20 Best One Piece Villains Ranked

Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece is an amazing series, not just because it really is awesome, but also because it’s now a piece of history. Monkey D. Luffy and his gang of Straw Hat Pirates have traveled the world and been on many adventures, fighting and defeating numerous villains along the way. And these villains are going to be the topic of this article, as we have decided to give you the list of the 20 best One Piece villains in the history of the franchise.
20. Kuzan / Aokiji
Aokiji, whose real name is Kuzan, is initially an admiral, but after Akainu’s appointment as Grand Admiral he leaves the Navy. He is a very lazy man and always takes a relaxed attitude regardless of his situation.
He is a follower of moral justice: in particular, mindful of the destruction of Ohara. He argues that justice can be followed and applied without creating innocent victims. Aokiji ate the Rogia Frost Frost fruit, which makes him an iceman.
He is able to instantly transform the opponent into ice, as well as being able to freeze vast stretches of sea. His face is inspired by that the Japanese actor Yūsaku Matsuda.
19. Borsalino / Kizaru
Kizaru, whose real name is Borsalino, is a Navy admiral. He appears as a careless, absent, and forgetful man. He usually speaks in a very calm and composed way and never breaks down, even in the face of problematic situations, in which he often sarcastically mimics fear or amazement.
Kizaru bases his conduct on the so-called vague justice: he doesn’t seem to feel pity for the criminals, but he doesn’t get to involve innocent people and hit his men for their hesitation. Kizaru ate the Rogia Pika Pika fruit, which allows him to become a man of light.
Like all owners of a Rogia fruit, he can become intangible at will since his body is entirely made up of photons that can rejoin if the body is damaged; he is also capable of firing laser-like beams of light as well as hitting the opponent and moving at the speed of light. His face is inspired by that of the Japanese actor Kunie Tanaka.
18. King
King, nicknamed “King the Conflagration,” is a pirate member of the Beasts Pirates led by Kaido. He is one of the three “Disasters” of the Beast Pirates. It is part of the Lunarias race, an almost extinct species native to the Red Line capable of creating and manipulating fire.
King is a very tall man, and he seems almost as tall as Jack, who is already huge; besides, a rather tall man like Fukurokuju looks very small next to him. He wears black clothes, a mask on his face, and wears glasses as well as a pointed hat. As one of the three Disasters, he is one of Kaidou’s right-hand men.
17. Charlotte Cracker
Charlotte Cracker, nicknamed “Thousand-Armed Cracker” is the Minister of Biscuits governing Biscuits Island on Totto Land as well as one of the Sweet Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates. He is the 10th son and 15th child of the Charlotte Family, as well as the triplet brother of Custard and Angel, and is the oldest of the three.
Cracker is a slim and muscular man. Her mauve haircut forms a sort of very high and very long bun, as well as two more on the sides with flames at each end and a few hairs forming a strand on her forehead. His eyes are long and thin and he has a scar on his right eye.
He is often seen with a broad smile. He wears a mauve-pink cape with white dots resting only on his left shoulder, a belt formed from what appear to be bits of biscuit, and brown pants and boots.
16. Charlotte Katakuri
Charlotte Katakuri is Big Mom’s second child as well as the Minister of Flour and one of the three Sweets Generals; a bounty of 1,057,000,000 Berries hangs over her head. According to Brulee, not only has he never been defeated but he has never even been knocked down.
He has a very wide mouth full of fangs that he always keeps hidden by a scarf and that he only discovers when he has to eat: in these moments, he isolates himself completely, killing anyone who sees him, even if only by mistake.
Cold and solitary, in public, he shows a very calm and refined attitude, while in private, he reveals himself as greedy without any restraint as much as Big Mom; despite this, he has a great sense of loyalty and honor towards opponents he deems worthy of merit.
15. Señor Pink
Señor Pink can be considered a strong person, given that he participates in the Corrida Coliseum tournament and is part of the Don Quixote Doflamingo Pirates. His chances of winning a tournament are said to be 100% (the same goes for Dellinger, Lao G and Machvise). He is part of the fighter gang led by Diamante.
He seems to have great physical strength as he managed to lift and knock Franky down. Moreover, he managed to escape unscathed after receiving a missile from Franky and got back up despite his injuries, which is a testament to his incredible resilience. In addition, Pink managed to inflict heavy damage on Franky, and damage the metal that makes up his body.
14. Gecko Moria
Gecko Moria was a Sea Warrior, as well as one of the most experienced pirates in the entire Grand Line. Physically, he was able to get up for about ten minutes after a Gomu Gomu no Pistol and a Gomu Gomu no Storm from Nightmare Luffy knocked Oars off his feet. Also, he didn’t seem to be damaged when Nami’s thunder attack hit Oars. Due to his size, he can easily carry a normal human with one hand.
He was back on his feet and still fighting after a full-power impact from Jinbe (although the blow knocked him out of the battle for a while). Moria is also shown to be smart and strategic, showing interest in schemes on multiple occasions. Often, he plans for the future with his zombies, putting certain shadows on certain bodies and modifying the bodies to suit whatever his purpose is, given the circumstances.
13. Vinsmoke Judge
He is very famous globally since he is the head of Germa 66 and is, therefore, one of the greatest criminals and conquerors of North Blue. His reputation allows him to still be considered a king when Germa is no longer a kingdom and allows him to influence the mentions of the Primes since he ordered the mention “Only Alive” on the wanted poster of Sanji.
As king, he can take part in Reverie. He also has authority over Germa 66 being the ruler, giving him command of a very powerful military force. He defeated four Kings of North Blue, which further demonstrates his strength. These past positions and actions made Judge a household name in the underworld.
12. Magellan
As the warden of Impel Down, Magellan had full control of the prison. However, after the time skip, Hannyabal became headmaster, and Magellan was demoted to vice-headmaster. According to Mr. 2, Magellan is known to silence even the most dangerous prisoners. Indeed, all the prisoners are afraid of him. Even two former Corsair Captains, Crocodile, and Jinbe worried about Magellan’s near arrival during their escape.
Despite his demotion, he is still considered Impel Down’s most reliable and strong man. However, he spends most of his time in the bathroom due to his constant diarrhea. Added to the fact that he sleeps about eight hours a day (and discounting meals and breaks), he only works out about four hours a day. Nonetheless, he possesses both the authority and ability to execute any of the prisoners in Impel Down as he sees fit.
Magellan, despite being occupied with severe diarrhea for 10 hours a day and sleeping for 8 hours, is still able to easily coordinate the Impel Down defense squads in the event of a potential break-in or if the prisoners try to escape while being fully aware of all the mechanisms and traps of the prison.
11. Buggy the Clown
Although he was quite fearful, he was able to survive with Roger’s crew to the island prior to Laugh Tale. Having fallen ill just before going there, neither he nor Shanks were able to make it to Laugh Tale. It is unknown if he knows the story of the Missing Century with all its implications despite everything.
Buggy ate the Bara Bara no Mi or Fruit of Fragmentation, a Paramecia-type Devil Fruit that allows its user to separate from their limbs and control them separately. He can even make them fly. Only his feet are pinned to the ground, and any part of his body must be located within 200 meters of his feet; otherwise, this part becomes inert, and Buggy can no longer control it.
He seems to be the only One Piece character (so far) who can withstand Mihawk’s attacks and therefore afford to stand up to him. This may be one of the reasons why the world government decided to name him as one of the seven powerful corsair captains, which would make him stronger than everyone thinks. According to Brandnew, Buggy has become much more powerful.
10. Hody Jones
Being a fish-man, he is ten times stronger than an average human being and twice as strong in water. However, his strength is monstrous even by fish-man standards: he can completely destroy a huge stone wall just by grabbing it, and he can launch drops of water with such force that they hit like deadly bullets. Usopp pointed out that Arlong was nothing compared to Jones. Camie mentions to Nami that Jones’s mind is more dangerous than his strength.
In the anime, he fought against Zoro underwater, making him suffer, so he was able to fight at a level similar to that of the swordsman (although being underwater, he could not fight at his highest level). However, in the manga, he was defeated in a single attack and with no apparent difficulty by the member of the Straw Hat Pirates.
During his time in the Neptune Army, he was recognized as a particularly talented soldier. As such, he gained knowledge and experience in combat techniques on the battlefield.
9. Arlong
Arlong is a fish-man, massive humanoid that is taller and stronger than any normal human. Arlong, however, is a very big one, even among fish-men. His power was said to be greater than Don Krieg, the strongest pirate in the East Blue.
As a Fish-Man, he is ten times stronger than an ordinary human and even stronger underwater. However, he appears to possess Super-Strength even by Fish-Man standards: he was seen raising a house with his bare hands in search of Usopp, and his powerful shark jaws are capable of bending metal, crushing stone, and ripping through the surface of meat.
He also has incredible resistance to pain: during his fight with Luffy, he knocked out many sets of his teeth, which quickly grew back, and put his broken nose back in its place without a wince. Arlong can also go into some kind of berserker mode when he gets angry. When this happens, his eyes take on an appearance similar to those of the Sea Kings. While he is in this state, both his strength and speed grow exponentially, making him much more dangerous than he already is.
8. Rob Lucci
Lucci is always accompanied by his faithful Hattori, who never leaves him, except when he fights. Upon breaking into Franky’s base, he shows the photo to Hatori. Being the strongest agent of all CP9, at 13, he was already endowed with superhuman strength when on his first mission, he eliminated 500 soldiers and took five cannonballs, which earned him the nickname of the cruelest executioner in CP9 history. His reputation is such that Vice Admirals believe he can even survive a Buster Call, the Navy’s most powerful attack.
Many soldiers consider him as a living legend feared by all and very powerful. He demonstrates this in his first fight against Luffy and when he easily sweeps Zoro away. During his operations or fights, even the Vice-Admirals do not try to intervene to help him. On the contrary, they even go so far as to destroy buildings to eliminate the enemy, claiming that Lucci will survive it.
He also has a good analytical mind since, after several exchanges with Luffy during his second fight, he understands that his Gear 2 is a doping technique that makes him more powerful but which weakens his body. Lucci’s physical stamina is absolutely outstanding: during his fight against Luffy, he will suffer a huge amount of damage that does not prevent him from wanting to face the entire Straw Hat Pirates.
7. Enel
Being the “God” of Skypiea, Enel had full control of the island, thanks in particular to his Mantra. He took this title too seriously. Enel is extremely powerful, and gives the impression of being weaker than many others due to Luffy being naturally immune to Goro Goro no Mi’s powers. Enel’s strength was demonstrated when he defeated Robin, Gan Forr, Wiperm, and Zoro easily and very quickly, without his opponents having had time to do anything.
Enel has great knowledge and awareness of items that many locals don’t, including the value of gold and its properties. This awareness allows him to keep these elements to himself. However, before Luffy arrived, he was unaware of the rubber’s existence.
He is also very perceptive and has an amazing ability to adapt. Despite his confidence, Enel’s prediction that the Survival Game would end with himself and four others turned out to be wrong, as he didn’t feel Luffy in Nola’s belly, but eliminated the ancient god, Gan Forr thinking to restore his prediction.
6. Charlotte Linlin / Big Mom
Charlotte Linlin, best known as Big Mom, is the only woman of the Four Emperors, captain of the pirates of Big Mom, as well as matriarch of the Charlotte family and queen of Totto Land. She is a giant 68-year-old woman characterized by a gargantuan appetite and a boundless love of sweets.
When Big Mom demands a certain sweet and doesn’t get it, she loses her mind and begins to destroy and devour everything around her, even killing her own children. Despite her cruelty, she cherishes the dream of making Totto Land a place where every race in the world can live free from segregation and discrimination.
Big Mom has obtained the power of the Paramisha Soul Soul fruit, which allows her to manipulate souls: thanks to this ability she is able to remove the soul from people only by touching them, completely or partially shortening their life.
5. Crocodile
Sir Crocodile is the main antagonist of the Alabasta arc and has appeared as the main antagonist of the eighth film as well.
He has very high self-esteem and believes very much in his own strength, which always leads him to treat anyone from top to bottom; he hardly loses his temper and always shows great intelligence and attention in every aspect of his plans, making sure that they can be successful even if they do not go as he had foreseen.
Crocodile has ingested the Rogia Sand Sand fruit, which allows it to turn into sand and make itself intangible to anything but liquids; the fruit also allows it to create storms and blades of sand and to dry up everything it touches by absorbing the liquid part.
Instead of his left hand, Crocodile has a large golden hook that hides a powerful poison capable of causing the opponent to suffer heart failure. Before joining the Fleet of Seven, a bounty of 81 million Berries hung on his head.
4. Sakazuki / Akainu
Akainu, whose real name is Sakazuki, is initially one of the three Navy admirals and later Grand Admiral in place of Sengoku. Cold, impassive, authoritarian, and ruthless, he harbors a visceral hatred of pirates and other criminals and is the one who most embodies the principles of absolute justice.
His loyalty does not seem to be directed to the Government itself but to the Navy and its ideal of justice, infuriated when he learns that even the Five Stars of Wisdom have been manipulated by Donquixote Doflamingo through the orders of the Celestial Dragons, towards whom he doesn’t seem to have any particular respect.
3. Donquixote Doflamingo
Donquixote Doflamingo, is the main antagonist of the arc of Dressrosa. Nicknamed “Heavenly Demon”, he is the captain of the Donquixoteclan and the king of Dressrosa.
One of the most politically and economically influential men in the world, he has long led the slave trade in the Sabaody Islands and is the leader of numerous criminal activities in the New World, acting under the pseudonym of Joker; furthermore, being aware of a secret concerning the celestial dragons, his authority can override even that of the grand admiral of the navy.
Doflamingo is a very cynical, ruthless, and indifferent individual and believes in the advent of a new era of piracy, in which there is no more room for dreamers and idealists. Doflamingo ingested the Paramisha Filo Filo fruit, which allows him to create threads from his hands and use them at will.
Thanks to them he can control a subject and move it like a puppet, he can use them to attack and cut, he can introduce them inside his body to repair damaged organs and, having awakened his fruit, transform the surrounding objects into threads to be manipulated. pleasure.
Prior to his entry into the Fleet of Seven, his bounty amounted to 340 million Berries.
2. Kaidou
Kaido is the last Emperor to appear in One Piece. He is nicknamed “The Lord of the Beasts” as he is the Governor-General of the Beasts Pirates, a huge army of Smile holders that he is supplied by Donquixote Doflamingo until he is arrested.
He is described as “the strongest creature in the world” because, despite having been defeated seven times, captured by the Navy, and his enemies eighteen times, has suffered thousands of tortures and has been sentenced to death forty times, he has always survived.
For this reason, he is considered immortal and he himself continually and unsuccessfully tries to commit suicide, so much so as to make it his favorite pastime.
1. Marshall D. Teach / Blackbeard
Marshall D. Teach, also known as Blackbeard, is one of the main antagonists of the One Piece manga. He is the captain of Blackbeard’s crew as well as a former subordinate of Whitebeard. After defeating and delivering Portuguese D. Ace to the Navy, he is accepted into the Fleet of Seven to replace the fallen Crocodile.
He then uses this position to break into Impel Down prison and recruit some of the most dangerous prisoners in history and then resign. With his new crew, he intervenes in the Battle of Marineford and, after killing Whitebeard, steals his power and then takes his place as a member of the Four Emperors.