30 Most Popular Pokémon of All Time (Ranked)

30 Most Popular Pokémon of All Time (RANKED)


Pokémon video games and anime (including the connected films) are the most popular brands today, although the franchise has expanded to even live-action movies, trading cards, toys, and other merchandise. In this article, we at Fiction Horizon are going to talk about the most popular Pokémon:

According to the Company’s official poll, the 30 most popular Pokémon are:

  1. Dedenne 68,398 votes
  2. Cincinno 54,444 votes
  3. Sableye 45,562 votes
  4. Snivy 41,894 votes
  5. Magnemite 35,206 votes
  6. Swadloon 34, 204 votes
  7. Pikachu 33,125 votes
  8. Buzzwole 33,077 votes
  9. Oshawott 32,191 votes
  10. Flygon – 22,08 votes
  11. Whismur – 21,529 votes
  12. Piplup – 18,190 votes
  13. Chandelure – 18,095 votes
  14. Empoleon – 17,989 votes
  15. Luxray – 17,773 votes
  16. Greninja – 17,337 votes
  17. Jirachi – 17,254 votes
  18. Charizard – 16,243 votes
  19. Mimikyu – 15,797 votes
  20. Inteleon – 15,540 votes
  21. Eevee – 15,524 votes
  22. Barbaracle – 15,128 votes
  23. Glaceon – 14,923 votes
  24. Spheal – 14,783 votes
  25. Scolipede – 13,806 votes
  26. Lilligant – 13,677 votes
  27. Bulbasaur – 13,424 votes
  28. Sliggoo – 13,417 votes
  29. Lucario – 13,286 votes
  30. Gardevoir – 12,534 votes

In the continuation of this article, we are going to list the 30 most popular Pokémon according to The Pokémon Company’s afore-mentioned poll and then give you some basic information on each of them. You’re going to find out about their habitat, their design, their Types, and their evolutions. It’s going to be a very fun list so stick with us until the very end!

30 Most Popular Pokémon

30. Gardevoir 

Generation: III
Types: Fairy
Evolutions: Ralts –> Kirlia –> Gardevoir

Gardevoir is a medium-sized, humanoid Pokémon. The face, neck, chest and the outside of its veil-like structures around the abdomen and legs are white, the inside of the body parts just mentioned, the majority of its head and arms are green. The Psychic / Fairy Pokémon has a slim body and a relatively large head. The area on the head resembles a hairstyle.

All that can be seen of its face are the large eyes, which are composed of white leather skin, red irises and black, narrow pupils. Long, thin arms grow on the side of the small torso. A broad, flat, red-colored horn runs through the back and chest. The lower abdomen resembles the lower part of a long dress and the narrow legs are not always visible.

Gardevoir is characterized by powerful special powers, but a delicate, fragile body. This ensures that it cannot learn a single physical attack on a regular basis. However, the Psychic / Fairy Pokémon has powerful, mysterious powers, which it pours into strong special attacks such as psychokinesis or dream eater of the Psychic type or moon power of the Fairy type.


30 Best Fairy-Type Pokémon (Ranked)

In addition, as is usual with other Psycho-Pokémon, it has a variety of status attacks that demonstrate its artistic abilities. One specialty is teleport, which it can use to move over long distances. The Hug Pokémon lovingly takes care of its friends, whom it can support with a variety of healing attacks such as wishful dreams, healing waves or healing offerings or shield them from enemies with a reflector.

It is said that Gardevoir can see into the future. Most specimens have the ability to capture, which copies the ability of the opponent, or synchronise, which transmits status changes such as paralysis to the opponent. Both are related to the alignment of Gardevoir and his counterpart. Some Gardevoir also have the hidden ability Telepathy, with which it recognizes the intentions of fellow combatants and can thus avoid their attacks.

Little is known about Gardevoir’s habitat, as it rarely appears as a wild Pokémon. There have been sightings of Gardevoir, who live together with Ralts and Kirlia in small family groups and travel around by teleport. Although it has feminine features, there are just as many male as female specimens. Its psychokinetic powers allow it to float and predict the future.

Gardevoir is known for risking its own life for its beloved trainer. The Hugging Pokémon reaches the peak of its powers when it senses danger for its trainer and can even distort dimensions and create black holes. It is considered an extremely brave Pokémon.

29. Lucario 

Generation: IV
Types: Fighting / Steel
Evolutions: Riolu –> Lucario

Lucario is a medium-sized, two-legged, wolf-like Pokémon with blue fur and black skin, with beige fur on the stomach, chest, and shoulders. There is a metal spike in the shape of a cone on each of his hands and chest. It has a thin tail covered with blue fur.

Lucario is a mysterious Pokémon that can sense and see the aura of all living beings and inanimate things. Not only can it feel the movements of invisible opponents even in complete darkness, but it can also read the nature and feelings of its counterpart. The Aura Pokémon often lives withdrawn because it evades the stress it feels when it experiences the feelings of other living beings with them.

A well-trained Lucario can feel auras up to a kilometer away. Lucario looks for trainers whose aura matches his own and who are honorable and friendly; Therefore, only particularly committed trainers manage to win his trust and support. The aura Pokémon Lucario is very intelligent and understands human language, some specimens can also communicate with humans via telepathy via the aura.

In a fight, the Fighting / Steel Pokémon attacks its opponents with powerful kicks and blows, whereby the metal spores on its paws become extremely effective.

However, it is mainly known for its aura, which it can not only perceive, but also actively manipulate and hurl it towards its opponents in the form of powerful bursts of energy as aurasphere. It can even turn rocks into dust with it.

28. Sliggoo 

Generation: VI
Types: Dragon
Evolutions: Goomy –> Sliggoo –> Goodra

Sliggoo is reminiscent of a slug, but there is also a shell-like structure on its body. As with the real models, its body is flattened on the underside towards a sole and enables the snail-egg Pokémon to crawl using its slime. The lower half of the body is darker purple, the upper half of the body is lighter purple. It has two small, stubby arms.

On its rounded head are its intensely green eyes, a wavy mouth and two pairs of antennae, the back of which is significantly longer than the front. There are also yellow-green decorative spots here. According to the Pokédex, the sensors function as a high-performance radar system with which Sliggoo can perceive a wide variety of smells and noises. His other senses and eyesight, on the other hand, seem to be very poorly developed.

The decorative spots are here in pastel-colored purple.

Although it is a pure Dragon-type, it can learn a lot of different Water-type attacks, such as rain dancing and muddy water, more than from its own type. This is explained by its habitat, which is shaped by water. Compared to its preliminary stage, Goomy, it has a much greater penetration power, and it mainly relies on special attacks such as dragon pulse.

Its vegetarian ability protects it from Grass-type attacks and increases its attack value when hit by them. Alternatively, it may have hydration, which again alludes to its dependence on moisture by curing its status issues when it rains.

His Viscosity Hidden Ability takes advantage of the sticky surface of his skin by slowing down enemies when they just touch them. Viscosity is also the special ability of Sliggoo’s evolutionary line.

Wild Sliggoo live in humid swamp areas. They depend on a damp and shady environment in order not to dry out. You have a peaceful and calm mind.

27. Bulbasaur 


Generation: I
Types: Grass / Poison
Evolutions: Bulbasaur –> Ivysaur –> Venusaur

Bulbasaur is a small, four-legged, reptile-like Pokémon. It carries a light green seed on its back and its body is colored a slightly lighter shade of green. In addition, individual, dark green spots can be seen on its skin.

The Poison / Grass-type Pokémon has a broad head crowned by two rounded, triangular ears. The large eyes consist of white dermis and red and white pupils. The two small nostrils are located directly above the very wide mouth.

Bulbasaur’s seed is the starting point for numerous skills. It enables the Pokémon to absorb sunlight and store it there. This allows Bulbasaur to learn attacks like solar ray, synthesis and growth. Since Bulbasaur can briefly open its seed at the tip, it can also use the small seeds contained in the seed offensively by bombing the opponent with seeds or shooting a leech seed at the opponent, which sucks energy from him.

It can also release powder through the seed, which can be seen from the use of poison powder and sleep powder. Last but not least, Bulbasaur can also unleash tendrils from the side or top of the seed, which it not only makes use of when using one of its most characteristic attacks, vine whip, but which it can also generally use to grasp and catch objects.

Like all Grass-type starter Pokémon, with enough affection, it is able to learn the Plant Pillar attack from an attack teacher. Bulbasaur, together with its evolutionary line, has a very narrow distribution spectrum and is only native to Kanto and Kalos. But even there, it is extremely rare to find it in the wild and is used much more as a starter Pokémon in these regions.

For this reason, most Bulbasaur and its evolutions are owned by Pokémon Trainers and are bred and raised almost exclusively for this purpose. Because of this early and mostly long-lasting connection with a trainer, Bulbasaur are considered loyal and well-behaved Pokémon. The few wild specimens prefer high, sunny grasslands and forests, mainly in the Kanto region, as natural habitats.

26. Lilligant 


Generation: V
Types: Grass
Evolutions: Petilil –> Lilligant

Lilligant is a 1.1 meter tall Flower Pokémon with a large red flower on its head that has a white pattern on the petals. In the middle of this flower, Lilligant wears a kind of golden crown with red tips. It has dark green leaves beneath the flower, light green leaves below. One of those bright green leaves, on the back of his head, is about the length of his body and very much like a woman’s hair.

The other two light green leaves hang loosely down the front of the head. Its face and stomach area are white, and the Pokémon’s eyes are reddish. It has two leaf-like arms and a golden sepal under its neck. She wears a large, light green, tulip-shaped dress with two long, dark green leaves sticking out at the back. Its four gold-colored feet resemble dance shoes.

In addition to some status attacks, Lilligant only learns special attacks by leveling up. With the exception of the Bug-type quiver dance, all of ist attacks are exclusively Grass or Normal. Lilligant mainly uses dance attacks, for example leaf dance or tumble dance.

Lilligant also has the ability chlorophyll, which doubles its initiative in the sunshine, and pacemaker, which prevents Lilligant from becoming confused during attacks such as leaf dance. Her Hidden Ability is Flora Shield, which protects it from status changes such as poisoning or burning when the sun is shining.

Not much is known about the habitat of wild Lilligant, as they are very rarely seen in the wild. It is often in the care of a trainer, and Lilligant is particularly popular with celebrities. His beautiful flower arrangement is his trademark.

These floral arrangements give off a scent that is very calming and that depends on the soil on which it grows. In order to bloom rather than wither, bloom requires immense care, and many Pokémon trainers struggle to take good care of Lilligant. A wildly grown Lilligant will always surpass this beauty.

25. Scolipede 


Generation: V
Types: Bug / Poison
Evolutions: Venipede –> Whirlipede –> Scolipede

Scolipede is a large, centipede-like Pokémon with a black and pink coloration. Its head consists of two yellow eyes, which have an elongated black iris, and a pointed mouth. On the head there are two long, horn-like antennae, which are pink-purple-striped. The upper side of the head is colored pink and the lower, like the whole lower body, black.

There is pink protective armor on his entire body, which is divided into eight parts. On each of these limbs there are two teardrop-shaped, purple-colored ring patterns as well as a black triangle and exactly two small spikes on the sides. Scolipede has two pairs of legs. There are feelers on the Pokémon’s abdomen that are identical to those on the head.

Scolipede has a pretty wide range of attacks. Due to its Poion type, it is able to use poison tail or poison shock. This Pokémon mostly uses this tactic to use Poison-type attacks. Thus they can deal more damage with poison shock and now the attack poison trap also has a great effect on the values ​​of Scolipede’s attackers.

But it is not only with its many Poison attacks that it can bring an opponent to its knees, but also with some Bug attacks. With such attacks, it can become a nuisance for the opponent in the truest sense of the word. Through breeding it is possible for Scolipede to inherit attacks such as spikes and poison tips, which it can set up as a trap for defense.

If Scolipede does get into dangerous situations, it protects itself with a protective shield or reinforces its defense with iron defense. An encounter with Scolipede almost always leads to being poisoned. This is due to its many poison attacks on the one hand and its ability to poison thorn on the other. Should Scolipede not be able to protect itself sufficiently, another possible ability called Swarm helps by making Scolipede’s Bug attacks stronger when weak.

Should it want to flee, its hidden abilities help boost its speed, which makes Scolipede faster. Scolipede live in dark forests and thick grass. Despite their impressive size, they are rarely found there.

This is also not particularly desirable, as Scolipede are considered very aggressive and dangerous. Despite their enormous weight, these Pokémon are very fast and can quickly catch up with their prey. To attack, they ram their small spikes into the body in order to harm it, and then let a paralyzing poison take effect.

Scolipede know no mercy for that, either, which means that it fights until it has finally won.


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24. Spheal 

Generation: III
Types: Water / Ice
Evolutions: Spheal –> Sealeo –> Walrein

Spheal is a walrus-like, predominantly blue and beige colored Pokémon. It is characterized by a spherical body with a beige belly and a dark blue back area with white spots. It has two small front fins and a wide, fanned caudal fin. His face is composed of a wide mouth with two small tusks, rounded ears and black button eyes.

Spheal is particularly slow and not particularly strong, but has comparatively high strength points. Opponents are attacked with powerful ice-type attacks, such as aurora beam, blizzard or the knockout attack icy cold. However, it also uses its round body to strengthen its defensive abilities. It can roll much faster than it can walk.

Its greasy body is also suitable for body slam and is also reflected in its fat layer, which protects it from fire and ice attacks. His ice skin ability illustrates his cold habitat and allows him to regenerate HP in hailstorms. Spheal seems lazy and sleepy. It takes advantage of this by means of relaxation and sleep talk. A few specimens appropriately display the hidden ability of drowsiness, which prevents the effect of attraction.

Wild Spheal can be found in cold, water-rich regions such as the coastal cave in Hoenn, where they roll over ice floes. Their chunky bodies are hardly suitable for swimming and running, which is why they rely on the floes to roll across bodies of water. Spheal’s body is covered with extremely soft fur, which protects the Pokémon from freezing. When it is happy, it claps its fins loudly together. As a result, groups of this Pokémon make a loud roar at meals.

23. Glaceon 

Generation: IV
Types: Ice
Evolutions: Eevee –> Vaporeon / Jolteon / Flareon / Espeon / Umbreon / Leafeon / Glaceon / Sylveon

Glaceon is a medium-sized, four-legged Pokémon that appears in both light and dark blue. Most of the body is colored light blue. In contrast, the hair, the inside of the ears, the nose, the patterns on the back, the feet and the rear part of the tail are dark blue. Overall, the Ice Pokémon has a slim and elegant appearance and is roughly similar to all evolutions of its base form, Eevee.

Long ears grow on the round, rather small head and a three-part hair structure on the forehead, which in turn has two long, downward-pointing protrusions. The small face is made up of the blue shimmering eyes, the tiny nose and the small mouth. A pattern of two diamonds can be seen on the back. The long tail becomes a little wider towards the end. Glaceon stands on four narrow legs.

Wild specimens of Glaceon are very rare. They live in cold regions because they are perfectly adapted to them. Glaceon creates a diamond dust flurry by freezing the air around it. In doing so, it attacks its prey. Glaceon can also lower its own body temperature to such an extent that its fur freezes into sharp needles. Glaceon can use this for defense but also for attack.

22. Barbaracle 


Generation: VI
Types: Rock / Water
Evolutions: Binacle –> Barbaracle

Barbaracle’s human-like body consists of seven Binacle, small, worm-like Pokémon with an elongated, orange-colored body without limbs, which together inhabit two boulders. One specimen serves as the head and spine, using a large rock like a rib cage and a smaller one like a pelvis. Two specimens protrude from the lower chunk and serve as feet, while four represent the arms. All are equipped with large, sharp claws.

Barbaracle shows great skill in handling the multitude of claws that cover his limbs. It uses this for different powerful attacks that focus on its claws. With one of such attacks, it can increase its attack power even further.

Its Talon Force ability, which amplifies attacks that touch the enemy directly, illustrates this special trait. In addition, some specimens have perfected their dexterity so that they can use their hidden thief ability to relieve the opponent of his item if he attacks Barbaracle directly.

Barbaracle use the boulder they carry with them for defense, for example with armor protection. However, you can rub it smooth with stone polish or break it off completely in order to greatly increase your speed. Barbaracle inhabit rocky beach regions on the seashore. The seven specimens of Binacle that unite to form this Pokémon are more closely related than with its preliminary stage.

Although they all have their own brains, they mostly submit to the will of the head. It is not known whether individual Binacle can separate from Barbaracle, as is the case with its preliminary stage.

21. Eevee

Generation: I
Types: Normal
Evolutions: Eevee –> Vaporeon / Jolteon / Flareon / Espeon / Umbreon / Leafeon / Glaceon / Sylveon

Eevee is a Normal-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. It evolves into one of eight different Pokémon through various methods: Eevee evolves into Vaporeon when exposed to a Water Stone; Eevee evolves into Jolteon when exposed to a Thunder Stone; Eevee evolves into Flareon when exposed to a Fire Stone.

Eevee evolves into Espeon when leveled up with high friendship during the daytime (Generation II onward, except for Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen), except in areas with a Moss Rock or Ice Rock or while knowing a Fairy-type move. It also evolves into Espeon when leveled up with high friendship with a Sun Shard in the Bag (in Pokémon XD).

Eevee evolves into Umbreon when leveled up with high friendship during the nighttime (Generation II onward, except for Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen), except in areas with a Moss Rock or Ice Rock or while knowing a Fairy-type move. It also evolves into Umbreon when leveled up with high friendship with a Moon Shard in the Bag (in Pokémon XD).

Eevee evolves into Leafeon when leveled up near a Moss Rock (Generations IV to VII) or when exposed to a Leaf Stone (Generation VIII); Eevee evolves into Glaceon when leveled up near an Ice Rock (Generations IV to VII) or when exposed to an Ice Stone (Generation VIII). Eevee evolves into Sylveon when leveled up with a Fairy-type move and either two levels of Affection (Generations VI and VII) or high friendship (Generation VIII), except in areas with a Moss Rock or Ice Rock.

Eevee has a Gigantamax form. Eevee with the Gigantamax Factor cannot evolve.

Eevee is the game mascot and starter Pokémon in Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, as well as for the main characters of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness and Pokémon Conquest. It is the starting Pokémon and first Pokémon employee of the player in Pokémon Café Mix. It is also the rival’s starter Pokémon in Pokémon Yellow, although Professor Oak originally intended to give it to the player.

20. Inteleon 

Generation: VIII
Types: Water
Evolutions: Sobble –> Drizzile –> Inteleon

Inteleon is a roughly human-sized, reptile-like Pokémon. Its very slender, supple body is colored light and dark blue, his legs and hands are black. The angular, white spot on his stomach and the black elements give him a pattern that is reminiscent of an icon.

Its very long and strong, light blue and pointed tail, which is longer than its entire body, and the yellow crest on the back of its head, which merges into a membrane that hangs loosely on the back, are striking. Its fingers are exceptionally long and slender. Inteleon’s body is full of surprises: it hides a sharp blade in its tail and has special lenses in the nictitating skin in the eye that give it excellent eyesight.

Inteleon is considered a very intelligent Pokémon. They are also considered to be prudent and calmly think about things before making decisions. It is absolutely loyal to trainers who gain its recognition. The secret agent Pokémon uses its cunning in sophisticated combat strategies. It is known for its ability to compress water in its skinny fingers and then fire it at Mach 3 like pistol shots.

Its excellent eyesight gives it a high level of precision. This is reflected in his special attack, Precision Shot, which ignores attack-distracting abilities and also has an increased direct hit rate. Inteleon analyzes the weaknesses of its enemies and then strikes effectively. If it is forced into close combat, the blade hidden in its tail is used for attacks such as aqua penetration.

It can even sail through the air with the membrane on its back. Inteleon shares the standard ability with the other water starters. If a Pokémon with a torrent has only a few power points left, the strength of its water attacks increases by 50 percent. Rarer specimens can have the super marksman hidden ability, which increases the strength of the attack even more than regular direct hits.

Like all Water Starter Pokémon, with enough affection, it is able to learn a very special combo attack. In addition, as a fully evolved water starter, with enough affection it can master the aqua hood attack, the water variant of the Hyper Beam.

19. Mimikyu 


Generation: VII
Types: Ghost / Fairy
Evolutions: None

Very little is known about Mimikyu’s true appearance, as it is constantly hiding under a rag reminiscent of a Pikachu. Only his eyes peeked out through two slits. Mimikyu can actively influence the appearance of the sheet it is wearing. A kind of branch serves as the tail of the Pikachu disguise.

If Mimikyu has been attacked and its disguise is exposed, the “head” of the Pikachu disguise will snap off. Mimikyu leads a lonely life in dark, dilapidated places like the Abandoned Shop in Alola. This is mainly due to the fact that they are very sensitive to light and therefore have to stay in very dark places and cover themselves with a costumed sheet so that no sunlight affects their health.

However, it is actually not a solitary Pokémon, but rather sociable and peaceful, and longs for friends. Over time, this has brought him a delusional hatred of the popular Pokémon Pikachu, whose popularity it is envious of. It therefore does everything to harm Pikachu, but at the same time to assimilate to him. Through ghostly powers, it can actively influence the appearance of its costume sheet and, for example, make patterns appear that look like facial features.

It prefers Pikachu as it has envied its popularity since a large number of merchandise appeared 20 years ago. By mimicking its looks, it hopes to make friends with other people and Pokémon more easily. Its sheet is worth a lot to him, so it cries bitter tears when it tears, and mends it all night long before it pursues the culprit vengefully.

Mimikyu’s true appearance is considered utterly terrible. It is rumored in the Alola region that if people see under Mimikyu’s rag disguise, they will become infected with a mysterious disease. Allegedly, the only person who saw Mimikyu’s true appearance through a gust of wind died instantly and from an excruciating death at that. Because of this rumor and his fierce defense when someone tries to peek under their sheets, nothing is known about their true appearance.

18. Charizard 

Generation: I
Types: Fire / Flying
Evolutions: Charmander –> Charmeleon –> Charizard

Charizard is a large, two-legged, dragon-like Pokémon. The belly and the underside of the tail are colored beige. Except for the turquoise inside of the flight membrane, the rest of the body is colored orange. The Fire/Flying Pokémon has a sturdy body and impressive wings. Its elongated head is supported by a long neck. It has a powerful jaw with sharp teeth and two rear-facing, blunt horns.

The rather small eyes are made up of white leather skin as well as dark green irises and black, small pupils. The arms are relatively short and narrow, but strong in shape. The hands consist of three thick fingers, each equipped with a pointed, white claw. Charizard stands on two broad legs, each armed with three short, sharp claws at the bottom.

Finally, the long and wide tail, which becomes ever narrower towards the end, can be seen at the back, at the tip of which a huge, magnificent flame blazes.

Charizard has great physical strength as well as strong special attack powers. On the physical side, it uses its powerful claws. However, it can also bite hard or attack its counterpart with its wings. In particular, it uses its ability to spit fire for throwing flames and many other Fire-type attacks, which also make up a large part of its attacks that it can learn by leveling up.

According to the Pokédex, its fiery breath reaches incredibly high temperatures and can melt entire glaciers or rocks. The temperature of this flame increases with Charizard’s combat experience. It can add tremendous pain to opponents with it. Charizard already has a somewhat broader distribution spectrum and is only native to Kanto, Alola, Galar and Kalos.

It is extremely rare there in the wild and is used much more as a starter Pokémon in these regions. For this reason, most Charmander and its developments are owned by Pokémon Trainers and are bred and raised almost exclusively for this purpose. It is also used in Alola as a Pokémobil Pokémon for fast travel.


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17. Jirachi 

Generation: III
Types: Steel / Psychic
Evolutions: None

Jirachi is reminiscent of a falling star. It is small and light, and comes mainly in the colors yellow and white. Its yellow head, which makes up a large part of its body, is particularly characteristic. This has the shape of a star with three points, one of which points upwards and two protrude into the sides.

A turquoise leaf hangs at the tip of each of these points. The three sheets of paper serve as notes on which wishes can be written that Jirachi fulfills as soon as it wakes up. It has large, black eyes with blue stripes that are reminiscent of tears. However, Jirachi’s true eye is on his stomach and can usually only be seen as a semicircular line, as the Pokémon is mostly asleep and the eye is therefore closed. If it is open, however, you can see a yellow leather skin with a green iris in the middle.

In addition, the Pokémon has two small but wide arms and two long, yellow wings that are reminiscent of the ends of a gift bow.

Jirachi, like most Mythical Pokémon, is above average and scores both offensively and defensively and with his speed. It can fight opponents in its sleep and mainly uses Psychic-type attacks. In accordance with that, it can master the physical attack Zen headbutt, as well as with special attacks such as psychokinesis and future sight.

The Pokémon sleeps most of its life, while collecting wishes on its notes, and only wakes up every thousand years to then fulfill all human wishes. This is reflected in the fight by two attacks characteristic of Jirachi. On the one hand, it masters the normal attack Wish, with which it can heal itself or a Pokémon that has been substituted in from its team, and on the other hand, its special attack, which is of the Steel type.

In the second attack, a wish is expressed, which only comes true two rounds after it has been expressed and then causes damage. Jirachi has the nobility ability, which doubles the chance that an attack with an additional effect will occur. This increases the likelihood of status changes, which the Pokémon can use to its advantage.

Jirachi is a Pokémon that appears in the legends of the Hoenn region. Most of the time, this Pokémon is in a state of deep sleep. While it sleeps, a crystalline shell protects its body from attack; but it is also able to fight in emergencies without waking up. Jirachi only wakes up regularly for exactly seven days every thousand years.

The prerequisites for this are that the Millennium Comet is in close proximity to earth and that a person with no bad intentions sings something to it in a clear voice. Once it has awakened, it uses the seven days exclusively to fulfill the wishes that people have written on the three wish lists in its head.

Jirachi’s true eye is on his stomach. With this it can absorb the energy from said millennium comet and use it for the fulfillment of wishes. Supposedly it should not be able to create anything new during the fulfillment, but only teleports the desired object to the person who wishes. Furthermore, it is not known whether it also fulfills the wishes of people who, due to the length of its sleep, died before its awakening.

16. Greninja 

Generation: VI
Types: Water / Dark
Evolutions: Froakie –> Frogadier –> Greninja

Greninja’s slim, athletic build combines human proportions with many characteristics that are reminiscent of a frog: webbed feet are stretched between its toes and fingers, and they run out in sticky suction cups. Its legs are very strong and give him immense speed and bounce. Its long, sticky, pink tongue is very noticeable and is wrapped around its neck like a scarf so that its mouth cannot be seen.


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Greninja’s body is blue in color, its stomach, webbed feet and parts of his face are bright yellow and its joints are decorated with translucent bubbles. It has a noticeable jagged wreath on its head.

Greninja is characterized by immense speed and skill in handling weapons. The ninja Pokémon uses its strong legs to surprise its opponent with huge jumps and fast sprints or to distract him with tricky tricks, which is reflected in attacks such as double team or delegator. Greninja has both special and physical tricks up his sleeve to harass the opponent.

His fighting techniques are inspired by the Japanese ninja tradition. For example, it uses a cloud of smoke or dark fog to stun the opponent with tricks before it attacks. It seems to have a preference for small weapons, so it pulls out hidden blades to attack with a cutter. Its specialty are ninja stars made of compressed water, water shuriken. These can rotate at such a high speed that they can even cut through metal.

Another special attack is Greninja’s Tatami Shield, which it uses to hide itself and friendly Pokémon behind mats to repel enemy attacks. Like all Water Starter Pokémon, with enough affection, it is able to learn a special attack from an attack teacher. This attack does not only cause greater damage in combat, but is also one of the so-called combination attacks.

If combined with a similar Fire-type attacks, it creates a rainbow that confuses all enemies. In combination with a similar Grass-type attack, a bog is created, which lowers the opponent’s initiative. For the first combination attack, columns of water and then columns of fire must first be carried out; for the second, columns of water must be carried out after Grass-type columns.

In addition, as a fully evolved water starter, Greninja can also learn the aqua howitzer from an attack teacher with enough affection. This is the water variant of the Hyper Beam and thus it is one of the strongest attacks of this elementary type. However, here too, the user has to sit out for one round after the attack has been used in order to recover afterwards.

Greninja’s ability is the torrent, which is the standard ability of all water-type starter Pokémon. If a Pokémon with a torrent has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, the strength of water attacks increases by 50 percent. If HP is regenerated, the strength normalizes again. His Hidden Ability Transformation Art is the special ability of his development series. It allows the tricky Pokémon to adopt the type of attack it is using.

Since it can learn attacks of many types, it can make very good use of this property and thereby becomes a dangerously strong opponent, since it receives the type bonus on all of its attacks.

Greninja is a very ambitious Pokémon, which has high demands on itself and its trainer and is always working on the further development of its sophisticated martial art. It has a calm, stoic nature, but is a very loyal soul and would give anything in a fight for its coach.

15. Luxray

Generation: IV
Types: Electric
Evolutions: Shinx –> Luxio –> Luxray

Luxray is a medium-sized, lion-like Pokémon with a slim body. Its upper body is mostly covered with black fur, the middle part with blue and the rear body again with black fur. His black mane is shaggy and thick. There are three yellow rings in the fur on Luxray’s front legs.

The two blue ears are yellow on the inside and clearly visible above the mane. The black tail is quite long and there is a yellow star at the end.

Luxray is considered prudent and disciplined. In combat, it makes use of powerful electric-type attacks. Mainly, however, it is characterized by its piercing, red eyes with a yellow pupil and iris. If they light up golden, the glowing-eyed Pokémon can see through any obstacle with an X-ray vision.

It uses its powerful abilities to search for prey hidden behind walls, but it can also find its lost cubs or use them to sense approaching danger. The use of his clairvoyant abilities, however, consumes a lot of electricity, which Luxtra recovers through long naps.

14. Empoleon

Generation: IV
Types: Water / Steel
Evolutions: Piplup –> Prinplup –> Empoleon

Empoleon is a large, penguin-like Pokémon. Its body is mainly blue-black, but its wings are outlined in blue. There are also three small golden tips on each of them. In addition to its two wings, it has a few less noticeable appendages on the belly and back that are the same color. The larger one on the stomach also separates the head from the body.

There is also a jacket-like pattern on his stomach. Its beak widens into a trident that covers most of its face. Slit-like blue eyes can be seen behind it. Its legs are short and strong and end in large three-toed feet. Two golden tips can be seen on his back.

Empoleon learns attacks of various damage classes by leveling up, most of which belong to the Normal and Water-types. It is interesting that Empoleon can only learn one steel attack, namely metal claw, by leveling up. Even through technical machines, it can only learn two more attacks of this type.

Like all Water Starter Pokémon, with enough affection, it is able to learn the Water Pledge attack from an attack teacher. In addition, as a fully developed water starter, Empoleon can also learn the Hydro Cannon from an attack teacher with enough affection. This is the Water-type variant of the Hyper Beam and thus it is one of the strongest attacks of this elementary type. However, here too, the user has to sit out for one round after the attack has been used in order to recover afterwards.

Empoleon’s ability is the torrent, which is the standard ability of all water-type starter Pokémon. If a Pokémon with a torrent has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, the strength of water attacks increases by 50 percent. If KP is regenerated, the strength normalizes again. His hidden ability is the will to win, which increases his attack by two levels if any of the penguin’s status values ​​are lowered by an opposing Pokémon.

Due to its role as an evolved starter Pokémon, it is only available through development in the main series games. In spin-offs, Empoleon can be found in ice and water areas.

13. Chandelure 


Generation: V
Types: Ghost / Fire
Evolutions: Litwick –> Lampent –> Chandelure

Chandelure is a white, 1 meter tall and 34.3 kg heavy chandelier. Above the head, it gives off a violet flame. There are several black, vertical stripes on the head as well as a horizontal one that connects the two yellow eyes. These have a black border.

The two black arms protrude from the black extension, each carrying two black candlesticks. A purple flame shines on each of them.

Every form of life that gets caught in the fire has its soul stolen until only a lifeless shell remains, which buzzes through the world forever. The victims are hypnotized with the arms, the soul is sucked out and finally, the body is burned. Chandelure lives in gloomy areas such as mansions, caves, or mountains.

12. Piplup 

Generation: IV
Types: Water
Evolutions: Piplup –> Prinplup –> Empoleon

Piplup is a small Pokémon, which is reminiscent of a penguin with a thick, blue, and white down dress. It has waddling feet, each with three toes and two fin-like arms. Its head, which is almost as big as the rest of its body, is dark blue, with its face being mostly white except for a short, yellow beak.

Directly above its beak is a jagged light blue pattern that is reminiscent of a crown. The dark blue feathers continue on its back and short tail. This gives the impression that it is wearing a cloak. Piplup’s eyes are oval, with blue leather skin, a black, large iris, and a white pupil. There are two white spots on his chest.

By leveling up, Piplup mainly learns attacks of various damage classes, most of which are of the water and normal types. In accordance with its design as a bird, it also learns two flight attacks with its beak and razor beak.

It can store an extremely large amount of water in its body, which is why it is also able to use attacks such as hydro pump. Like all Water Starter Pokémon, with enough affection, it is able to learn the Water Pledge attack from an attack teacher.

Piplup’s ability is the torrent, which is the standard ability of all water-type starter Pokémon. If a Pokémon with a torrent has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, the strength of water attacks increases by 50 percent. If the HP is regenerated, the strength normalizes again. Its hidden ability is the will to win, which increases his attack by two levels if any of the penguin’s status values ​​are lowered by an opposing Pokémon.

Piplup is mostly used as a starter Pokémon and is rarely found in the wild. Nevertheless, Piplup are proud and stubborn and find it difficult to trust trainer. Because of their pride, they immediately get up again if they fall while running, which happens quite often because of their limited ability to walk.

However, Piplup are safe swimmers and can stay underwater for up to ten minutes while hunting. Wild Piplup mostly live near water and in icy areas.


20 Cutest Pokémon of All Time (Ranked)

11. Whismur 

Generation: III
Types: Normal
Evolutions: Whismur –> Loudred –> Exploud

Whismur is a small, two-legged Pokémon that is colored pink; only the ends of the ears and feet and a small stripe on the back are yellow. The normal Pokémon has a round, stocky body and large and wide ears. On the head below the ears, there is a small, round auditory canal. The face is made up of a small mouth and cross-shaped eyes.

The little arms have found their place below it. The third, slightly more pronounced auditory canal is located on the lower back of the body. Whismur stands on two relatively broad feet.

Whismur is a very slow and fragile Pokémon, but it has solid attack powers. The Whisper Pokémon attacks enemies with attacks like pound, but is best known for the immensely loud screams it can utter when it is in danger.

It uses its voice in a variety of ways and can affect the other person in various ways by means of yowling, screaming chalk, or supersonic noise, or it can cause great damage with echoes, riot, or synchro noise. It is so tired by its own screaming that it simply falls asleep exhausted by rest.

In addition to a roar, with which it chases away others with loud screams, it is also protected from noise-based attacks by other Pokémon, which is reflected in its noise protection ability. In rarer specimens, the shy, cautious creature shows itself in the hidden ability rabbit foot, which increases its speed when it is hit by a Dark-, Bug- or Ghost-type attack.

Whismur lives in the protection of dark and gravel-like caves such as the Rusturf Tunnel in Hoenn or the Connecting Cave in Kalos. It is very shy and normally only utters a whisper-like murmur, but when it is scared or frightened it screams like a jet plane.

Because it can suck in air through its auditory canals, it can roar incessantly and only stop when it is completely exhausted and then falls asleep completely exhausted. However, if you cover your ears, you can calm them down.

10. Flygon 

Generation: III
Types: Ground / Dragon
Evolutions: Trapinch –> Vibrava –> Flygon

Flygon is a roughly human-sized, lizard-like and flying Pokémon with mainly green color. Its slim, light green body has rather puny but clawed arms and strong legs and ends in a very long tail.

This has a fan-like structure decorated in red at the end and is adorned with dark green decorative stripes. Flygon has large wings that are also framed in red. His eyes are protected by red, eye-catching lids. Two large, pointed antennae protrude from the back of his head.

Flygon, also known as the Spirit of the Desert, makes use of its sandy habitat in a variety of ways in combat. While sand vortices and clay clamps rob the enemy of the view, he is enclosed by a sand grave and attacked with a steamroller or earthquake.

It throws its dragon-like body at the opponent with a dragon rod or dragon thrust and also masters other powerful attacks such as flame thrower or hyper beam. Flygon’s ability to fly is reflected in his ability to levitate. It makes use of the melodious noises that the flapping of its wings makes with the help of sound-based attacks such as ultrasound, supersonic, chalk screams, or riot.

Flygon is a rare Pokémon that prefers sandy deserts as a habitat. It is very shy and hides from people who consequently hardly ever see it. If another living being approaches, Flygon – in flight – whirls up desert sand to sandstorms with its flapping wings, in the center of which it hides from prying eyes.

Flygon’s flapping wings create charming tones that sound like a beautiful woman’s voice. This chant is often the only sound that can be heard in a sandstorm. If its prey falls under the spell of music, it is surrounded by the sandstorm and succumbs to the mysterious hunter. Flygon, the mysterious Pokémon, is thus known as the “spirit of the desert”.

9. Oshawott 

Generation: V
Types: Water
Evolutions: Oshawott –> Dewott –> Samurott

Oshawott is a small, two-legged, and sea otter-like Pokémon that appears in light and dark blue, white and brown. The head and arms are white in color. The ears, tail, and feet, on the other hand, are dark blue and the rest of the torso light blue. The nose is brown.

In contrast to the rest of the body, the head is large and round in shape and the small, flat ears grow on its sides. The face consists of two large, black eyes, a relatively large nose, and a mouth. A few freckles can be seen from the cheeks.

The actual body is slightly smaller than the head. The two short arms grow on the sides and a small shell can be seen on the stomach, which Oshawott uses as a weapon. The water Pokémon has a short but broad tail and two elongated feet.

Like all Water Starter Pokémon, with enough affection, it is able to learn the Water Pledge attack from an attack teacher. Water Pledge not only cause greater damage in combat, but is also one of the so-called combination attacks.

If combined with a similar Fire-type attack, it creates a rainbow that confuses all targets. In combination with a similar Grass-type attack, a bog is created, which lowers the opponent’s initiative.

In addition, as a fully-evolved water starter, Samurott can also learn the Hydro Cannon from an attack teacher with enough affection. This is the water variant of the Hyper Beam and thus it is one of the strongest attacks of this elementary type. However, here too, the user has to sit out for a round after the attack has been used in order to recover afterwards.

Oshawott’s ability is the torrent, which is the standard ability of all water-type starter Pokémon. If a Pokémon with a torrent has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, the strength of water attacks increases by 50 percent. If HP is regenerated, the strength normalizes again. His hidden ability is the armor skin, which completely prevents direct hits on this Pokémon.

Attacks such as ice breath or mountain storm, which actually always result in a direct hit, are also affected. Instead, Oshawott takes a normal hit.

Oshawott are very rare Pokémon, probably stemming from the Unova region. They are likely to be found on or around river banks. Oshawott are very skilled. With the help of its shell, which it always carries on its stomach, it can solve some everyday problems. It works as a knife, for example when it slices berries that it wants to eat. However, the shell acts mainly as a weapon. It is made of the same material as the claws of an Oshawott.

8. Buzzwole 


Generation: VII
Types: Bug / Fighting
Evolutions: None

Buzzwole is a large, massive Pokémon with a roughly humanoid physique with properties that are reminiscent of insects. His beefy, black-red body is covered by thick mountains of muscles, which give his arms in particular a gigantic strength.

Buzzwole stands on four pointed legs and has two pairs of transparent wings on its back. Its head is very small, but is adorned by two long antennae and a conspicuous, long spike that protrudes forward like a trunk. They say that its long mouth is harder than diamond. Its arms and legs are decorated with dark red decorative stripes.

Buzzwole has immense physical strength, which gives it great advantages both offensively and defensively. The most striking feature of this Ultra Beast is the ability to suck the power and energy of other living beings, which is reflected in attacks. This energy stimulates chemical reactions in its body that cause the Swollen Pokémon’s muscle piles to swell until they’re stronger than steel.

It then uses these for a variety of combat attacks such as balancing blow, power punch or hammer arm, and can also learn element blows such as ice punches and thunderbolts. It has been observed to smash a truck with just one blow. Muscle hardening can also be used defensively with harden or endurance.

Buzzwole throws himself into self-confident poses in combat, which are reflected in protests or mockery. Buzzwole has the Ultra Veast’s special ability, Beast Boost. If it defeats a Pokémon, it increases its highest status value.

Like all Ultra Beasts, Buzzwole originally came from the Ultra Space. So far, however, almost nothing is known about his living conditions there. Buzzwole is observed underlining his actions with imposing poses. Research by the Æther Foundation assumes that this behavior could be a form of communication.

7. Pikachu 

Generation: I
Types: Electric
Evolutions: Pichu –> Pikachu –> Raichu

Pikachu is a small, rather shy Pokémon, which is native to many areas, but is rarely observed. It is particularly common in the Kanto and Johto regions. It prefers dense forests as a habitat, but it is also attracted to places with a lot of electricity such as power stations.

This Pokémon can store electricity in its cheek pouches. These charge up during sleep at night. It sometimes discharges its electrical charge when it has just woken up and is still sleepy. If there is a lack of sleep, it can only discharge weak currents. But it is generally in his nature to constantly accumulate electricity. If it cannot discharge these regularly, this causes stress.

When it is tense, it crackles free of electricity from its cheek pouches. If it is angry, it even discharges it spontaneously. Whenever Pikachu comes across something new, it puts an electric shock through it. A charred berry in the forest often indicates that this Pokémon misjudged its electrical charge. However, some specimens of this species also intentionally grill hard berries with electricity in order to eat them afterwards.

Pikachu are not loners and live together with other Pikachu (or Pichu) in forests. When several of these Pokémon gather together, their energy can create thunderstorms. One reason for many Pikachu to get together may be to dig for Thunder Stons together. It also uses its stored electricity every now and then to charge another, weakened Pikachu.

Several Pikachu can also stand on top of each other and use thunderbolt in a kind of series connection to fight an enemy together. In the Alola region, it is common for two wild-living Pikachu in a group to fight a duel, with the winner being the Pikachu who first bites the other’s tail.

Pikachu also greet each other in Alola by rubbing their tails together, transmitting static electricity into the atmosphere and creating lightning bolts that strike the Pikachu. This gives the Pikachu in Alola a silky, shimmering fur, while the Pikachu from other regions tend to have a sparkling one. Recent efforts for environmentally friendly energy generation try to operate an entire power plant with the help of a large number of Pikachu.

The tail of this Pokémon also serves as an early warning system. If you pull a Pikachu by the tail, it will bite. But it also stretches its tail upwards to examine its surroundings. Often, a lightning bolt is know to strike the tail of a Pikachu.


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6. Swadloon 


Generation: V
Types: Bug / Grass
Evolutions: Sewaddle –> Swadloon –> Leavanny

The Leaft-Wrapped Pokémon Swadloon is 50 cm tall and 7.3 kg in weight. Swadloon’s body itself is just a yellow ball with a face consisting of two semicircular eyes with dark circles under the eyes and a narrow mouth underneath. Overall, it doesn’t look like it’s in a particularly in a good mood.

Swadloon is wrapped in a couple of leaves with dark green, longer leaves inside, which are not completely covered by the outer leaf on the left and right of the eyes and on the bottom. This makes Swadloon look like it has two ends at the front like a jacket; the leaves also cover the entire back and forehead and it has two protruding parts at the top, the shape of which is reminiscent of rabbit ears, and two protruding ends at the back.

The leaf veins can be recognized in the form of dark green lines. Like many Pokémon, Swadloon has access to one of three possible abilities: either Leaf Guard, Chlorophyll, or its hidden ability, Overcoat.

With Leaf Guard, it can use the sun’s rays to its advantage, because Swadloon cannot be affected by status attacks such as paralysis or poisoning in sunny weather. The ability of chlorophyll also benefits from the sun by making Swadloon grow twice as fast.

If Swadloon has the Overcoat ability, which allows it to protect itself against particles, hail, sandstorms and some powder attacks such as poison powder or cotton seed no longer pose a threat, as the weather conditions no longer cause damage and the powder attacks become ineffective.

Swadloon prefer to stay in wooded areas. They wrap themselves in all kinds of leaves to protect themselves from the cold and stroll through forests. There they prefer damp and dark places and eat fallen leaves all day long, which they convert into nutrients. That is why plants grow and thrive particularly well in forests that contain Swadloon.

5. Magnemite 

Generation: I
Types: Electric / Steel
Evolutions: Magnemite –> Magneton –> Magnezone

Magnemite is a small, floating Pokémon that appears in blue-gray, white, gray, red, and blue. The spherical torso is colored blue-gray. The magnets and the screws are gray, but the poles of the magnets are colored red and blue. A large, round eye can be seen in the center of the body, which consists of a white dermis and a very small, round, black pupil.

Two large magnets are attached to the sides and a large screw sits on the head. Furthermore, under the eye of this Electric / Steel species, there are two parallel, slightly smaller screws. Magnemite is very widespread together with its evolutionary line, so that these Pokémon are native to all regions known to date.

Magnemite occur particularly near large power conductors and power plants, where they feed on electricity. But they generally crowd around places with a large amount of electricity flowing through them. That is why, for example, they very often cling to power poles en masse or like to hang on to fuse boxes. If there is a power failure in a house, you should check the fuses to see whether there is a Magnemite involved.

However, it should be noted here that you should not touch it, because you will get a blow while it is sucking electricity. Magnemite floats through the air on electromagnetic waves and thus defies gravity. The two magnets on his body radiate so much electricity that they create an anti-gravity field, which keeps Magnemite in the air.

The faster these magnetic devices rotate on its sides, the higher the magnetic force generated. However, this Pokémon becomes unable to fly if the power source inside it is depleted. Ferrous objects are attracted by its magnetism even from a distance of up to 100 meters. However, electromagnetic waves also attract Magnemite.

As a result, trainers who use the PokéCom, for example, come across this Pokémon more often. During evolution, Magnemite joins two other specimens via a strong magnetic field to form a Magneton. Their three brains also unite into one, which does not mean, however, that this Pokémon is three times as clever as it is the case with other Pokémon such as Metagross.

4. Snivy 


Generation: V
Types: Grass
Evolutions: Snivy –> Servine –> Serperior

Snivy is a small, green and yellow Pokémon that looks like a snake but has two small legs and small arms with claws. Its eyes are brown while the pupil is colored black. It has a long, pointed nose which, along with its belly, is mainly very light, while its back is dark green and its eyelids are yellow.

Like all Grass Starter Pokémon, with enough affection, it is able to learn the Grass Pledge attack from an attack teacher. Grass Pledge not only causes greater damage in combat, but also belongs to the so-called combination attacks.

If it is combined with Fire Pledge a flame field is created, which inflicts damage to the opponent every turn. In combination with Water Pledge, Grass Pledge causes more damage and a bog is created, which lowers the opponent’s initiative. For these combination attacks to work, however, Grass Pledge must be carried out first and then the other attack must be carried out.

Snivy’s Ability is Overgrow, which is the standard Ability of all starter Pokémon of the Grass type. If a Pokémon with Overgrow only has 1/3 or less of its maximum HP, the strength of plant attacks increases by 50 percent. If the HP is regenerated, the strength normalizes again. His hidden ability is Contrary. Pokémon with this Ability reverse the changes in their stats; e.g., if a value is decreased, it rises instead and an increase leads to a decrease in the value.

For example, its strongest attack, Leaf Storm, increases his special attack by two levels instead of lowering it by two levels. Contrary does not affect how many levels the value changes. Contrary only affects changes in the level system, which is why effects of different items, as well as the value reductions due to combustion or paralysis are added to the values ​​in a completely normal and unaffected manner.

As a starter Pokémon, most Snivy are owned by Pokémon trainers and are often only raised for this purpose. Because of this early and mostly long-lasting connection with a trainer, Snivy are considered loyal and well-behaved Pokémon.


50 Best Pokémon in Pokémon GO (RANKED)

3. Sableye 

Generation: III
Types: Dark / Ghost
Evolutions: None

Sableye is a small, two-legged Pokémon that appears as purple, red, and blue. Most of the body is purple. However, a small stone can be seen on its chest as well as on its back. The front one is red, the rear one blue. The head is relatively large and the most noticeable feature is probably the large eyes, which are actually two white diamonds.

The face is marked with a very thin line that runs vertically right down the middle. The wide mouth reveals the pointed teeth when open and the pointed ears grow on the sides of the head. The narrow arms are equipped with three short, pointed fingers on the hands. The body itself is narrowly built.

As mentioned, there are two stones attached to the body, which come from its diet. The Dark / Ghost-type Pokémon stands on two narrow legs, which also have three short, pointed toes on their feet.

With the help of a Sablenite, the Pokémon can perform a Mega Evolution. In doing so, its appearance changes slightly, and it now weighs around 15 times more than normal. But this is mainly due to the fact that it is holding a magenta-colored gemstone in front of it, which is slightly larger than the Pokémon itself.

Mega Sableye has slightly longer ears and a narrow horn grows in the center of the head. Furthermore, its eyes are now magenta and a little wider. Several small stones of various shapes and sizes grow on the back. They are blue, green and red.

Wild Sableye live deep inside dark caves, where they lead a very secluded, leisurely life far from human disturbance. The Darkness Pokémon uses its sharp claws to constantly dig new branches in its gloomy home in order to get to its rare food, which consists of valuable gem crystals. The substances contained in these eventually reach the surface of the body and form crystal structures on it.

Its precious stone eyes sparkle like fragments of jewelry in the slightest incidence of light and are feared. It is said that it steals the souls of people who see this sparkle. Sableye’s ‘love of gemstones leads it to chase after Carbink, who also live in rocky caves. It competes with Gabite, who shares these preferences.

2. Cincinno 

Generation: V
Types: Normal
Evolutions: Minccino –> Cincinno

The appearance of the Normal-type Pokémon Cincinno is very similar to that of a chinchilla, but in contrast to this, Cincinno mainly moves on two legs. In addition, its appearance is almost completely identical to that of its precursor Minccino. Its fur is light gray throughout, with the fluffy, elongated down, which has grown on top of the head and swings like ribbons around Cincinno’s body.

More fluff can be seen on the neck in the form of a scarf, hence the “Scarf Pokémon” tag, and on the tail. Some light gray hair partially covers Cincinno’s pink inner ear. The hairless areas of its four paws also appear in pink. The Scarf Pokémon’s head is larger than its torso, and its face is dominated by strikingly large, black eyes with white pupils.

Its narrow mouth is under his nose, which is only visible as a black point. Cincinno’s main characteristic is its wonderfully soft fluff, which does not attract any dust and never becomes statically charged.

It has a kind of protective mechanism against enemy attacks, because its body, including its fluff, is coated with a special oil that its body secretes itself and which is so greasy that any blows or similar attacks simply slide off Cincinno’s body, comparable to when water rolls off a surface without leaving any residue.

With this oil, Cincinno can also help people who have problems with dry skin by shedding some of it and giving it to people. Since the oil is reproduced again, this is easy for Cincinno. No matter how dirty it gets, it just needs a quick thorough cleaning with the help of its fluff and it shines again in its usual shine. Cincinno usually live in simple meadows in the wild.

1. Dedenne 


Generation: VI
Types: Electric / Fairy
Evolutions: None

Dedenne’s physique is reminiscent of a small rodent, such as a dormouse or a hamster. It is small and rounded, has short arms and feet, as well as large black button-like eyes and large, round, conspicuous ears.

Many elements of his body point to his Electric-type: its fur is dark yellow to light orange, except for the cream-colored belly; the whiskers of the Antenna Pokémon that protrude from its orange-red colored cheeks are black and are reminiscent of old TV antennas; its long, black tail also shows similarities with a nibbled, open power cable.

Wild Dedenne live in light forests and meadows, as shown in the anime. They are quite shy, but become very trusting when they like someone. They depend on being close to people. Although they can refill their electrical storage system by sleeping, which they make intensive use of during the day, according to the PokéDex, however, they often tap into power stations or sockets in order to recharge their batteries more quickly.

They can then discharge this again via their whiskers, which they use for their electrical attacks. These whiskers also serve as antennas with which it can receive and send electrical signals and thus communicate with friends far away. In combat, Dedenne relies on its electrical attacks, which it discharges via the whiskers on his cheeks.

It shares this trait with all other Pokémon that are grouped together as electric rodents and is most evident in their special attack. Although it also belongs to the fairy type, it only learns one offensive attack from this type, which is probably a nod to his cute appearance. Dedenne are very sleepy, they can learn to relax and snore to use them in fights.

Dedenne can have the ability to take away certain items after a fight. Its second possible ability cheek pouch, which it only shares with Bunnelby and his evolution Diggersby, could allude to the fact that it hides objects in its cheeks, like its real-life role models, hamsters, do. Its Hidden Ability Plus supports it in double battles when it competes with a partner who has Minus.


And that’s it for today. We hope you had fun reading this and that we gave you all the information you were looking for! See you next time and don’t forget to follow us!

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