Where to Watch the Berserk (1997) Anime?

Where to Watch the Berserk (1997) Anime?


Berserk is a dark fantasy manga by Kentarō Miura. The manga was adapted into an animated series of 25 episodes between October 1997 and March 1998. A trilogy of animated films was produced between 2012 and 2013. A new animated adaptation was released between July 2016 and June 2017. Although Miura’s premature death put plans for the series’ continuation on hold, we now know that the manga is going to continue, while the future of the anime remains uncertain. In this article, we are going to tell you where you can watch the original 1997 Berserk anime series online.

Sadly, the 1997 version of the Berserk anime cannot be watched on any major streaming service. In fact, it is not known whether it can be streamed anywhere in the world, save for some private YouTube channels, but we’re honestly not certain about the legality of these sources, so we don’t have any good news for you here.

Berserk is definitely not an obscure title, but the original anime is quite old and it is understandable that people still want to see it, but also that it is not available easily. Although it only has one season and just 25 episodes, it has become an absolute cult classic among the otaku communities around the world. In this article, we are going to give you the ultimate guide for watching the anime series online.

Where to watch Berserk (1997)?

As of July 2022, the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime is not available on any known major streaming service, including some local ones. This anime series is quite old and has not been remastered. And while it has been released on home media, no streaming service seems to have it on their slate. There are, certainly, illegal sites where you can find the anime, but we don’t endorse piracy here at Fiction Horizon.

We know that the subbed episodes are available on YouTube, but we are not certain about the legality of these videos so we cannot link them here. There might be some lesser-known local streaming platforms where you can find the show, but these platforms are not available in the West so you won’t be able to watch them. Hopefully, someone decides to acquire the show in the near future.

Sadly, the anime is not available for streaming elsewhere.

Is Berserk (1997) available on Netflix?

The 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime is actually not available on Netflix, which isn’t overly surprising, seeing that Netflix usually offers either big titles or its own co-productions, and the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime does not fit in either of the categories.

Netflix is doing a great job in providing its subscribers with great streaming content, but it does have some restrictions. In this case, the restriction is absolute, as the show is not available in any region of the world. So, if you have a Netflix account and are looking to watch the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime, we don’t have any good news for you.

Is Berserk (1997) available on Crunchyroll?

Surprisingly, the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime is not available for streaming on Crunchyroll, the biggest anime distributor for the Western market. Crunchyroll usually has all of the episodes of an anime series, but the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime seems to be an exception, as you cannot stream it on the platform.

If you want to watch some other great anime titles, Crunchyroll is your best option if you ask us, but, sadly, the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime is not on the site.

Is Berserk (1997) available on Disney+?

Disney+ does not offer any Berserk content, regardless of the iteration, which is, as you probably know by now, not surprising as Disney+ is generally very conservative when original content created by other studios is concerned, and anime is not just that, it is also direct competition for Disney, who takes pride in its original animated content. On top of that, this kind of content is definitely not compatible with Disney.

However, if you prefer Western animation and maybe some other anime series (although the offer is quite limited), Disney+ offers quite a few of them.

One of these animated series is The Simpsons, which is still very popular with 33 seasons as of December 2021. Some other similar shows, both animated and live-action, that might attract your attention include Gravity FallsThe Mighty Ducks, and the Star Wars series, including the very popular The Mandalorian.

Is Berserk (1997) available on Funimation?

The 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime is not available on Funimation either. The best dubbed-anime source in the US doesn’t offer this series to its subscribers, which is a bit surprising, but if Crunchyroll doesn’t have it, Funimation won’t have it either.

One major issue with Funimation, in general, is that it is not available around the world, so even if you could stream the complete 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime series, you’d only be able to access it from a limited number of countries. Luckily, these problems don’t apply to this show.

Is Berserk (1997) available on Hulu?

The 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime is not available for streaming on Hulu, neither the subbed, nor the dubbed version of the show. Hulu is not one of the major players in the world of streaming, but nonetheless, it has a solid anime library, which is why it’s a bummer that the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime is not in it.

Hulu is a streaming service that primarily offers live-action shows and movies, but, as we have said, there’s also a lot of anime, although the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime is, unfortunately, not among the anime in Hulu’s library. Another big issue is that Hulu is not available around the world so there are certain restrictions if you don’t live in the United States.

As you can see, Hulu is not a good place to look for the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime, as it doesn’t have it in its library, but it wouldn’t be your best pick even if it had it, since the location restrictions on Hulu are large and if you’re a non-US fan, you’d have a lot of trouble with Hulu.

Is Berserk (1997) available on HBO Max?

The 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime cannot be streamed on HBO Max either. Namely, the streaming service simply doesn’t have the show among its titles, so if you’re a subscriber and have been looking to see the show, we don’t have any good news for you.

But, if you actually do have a free trial or an ongoing subscription to HBO Max, you can also watch other great anime shows, some of which are true classics that need to be watched regardless of whether you’re a fan or not.

Luckily, HBO Max has a truly great anime library so fans will definitely find something for themselves if they want to explore other shows aside from the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime. Some other great anime on HBO Max include Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Death Note, Jujutsu Kaisen, and Re:ZERO.

Is Berserk (1997) available on Amazon Prime?

The 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime still isn’t available for streaming on Amazon Prime. This is relatively strange as Amazon Prime has a solid slate of anime on its service, but it seems that the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime isn’t on it at this moment. This, sadly, also includes Amazon’s non-Prime pay-per-view library, which means that you cannot rent or buy the individual episodes of the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime either.

Now, as we have said above, what surprised us the most is the fact that Amazon doesn’t even offer the anime episodes for purchase, as it does with a lot of other shows via its pay-per-view model (for example, One Piece or Black Clover). Such series cannot be streamed, but you can buy each episode individually and then own them, so you can watch them anytime you want.

One advantage of the rent or buy option on Amazon is the lack of restriction, either in time or location. Anywhere in the world, you can buy any available season or episode of a show, which is a good thing since some streaming services don’t offer their full slate for all countries. Once rented, you have only a limited amount of time to watch each episode for the same price, whereas with a purchased copy, you have unlimited time.

But, sadly, none of this applies to the 1997 iteration of the Berserk anime, whether you’re an Amazon Prime member or not.

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