All 4 Seasons of ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ in Order (Including OVAs, Specials, Movies & Spinoff)


The ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ anime franchise is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Nakaba Suzuki. The story is set in a fantasy world where a group of powerful knights known as the Seven Deadly Sins, who were accused of treason against the Kingdom of Liones, disbanded after being falsely accused. The Holy Knights, who later staged a coup, took control of the kingdom. The princess, Elizabeth Liones, embarks on a journey to find the Seven Deadly Sins and seek their help to reclaim the kingdom.

The original manga was popular and well-received by the fans, so it’s no wonder that it’s anime adaptation is quite extensive. As of 2023 ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ franchise consists of 4 seasons with 96 Episodes, one special with four episodes, 3 OVAs, and three movies. Today, we’re going to tell you how to watch the whole franchise in order.

Editor’s Note: This watch order was updated in November 2023 with the release of The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse.

All 4 ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Seasons in release date order (including OVAs, specials, and movies)

The general reaction to the “Seven Deadly Sins” anime has been mixed, with both positive and negative feedback from viewers and critics. Many viewers appreciated the anime for its intense action sequences, dynamic animation, and well-choreographed fight scenes. However, there were some pacing issues, which was the most reported critique, as well as problems with animating quality. Since the franchise is massive, we decided to first break it down by release date order:

  1. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Season 1 (2014-2015)
  2. ‘Bandit Ban’ OAD/OVA (2015)
  3. ‘Heroes Fun Time: Extra Stories Compilation’ (2015)
  4. ‘Special: Signs of Holy War’ (2016) – 4 Episodes
  5. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Season 2 Revival of The Commandments (2018)
  6. ‘Heroes’ Frolic’ OAD / OVA (2018)
  7. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins the Movie: Prisoners of the Sky’
  8. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Season 3 Imperial Wrath of The Gods (2019-2020)
  9. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Season 4 Dragon’s Judgement (2021)
  10. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light’ (2021)
  11. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh: Pt 1. (2022)
  12. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh: Pt 2’ (2023)
  13. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse’ Season 1 (2022-2023)

Are all seasons of ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ connected with the movies, specials, and spinoff anime? What’s the best way to watch the series?

All seasons, movies, spinoffs, and specials are connected and are part of the same continuity. The movies released following the conclusion of the anime are also part of the same Universe, as well as ‘Four Knights of the Apocalypse’ released in 2023. The best way to approach watching ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ is in chronological order, however.

Entire ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ franchise in chronological order

When it comes to ‘The Seven Deadly Sins, ‘ it has a rather straightforward timeline to follow that mostly corresponds to the release date order. Here’s the full timeline:

  1. ‘Bandit Ban’ OAD/OVA (2015)
  2. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Season 1 (2014-2015)
  3. ‘Heroes Fun Time: Extra Stories Compilation’ (2015)
  4. ‘Special: Signs of Holy War’ (2016) – 4 Episodes
  5. The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of Commandments Season 2 (2018)
  6. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins the Movie: Prisoners of the Sky’
  7. ‘Heroes’ Frolic’ OAD / OVA (2018)
  8. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Season 3 ‘Imperial Wrath of The Gods’ (2019-2020)
  9. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ Season 4 ‘Dragon’s Judgement’ (2021)
  10. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light’ (2021)
  11. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh: Pt 1. (2022)
  12. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh: Pt 2’ (2023)
  13. ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse’ Season 1 (2022-2023)

The first OVA takes place sometime before the events of the first season, which is followed by a second OVA and a 4-episode special. There comes the season 2. The first movie in the franchise ‘Prisoners of the Sky’ takes place after the second season, but it’s not canon, so it can be skipped.

The movie is then followed by ‘Heroes’ Frolic’ OVA and Season 3, followed by Season 4. The second movie ‘Cursed by Light’ is set exactly halfway through the last episode of Season 4 and adapts the manga’s last chapter.

‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh’ takes place 14 years after the defeat of the Demon Clan and is set between the events of Season 4 and the spinoff anime ‘Four Knights of the Apocalypse.’ The spinoff is currently the most recent point in the timeline, and your watch order should end with it.


The Seven Deadly Sins’ Power Levels, Ranked from Weakest to Strongest

Where to watch ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ anime & movies?

Two OVA episodes ‘Bandit Ban’ and ‘Heroes Fun Time’ were never subbed or dubbed, and they cannot be found on any major streaming services you will have to look elsewhere. Four seasons of the anime, including the 4-episode special, can be streamed on Netflix.

The movies ‘Prisoners of the Sky,’ ‘Cursed by Light’ and ‘Grudge of Edinburgh’ can also be found on Netflix. The spinoff is also on Netflix.

Will there be more seasons and movies in the ‘The Seven Deadly Sins’ franchise?

The spinoff anime ‘The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse’ is currently ongoing; after that, who knows? There’s plenty of material to cover in the spinoff manga, and a second season is certainly possible. We will update you when we have more news!

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