Where Is ‘Silo’ Filmed? Filming Locations Revealed
Silo has developed into one of the most popular Apple TV+ shows of 2023 as Sci-Fi fans enjoy the dystopian mystery thriller that promises an unending string of interesting mysteries with every new episode. The show follows a group of the last 10,000 people on earth living in a mile-deep silo repurposed to keep the last remnants of humanity alive. They have no idea who created the silo, but they have to follow a strict code of rules. To recreate such a fascinating plot, Apple managed to find a location that looks like a real giant silo leaving many fans wondering where it was filmed.
The show, which has been in the works since 2015, was previously taken up by 20th Century Fox after they bought production rights for Hugh Wooly’s book trilogy Wool. After being bought out by Disney in 2018, they abandoned the project in 2018 as part of a mass shelving of films that year. Apple Plus then picked it up in 2019. It was then announced that a star-studded cast, including David Oyelowo, Tim Robbins, and Rashida Jones, was named, with Rebecca Ferguson named in the lead role. Filming began in August of 2021 in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, in what were previously distribution warehouses.
While filming, Silo was called Wool after Hugh Howey’s Wool Trilogy, the source material for the TV Show’s script. The immaculate recreation of the countless staircases has fascinated many fans. Rebecca Fergusson confirmed that the whole cast became fit because of climbing the countless staircases daily while filming. It is still fascinating to imagine how warehouses recreated the spectacular silo set, which looks like a labyrinth, so let’s delve into it.
What is Silo about?
Silo follows a group of 10,000 apocalypse survivors who live together in an underground silo and who have no idea how they ended up in there, but they know they can’t leave because the world outside is uninhabitable.
They are forced to abide by a strict code of rules, including being prohibited from looking into the community’s past.
Everything regarding The Silo’s history seems to disappear after an event they call “the uprising,” Apparently, a group of people revolted against the rules, and many died.
It is also prohibited for the people that dwell inside The Silo to say they want to get out because that request will be granted to one’s peril since the world outside is toxic and whoever goes to the surface immediately chokes to death.
Law and order in The Silo is maintained by a Sheriff, chosen by a mayor and a group of powerful people called Justice, who seem to hold the key to most of The Silo’s mysteries.
The first Sheriff introduced was Holston (David Oyelowo), whose wife, Allison, becomes the first person to be sent out of The Silo.
Allison discovers some Silo secrets, including a secret conspiracy that only allows certain people to get pregnant, and demanded to leave, believing everything else about The Silo’s rules to be lies shaped to keep people obedient.
She is soon followed by her husband, and their exit sparks a series of events that shake up the community, and now more people want to discover the hidden secrets of their mysterious home.
The role of keeping everything goings falls to Juliette Nichols after Holston nominates her before his request to get out.
Nichols is an engineer who has just taken over her dead boyfriend’s project investigating The Silo’s secrets and has no clue how to maintain law and order and keep everyone safe.
Viewers, therefore, get to discover the mysteries of The Silo through Juliette’s investigation while also watching her do everything to keep everyone alive as everything seems to be on the brink of falling apart.
Silo filming locations revealed
Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire
Hertfordshire, England, has emerged as one of the most popular film-production destinations in the world, with many production companies, including Warner Bros keeping permanent studios there.
AMC, which produces Silo for Apple TV+, built a temporary studio at the Charlton Mead Lane industrial estate in February 2021, anticipating the commencement of the filming of Silo in August.
The Studio is believed to have been leased for up to five years, which gives hope to fans expecting future seasons of the hit Sci-Fi show.
The internal scenes of the show are therefore shot in the former distribution warehouses with high-quality editing and the use of blue screens, making them look like rooms lined up on different levels of the mysterious Silo.
The most fascinating part of the set is the staircases which have developed into a character on the show in itself. In Hugh Howey’s books, the only way to move from one level of The Silo to another is by foot via the unending staircase that traverses hundreds of levels.
To recreate that staircase, the team build three levels of staircases in a former refrigerated warehouse in the same industrial estate in Hoddesdon.
The three level-staircases are therefore added to every level of The Silo using a blue screen to make them look like a natural part of the building.
When the filming began, the working title for the show was Wool, after Hugh Howey’s dystopian book trilogy used as the source material for the script.
The title change to Silo is believed to have happened in 2022 when most of the filming had been completed.
Other Filming Locations
There are few street and outdoor scenes in Silo, which means most of the photography could have been sufficiently accommodated in the temporary studios.
There has been no talk of filming anywhere apart from Hertfordshire from the cast and crew as well, which leads us to believe that most of the scenes were created inside the same studios.
Other scenes outside of Hertfordshire are believed to have been shot in London, while editing and post-production which is done by AMC, was done in London as well.