Katana, Kujira portrays Amanda Waller, Reina Ueda brings Fione to life, Mamiko Noto voices Aldora, and Jun Fukushima takes on the role of Cecil.
The released synopsis unveils that the series unfolds in Gotham City. Amanda Waller, head of A.R.G.U.S., assembles a team of infamous criminals comprising Harley Quinn, Deadshot, Peacemaker, Clayface, and King Shark for a perilous mission. Transported to a fantastical realm connected to theirs, they confront orcs, dragons, and magic, embarking on a true Isekai adventure. With explosive implants in their necks, failure is fatal, propelling Harley Quinn and her crew into navigating the hazardous Isekai realm.
At AnimeJapan 2024 on March 23, seven cast members will grace a stage event for Suicide Squad ISEKAI. The lineup features Anna Nagase as Harley Quinn, Yuuichirou Umehara as Joker, Reigo Yamaguchi as Deadshot, Jun Fukuyama as Clayface, Taku Yashiro as Rick Flag, Kujira as Amanda Waller, and Reina Ueda as Fione. Moreover, the Warner Bros. Japan booth will premiere the latest trailer and visuals for the series.
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