150 Best Superman Quotes from Movies and Comics

Superman is, as we all know, one of the best, most popular, and strongest comic book characters ever. The guy has been around since 1938 and is one of DC Comics‘ biggest assets. Throughout his career, Superman has – for the most part – embodies the ideals of heroism and his name has, somewhat, become a synonym for superheroism in general.
Although he is more a man of action than a man of big words, Superman has had his fair share of great speeches and replies over the years and in this article, we are going to bring you a list of the best Superman quotes.
The list is going to include a total of 150 quotes from various sources, including movies, television shows, and, of course, comic books. The quotes are taken from various contexts and situations, and we have decided to group them based on the message they’re sending.
Best Inspirational Superman Quotes
“I do. I want the means to stop me to be in the hands of a man I can trust with my life.” (to Batman in Superman: The Man of Steel #21)
“It’s not about where you were born. Or what powers you have. Or what you wear on your chest. … It’s about what you do… It’s about action.” (to Superboy-Prime in Infinite Crisis)
“What do you do when faced by the impossible? You do the impossible. And that’s what we’re going to do.” (in Action Comics #14)
“I work hard at my job, Inspector. I won’t stop trying to expose the corruption in Metropolis. If that makes me an outsider or a freak, I’m fine with that.” (in Action Comics #3)
“Everyone on this block means more to me than I can say. You came together to celebrate instead of just tear things down. You were brave… when I was scared. And I’m never going to forget that. But I don’t want you to be brave anymore. Things are… Things are just too dangerous. I hoped it was just one bad cop. And then I thought it was just the shadow monsters. But it’s bigger than that. We haven’t figure it all out… we just know they’re not gonna stop. And here’s the truth… I’m not strong enough for this. Not anymore. I can’t be here to protect each of you. I’m going to do everything I possibly can. But it… it won’t be enough. You should walk away now. We all should. But… if you’re gonna stay… you have to protect yourselves… and one another. You’re all Superman now.” (in Action Comics #43)
“I’m here to stand up for people when they can’t stand up for themselves, and I’m here to help out and make things better any way I can. I’m here to stay.” (in Action Comics #8)
“Yesterday I said none of the miners would die. I can’t guarantee that either. I’m not a god. I’m just a person. Just like you. And I need your help, and you need mine. And even then, it might not be enough. But we have to trust each other or we don’t have any chance at all.” (in Batman/Superman #27)
“Listen to me. We can save everybody. We can do that together. We have to try Or will you really let your parents die?” (in Superman #37)
“This is a job for Superman. To pull people out of their despondence. To make them feel less alone. To give them confidence in a future. If they’re going to survive this night… they have to be able to picture a sunrise. They need to believe tomorrow will exist. They need hope.” (in Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe)
“No matter the consequences, I will always care.” (in Superman Red and Blue #1)
“Maybe the darkness you see… Maybe it takes everything you have to save your world. Maybe you make that choice.” (in Doomsday Clock #12)
“People need Superman. And that’s you now. I’m the man of tomorrow… you’re for the days after.” (in Superman: Son of Kal-El #3)
“You were tested in ways I couldn’t have handled at your age. That almost no one I know could have handled. And when you came back to us, somehow you were the same compassionate, selfless, outgoing, happy kid you were when you left. The resilience that must have taken, Jon. It defies all understanding. Your mom and I will always miss the little barn swallow that we lost. Always. But the next time you wonder if you measure up…or if you ever think of yourself as just “the son of Superman”…know that you’re the Superman against whom all heroes will be measured someday. The Superman that I aspire to be.” (in Superman #32)
“I’ll tell you something about glory. A hero doesn’t want it. The best day of my life will be the day the world doesn’t need me anymore. But until that day comes… I’ll never quit fighting for what’s right.” (in Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15)
“As long as I breathe, I’ve got to give everything to protecting this city — right down to my very last spark of energy!” (in Action Comics #727)
“Dreams save us. Dreams lift us up and transform us. And on my soul, I swear… until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice becomes the reality we all share — I’ll never stop fighting. Ever.” (in Action Comics #775)
“He took my happiness and ruined it. And yes I hated him for it. And yes, I also wanted revenge. But murder? No, not an option. Never has been. Never will be!” (in Action Comics #778)
“I’ll always be there. Always. It’s not the powers. Not the cape. It’s about standing up for justice. For truth. As long as people like you are out there, I’ll be there. Always.” (in Action Comics #840)
“I can do many things but I can’t protect you from yourselves. You have to believe in the good. You have to make sure you don’t surrender your freedoms for security. You can’t only hope for a better tomorrow, you have to work for it. I’ll be there to help, but that better world is up to you.” (in Man and Superman 100-Page Super Spectacular)
“I will never bow to your lunacy! I will never give in to a world so mindlessly cruel!” (in Superman: The Man of Steel #105)
“No cost is too great to save my world.” (in Superman: The Man of Steel #79)
“You’re Supermen and Superwomen. We’re all created equal, because we want to help, and nothing will ever destroy that as long as there’s one person left taking a breath with an ‘S’ on their chest.” (in Superman #16)
“I may have been conceived out there in the endless depths of space… but I was born when the rocket opened, on Earth, in America. I’ll cherish always the memories Jor-El and Lara gave me… but only as curious mementos of a life that might have been. Krypton bred me, but it was Earth that gave me all I am. All that matters. It was Krypton that made me Superman… but it is the Earth that makes me Human!” (in The Man of Steel #6)
“I believe in everything this flag stands for… But as Superman, I have to be a citizen of the world. I value all life, regardless of political borders.” (in Superman #53)
Best Funny Superman Quotes
“Close, Punk. Nothing beats Superman!” (to Deke Dickson in The Adventures of Superman #505)
“You could try asking people nicely.” (to Batman in Superman: Critical Condition)
“You’re right! Taking lives is something I definitely find offensive! But roughing up criminal terrorists a bit doesn’t faze me at all!” (in Action Comics #551)
“Did you ever wonder boys, how it would feel to fall from a great distance and be crushed to a pulp?” (in Action Comics #8)
“Hi there. Something wrong with the elevator?” (to a cat burglar in the movie Superman)
“You know, you really shouldn’t smoke, Miss Lane.” (in the movie Superman Returns)
“Is she with you?” (to Batman in the movie Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice)
“What? You’re supposed to be a brilliant tactician. Be more brilliant.” (in Batman/Superman #30)
“Your Batcave tried to kill us.” (in Batman/Superman #12)
“I’ve always been curious about “being” human. I’m aware of human feelings, but I’m not aware of feeling human. After a few times, I’ve come to enjoy it. Especially the food!” (in Superman #40)
“I wonder what Perry would say if he knew what a conflict of interest reporting on myself is? Not to mention how uncomfortable it makes me writing lionizing pieces about myself.” (in Superman #7)
“Hey, professional curiosity, you don’t have to answer… What happened to guys “like you” being too scared to set foot in Metropolis?” (in The Man of Steel #1)
“I’m not particularly fond of Gotham. It’s like someone built a nightmare out of metal and stone.” (unsourced comic book)
“Welcome to…well, I’m not all that certain which circle of hell this is, but I’m sure it’s pretty deep.” (in 52 Aftermath: The Four Horsemen #1)
“Do I look like a Bizarro?” (in Action Comics #1000000)
“Drop the Santa cap and back away from the reindeer before someone gets hurt.” (in Action Comics #762)
“Yes, it’s a little strange an Academy Award-winning actor is powered by a pan-dimensional energy supply that animates what appears to be a synthetic body… but unless he’s tossing buildings or trying to take over Metropolis, is it any of my business?” (in Action Comics #22)
“I don’t do ‘yield,’ Adam. I mostly do ‘painful beatdown.’ How many can I put you down for?” (in Action Comics #831)
“It’s a strange feeling. The fate of the world rests on the negotiating skills of a Kansas farm-boy.” (in Adventures of Superman #449)
“You have a very strange sense of humor, Dr. Palmer.” (in Batman/Superman #10)
“Use the Force, Luke. Oops, sorry! Wrong script! Use your brains!” (in Fanboy #1)
“Glitter… and dried parsley? You shot me with glitter and dried parsley?” (in Harley Quinn #19)
“Old song, Brainiac… you wouldn’t know it… I get by… with the help of my friends!” (in Superman: The Man of Steel #9)
“Around here the only one making lists is Santa Claus!” (in Superman #14)
“Sure. You hear the one about the smart-mouth vampire who got dropped onto the surface of the sun?” (in Superman and Batman vs. Vampires and Werewolves #3)
“Another one who wants to kill me? Is there a factory somewhere mass-producing these guys or what?” (in Superman #43)
“Fire that ring one more time and you’ll be wearing it in your nose!” (in Adventures of Superman #473)
“Yeah. A long time ago back in Smallville. He doesn’t seem to remember, which is its own miracle. I was hoping he wouldn’t anyway.” (talking about Lex Luthor in Superman: Birthright)
Best Badass Superman Quotes
“Nobody tears my city apart and gets away with it.” (in Superman #75)
” I don’t know what hole you crawled out of or where you came from, but I’m sending you back!” (in Superman #75)
“Enough, Doomsday! If you want to get your hands on my friends, you’re going to have to kill me first!” (in Superman #75)
“It’s a force of nature. But so am I.” (in Action Comics #25)
“If they came for me… I aim to deliver.” (in Action Comics #41)
“I won’t choose between any one life and another! All of these people are under my protection, you got that? Every living thing!” (in Action Comics #7)
“So, you’re in the dark. I was in the dark too, with Lois, I remember. But what I also remember, pal… you do all right in the dark.” (in Batman #37)
“I don’t know who created you or why you chose my city to invade, but this nightmare is going to end here and now!” (in Superman #4)
“You’ll do nothing, Officer! None of you will! This is my fight to finish! This is a job for Superman!” (in Superman #6)
“Two questions occur to me. First: Is it a trap? Very possibly. Second: If these “Phaelosians” are what they seem to be — if there are more of them, enslaved on Warworld — does it matter if it’s a trap? No. No, it does not.” (in Action Comics #1032)
“I rarely interfere in matters of governance or politics. But I will not let Warworld bring conflict and death to our home. I’m taking the fragment. Do not come looking for it again.” (in Action Comics #1034)
“No one dies today!” (in Action Comics #0)
“Do your worst, Luthor. Do it forever. I won’t break.” (in Action Comics #900)
“I don’t know what happened to make your world so tragically different from mine and right now, I don’t care. People I care about are in danger and I will move heaven and earth alike to keep them safe!” (in Convergence: Superman #2)
“Everyone, listen to me! These jerks killed Superboy. They’ve tried to kill us. Now they say they’re going to tear this city apart. I say… like hell.” (in Infinite Crisis)
“The Justice League are allies — friends of mine! You attack them, you have to deal with me!” (in JLA Classified #51)
“Beaten? Oh, I’m only getting started.” (in Superman: World of New Krypton #3)
“One lucky punch doesn’t mark the end of this. Round one is yours, maybe. This is round two!” (in Superman #678)
“I don’t care what Washington wants. No one treats my city this way… no one!” (in Superman #26)
“As many times as I’ve crossed words with Intergang — you should be aware that firing on me is more trouble than it’s worth!” (in Superman #60)
“He put the entire world in danger. I’ll decide when he’s finished.” (The Brave and the Bold #12)
“Is not one of you more muscle than fat? Or swifter than a slug? I demand a challenge of worth! Send forth your mightiest knight!” (The Brave and the Bold #10)
“He wants Supermen, then that’s what we give him–all in one place. Ring the dinner bell.” (in Superman #15)
“Something happening on the other side of Smallville, Ma – something that looks like a job for Superman!” (in Superman #8)
“You’ve killed my best friends… you’ve killed me… you will kill no more!” (in Superman #200)
“You heard me! I plead — NOT GUILTY!” (in Superman #106)
Best Love-Related Superman Quotes
“Each time I think I’ve made a connection with someone… once they find out what I can do, whether it’s hours or days later, everything changes. Invariably they freak. They get retroactively paranoid, wondering what else Clark Kent is hiding from them.” (in an e-mail to his mother, Martha, in Superman: Birthright)
“Just remember… no matter what happens… I’ll always love you. ALWAYS.” (to Lois Lane in Superman #75)
“My first instinct is to lie or shield her from it. But that’s just because I love her so much.” (in The Man of Steel #3)
“Lois is so understanding. It’s good to know there’ll never be a conflict between what she wants and what I have to do.” (in Action Comics #728)
“The only thing I’m ever afraid of when I put on this suit and do my thing… is that I might not see you again.” (in Action Comics #760)
“I’m Superman, Lois.” (in Superman: Secret Origin #6)
“We’ll love you forever, Dana… Till death… do… us… part….” (in Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #10)
“What would you do? You have a date with a woman you’re madly in love with. But if you go on that date, a village full of innocent people will die a horrible death. Could you live with making that choice?” (in Superman Confidential #2)
“I need answers, Lane! Now! Right now! You’re alive! You are alive! And Ral-Dar knew you? What is going on here?” (in Superman #691)
“Should we survive this, our path is clear. On an individual basis, we may wish to exist as we do. But for Lois’ sake–” (in Superman #135)
Best Superman Quotes About Life
“Only the weak succumb to brutality.” (in Kingdom Come)
“I have many enemies who have tried to control me. And I live in fear that someday, they might succeed. If that ever should happen — If I should ever lose control, There would only be one sure way to stop me.” (to Batman in Superman: The Man of Steel #21)
“I’m not an idiot, Black. I know there are bad men in power and the world is not an equitable place — but you can’t throw morality in the garbage just because life’s tough!” (in Action Comics #775)
“My father believed that if the world found out who I really was, they’d reject me…out of fear. I let my father die because I trusted him. Because he was convinced that I had to wait, that the world was not ready. What do you think?” (in the movie Man of Steel)
“For every action– there is an equal and opposite reaction. For every you–there’s someone like me to fight back. And I don’t give up.” (in Action Comics #18)
“There is life outside the Watchtower. Outside the Justice League. And it’s a good life, Diana.” (in Justice League #14)
“I’d rather good people trust me than bad people fear me.” (in Justice League #15)
“We were never Gods.” (in Justice League #50)
“Not every story Superman is involved with needs him in the title.” (in Superman Unchained #1)
“Everything I owe to them. I saw this world through their eyes. I still do. This isn’t a perfect world, they never claimed it was, I’ve never claimed it is. But that doesn’t stop me from hoping for the best. I was raised on hope, Helspont, and I wouldn’t have had it any other way.” (in Superman #8)
“Why does that have to be a negative? You specialize in worst-case scenarios, but whatever you say, however you spin it, I won’t believe the world is more black than white… now more than ever.” (in Superman #20)
“His parents died when he was so young. Shot. Killed right in front of him. He was raised alone. A kid in a huge mansion. With his memories of his mother and father. He had love, and they took it from him. He should be a killer. He should want to tear the world apart for what it did. And yet he took that pain. That shock of death. And he turned it into hope.” (unsourced comic book)
“What you said is fundamentally true: I am, and always will be Clark Kent. The decision I made to sacrifice myself if necessary came from who I am–not what.” (in Action Comics #736)
“A young boy fell from the sky. You took him home. You forged documents. You raised him as your own. Tell me how you did it.” (in Action Comics #844)
“I always felt it was Clark Kent wearing the cape…but let’s face it…Clark Kent IS Superman, and right now…Superman needs help.” (in Action Comics #472)
“I’ll always be Superman.” (in Adventures of Superman #524)
“I know it’s somewhat…immodest to say this…but I love being me!” (in Adventures of Superman #2)
“The hardest part of my ability? Coming to terms with the idea that I can’t do everything.” (in Adventures of Superman #3)
“If I must die, then I will. But I don’t want to die — gloriously or not. I have too much to live for.” (in New Gods #10)
“I’ve got a little speech that I give to newly-arrived vigilantes. Contrary to popular belief, I’m not omniscient. I’m a busy guy, and I can’t always give the street’s the attention it needs. So, I can use the help. But I require in all instances that laws are obeyed and civil rights are observed. Anything less, and you’ll be on the next train out. It’s that simple.” (in Question #4)
“I wish I could take a break. From everything.” (in Superman/Batman #46)
“You know I can’t ignore people in trouble.” (in Superman: For the Animals #1)
“To my friends and colleagues, I’m just a farm boy in the big city, trying to make his mark. To the rest of Metropolis, I’ve become a protector. A symbol of hope. Me? I just hope I don’t screw up. It’s been about two months now since I’ve started what Ma calls my “good work.” Most of the time I get to help people in need. A week ago I was able to save a few hundred passengers in a crashing jet. They all think I’m indestructible. I wish that I were so sure. I’ve withstood bursting shells, thousands of volts of electricity, raging fires and countless other vicious acts of man and nature. I appear to be invulnerable. But am I? Or is it just a matter of time before I find the thing that can kill me? They think I’m fearless. But each new cataclysm gives me one sharp instant of mortal fear. Will this kill me? Am I dying right now?” (in Superman Confidential #1)
“It’s like I can’t win. Like I’m two people, and neither one can be himself. I either have to be the indestructible hero or the shy co-worker.” (in Superman Confidential #3)
“I have all this power… and I couldn’t save them.” (in Superman #172)
“I can see this, I suppose you could call it, aura of colors that words can’t describe around living things. And when something dies the aura fades leaving something that’s not easy to look at. It appears empty in a way that makes you feel empty too!!” (in Superman: Birthright)
Best Philosophical Superman Quotes
“It’s not entirely your fault that you’re delinquent– it’s these slums – your poor living conditions – if there was only some way I could remedy it–!” (in Action Comics #8)
“Once more, we have survived the threat of war and found a fragile peace. I thought I could give you all the gift of the freedom from war, but I was wrong. It’s not mine to give. We’re still a young planet. There are galaxies out there. Other civilizations for us to meet and to learn from. What a brilliant future we could have. And there will be peace – there will be peace when the people of this world want it so badly that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them. I just wish you could all see the Earth the way that I see it. Because when you really look at it, it’s just one world.” (in the movie Superman IV: The Quest for Peace)
“You will be different. Sometimes you will feel like an outcast. But you will never be alone. You will make my strength your own. You will see my life through your eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father becomes the son.” (in the movie Superman Returns)
“My fa– a man I knew once said, that hope is like your car keys. Easy to lose, but if you dig around, it’s usually close by.” (in the movie Justice League)
“Well, I believe in truth, but I’m also a big fan of justice.” (to Steppenwolf in the movie Justice League)
“I shouldn’t be thinking about the hole I’m going to leave behind… I should be thinking about how I’m going to fill it…” (in Superman: The Final Days of Superman)
“Sure, I can bend steel with my bare hands… but what really matters, what true power really is–is making sure no matter how dark things get, there’s always hope. That’s what it means to be Superman.” (in Superman: Man of Tomorrow #16)
“We’re all stardust fallen. And so we look to the sky. And we wait to be reclaimed. Good-bye, Ma. Good-bye, Pa. And thank you. For everything.” (in Action Comics #1000)
“Courage is fear trying to hold on a minute longer. We all need to find that extra minute inside ourselves if we’re going to make it through this crisis.” (in Superman #29)
“I thought I had to leave to find out who I was…but it turns out I only needed to learn where I came from. Because I already know who I am. I’m a man who knows the benefit of hard work and honesty. A man who knows the difference between right and wrong. A man who can help people all over the world. I’m Clark Kent.” (in Adventures of Superman #6)
“A perfect world doesn’t need a Superman.” (in Infinite Crisis #5)
“Wrong is wrong and , when I grow up, I’m gonna make things right!” (in Martian Manhunter #20)
“Where I come from, masks tend to symbolize distrust.” (in Superman: Birthright #1)
“When people are confronted with unexpected strength, they tend to react with fear, not reason.” (in Superman: Birthright #2)
“Because I learned that dying is easy. Being reborn is hard.” (in Superman: Rebirth #1)
“Long ago, I thought that mankind could take care of itself — That it would resent Superman if he took too much control! But the pettiness and greed of man has proven that approach was dead wrong! Earth needs a babysitter, Lana!” (in Superman Annual #3)
“Over there has to stand for itself, has to speak for itself. Because it’s only when over there becomes here that we can stop this once and for all. And from now on, my eye will be right here.” (in Superman #701)
“I don’t know what I believe anymore. Everything used to be so clear. Truth. Justice. The American Way. But now? Now, I’m not sure about anything.” (in Superman #707)
“Perhaps. But suppose I can’t? However it happened, I’ve lost faith in those ideals. What if I don’t find faith in them again?” (in Superman #708)
“My sin? Was to save the world.” (in Superman #204)
“I think about my life, about my loves, about my home, about my fight and about you…I will always be there to save you. Because I am Superman. Believe that, until the end. The end. I wonder, when it comes….who will save me?” (in Superman #215)
“Is war the only thing sentient beings have in common?” (in Superman #27)
“People need to respect us– and trust us. We’re too powerful for them not to.” (in The Power of Shazam! #39)
“Just as our foes’ power is channeled symbolically through representations of the conceptual structure of reality…so too is the missing part of ours!” (in Trinity #40)
“Stars aren’t measured by how long they burn, Lar… but by how brightly. You’ve already accomplished more than a hundred men in a hundred lifetimes. If there’s any consolation to be found… it’s in that.” (in Valor #14)
Best Superhero Superman Quotes
“They are a morally bankrupt world’s answer to the Justice League. Right there that tells you, they don’t respect law, order or justice… or good-old fashioned common sense. They have devastated their own planet in their power grabs and they often come to ours looking for, well… more. They have our powers, they have our personas… they are like a diseased version of us.” (unsourced comic book)
“You’ve got a very distinct heartbeat. Erratic breathing. And your kevlar costume squeaks when you walk. Easy sound grouping to pull out of a crowd.” (in Superman: The Man of Steel #121)
“When I had to tell Kara, all she could say was “Why? Why did we survive when he didn’t?” I asked myself that question so many times. But I thought I knew the answer. Because I thought he was unworthy of the symbol I’d help. But I picked the wrong one to condone. And the wrong one to condemn.” (in Infinite Crisis)
“The guy isn’t a 24-hour pharmacy chief, he must not have felt like he was needed. Calling attention to Superman not being around only serves to put a big target on the people of Metropolis.” (in Superman #13)
“What if this virus has been dormant in me all along? What if it mutates and becomes harmful to the public? I can’t allow myself to stay here if I risk harming the people I want to protect.” (in Action Comics #20)
“I still feel the anger boiling in my veins. And I know she senses it. But her gaze is as steady and calm as ever. She believes in me.” (in Action Comics #31)
“However it plays out… the end will be the same. I’ll mourn Metropolis. Then… everyone else I ever knew… everything I ever fought for… everything… everything… Goodbye.” (in Action Comics #39)
“I lose my powers. You’re a spy. Bruce is an amnesiac. Legends don’t change. Us? We’re all just guys.” (in Grayson Annual #2)
“You’re in a lot of trouble, Mr. Baz. Like Justice League trouble.” (in Green Lantern #13)
“Graves doesn’t know everything. Batman trusts me.” (in Justice League #10)