12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)


Grand Theft Auto V has an unbelievable collection of all kinds of vehicles. It has thousands of different vehicles, including planes. Grand Theft Auto Online vastly expanded its already existing collection. Aircraft are usually used in heists like robbing banks, casinos, and other adventurous missions. Even if you want to do something banal like harvesting some crops, there is an aircraft for you. Of course, every plane has its own usage but this list will include a ranking of the 12 fastest planes in GTA V.

12. Mammoth Avenger- 178.50 mph (287.27 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

Mammoth Avenger is a weaponized plane that can be customized and stored on Facility property. A military vehicle that drew inspiration from Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey, which is used United States Marine Corps. It has an insanely durable armor that can withstand heavy fire. 

Also, with the already mentioned customization comes, it has a rocket boost that can be used for very quick acceleration and as a rechargeable speed boost. It Mammoth Avenger can be acquired in Warstock Cache & Carry for $3,450,000. Its speed goes up to 178.50 mph (287.27 km/h). Avenger was added as a part of 1.42 The Doomsday Heist patch in 2017. 

11. LF-22 Starling – 187.75 mph (302.15 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

This aircraft is a flying tank. Starling is an armored, weaponized plane, that can be stored in the Hangar, as a personal aircraft, and customized at Hangar Aircraft Workshop. Its design is inspired by the historic Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet that was used by Luftwaffe in World War II. Two other historic planes were Messerschmitt Me 262 and Mitsubishi J8M. 

Starling is an interceptor type of plane that can go up to 187.75 mph (302.105 km/h) and it’s one of the fastest planes in GTA. It’s customizable and, like the previous entry, has Rocket Boost which helps with quick acceleration and speed boost. It costs $3,657,500 and can be sold for a resale price tag. Starling was added with the 1.41 Smuggler’s Run patch in 2017. 

10. Western Company Besra – 189.25 mph (304.57 km/h)  

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

Probably the oldest entry on this list, Besra is one of the fastest vehicles. It is an armored aircraft available in both Grand Theft Auto V and Grand Theft Auto Online. It has multiple designers and usage inspirations: American Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter, Spanish Casa C-101, Czech Aero L-39, and Chinese Hongdu JL-8. 

As already said, the speed of Besra can go up to 189.25 mph (304.57 km/h) and can be stored as a Pegasus Vehicle or in the Hangar as a Personal Vehicle. It can only be resprayed and besides the paint, it’s not available for further customization. In the main game, it costs 658,000 dollars and in GTA Online, you can get Besra for $1,150,000. This aircraft was added as a part of the 1.16 SA Flight School patch in 2014. 

9. Western Company Seabreeze – 191.75 mph (308.59 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

Another entry from Western Company, released another aircraft on this list, Seabreeze. This plane is weaponized and armored, and combined with its speed, makes Seabreeze a Seatsunami. It is a carbon copy of a real-life aircraft called Seawind 300c, an amphibious aircraft manufactured in Canada and later in the United States of America.  

Its hull is boat-shaped, which is really unique for this list. Seabreeze can be acquired from Elitás Travel and stored in Hangar as Personal Aircraft. It can also be customized at Hangar Aircraft Workshop. Its speed is 191.75 mph (308.59 km/h) and costs $1,130,500. The aircraft was added as part of the 1.41 Smuggler’s Run patch in 2017. 


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8. JoBuilt P-996 LAZER – 195.00 mph (313.82 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

LAZER, like Besra, is an old-school GTA plane available in both versions of the games. It is an armored, weaponized aircraft inspired by United States Air Force (USAF) F-16 Fighting Falcon that has retired this year in Norway and used on multiple battlefields during the last 40 years, like in Iraq in 2008. 

It is a classic GTA aircraft that can be only stolen in the main game and purchased in GTA Online for $6,500,000, making it one of the most expensive vehicles in Grand Theft Auto. LAZER is stored as a Pegasus Vehicle or in the Hangar as a Personal Aircraft. Its speed goes up to 195.00 mph (313.82 km/h) and cannot be sold. LAZER is in the game since its release in 2013. 

7. P-45 Nokota – 201.00 mph (323.48 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

This piston-engine fighter is a classic. The fighter is obviously an armored, weaponized plane that can withstand two homing missiles before getting destroyed by a third one. However, customization for this aircraft is the key – countermeasures like chaff, flare, and smoke. Inspired by three iconic planes from World War II, North American P-51 Mustang, German Messerschmitt Bf 109, and Focke-Wulf Fw 190. 

It is really fast – 201.00 mph (323.48 km/h) and has a unique engine sound. Nokota can be stored in the Hangar as a Personal Aircraft and customized at Hangar Aircraft Workshop. It can be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry for a price of $1,995,000. Nokota came as a part of the 1.41 Smuggler’s Run patch in 2017. 

6. Buckingham Alpha-Z1 – 201.50 mph (324.28 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

This aircraft is an armored vehicle and one of the fastest piston-powered aircraft in the game. Inspired by Reberry 3M1C1R, a race plane, which means it’s only used for quick traveling from point A to B and not for combat. However, this plane does have its uses. Alpha-Z1 can be stored in the Hangar as a Personal Aircraft and customized at Hangar Aircraft Workshop. 

It can be acquired from Elitás Travel for a price of $2,121,350 and traded for a discount. Its speed can reach 201.50 mph (324.28 km/h) and be added as part of the 1.41 Smuggler’s Run in August 2017. 

5. Buckingham Howard NX-25 – 203.75 mph (327.90 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

We already got over 200 mph and it only goes further. Another Buckingham plane found itself on this list but what’s really interesting is that it is a civilian plane this time. Howard NX-25 is a monoplane inspired by Howard Hughes’s aircraft called Hughes H-1 Racer, which set the world airspeed record and transcontinental speed record across the United States in 1935.  

GTA Online version of this plane goes up to 203.75 mph (327.90 km/h) and it’s quite similar to the aforementioned plane, however, it’s a slightly higher top speed and stability while landing, making this aircraft just a bit better. It can be stored in the Hangar as a Personal Aircraft and customized at Hangar Aircraft Workshop. Available from Elitás Travel for a price of $1,296,750. Howard NX-25 was added with a 1.41 Smuggler’s Run patch in 2017. 

4. V-65 Molotok – 207.75 mph (334.34 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

Another military plane on this list, Molotok surely stands out by its iconic looks. A fighter jet that was inspired by Soviet fighter aircraft, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-17, a historical aircraft that was partaking in multiple conflicts throughout the 20th century. 

Molotok is fast, just below the speed of an aircraft that’s next on the list. It can go up to 207.75 mph (334.34 km/h), powered by a single turbojet engine, which shares the sound with the P-996 LAZER plane. It costs $4,788,000 and is available in Warstock Cache & Carry. It can be stored in the Hangar as a Personal Aircraft and customizable at Hangar Aircraft Workshop. Molotok was added with a 1.41 Smuggler’s Run patch in 2017. 

3. Mammoth Hydra – 209.25 mph (336.75 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

One of the oldest entries on this list, Hydra is pretty iconic in the GTA franchise. It also appears and is available in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, a 2004 game that revolutionized the genre we know and love today. The design of the Hydra was inspired by British aircraft like British Aerospace Harrier II and McDonnell Douglas AV-8B Harrier II. 

The Mammoth Hydra is the most sophisticated aircraft in the game, boasting a variety of equipment. VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and Landing) ability, makes this aircraft one of the best in the game. With a top speed of 209.25 mph (336.75 km/h) and the best-performing weaponry on a vehicle in the game, makes Hydra the deadliest aircraft in GTA Online. Available in Warstock Cache & Carry for a price of $3,990,000. The Hydra was added with the 1.21 Heists DLC update 2015. 


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2. Western Company Rogue – 219.50 mph (353.25 km/h) 

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

Regular fixed-wing aircraft added in Smuggler’s Run patch in 2017, Rogue is often compared to Hydra. Even though Hydra is a better combat jet, Rogue is faster. Inspired by a combination of international jets like American Beechcraft T-6 Texan II, Brazilian Embraer EMB 312 Tucano, and Swiss Pilatus PC-21. 

In GTA, this plane is really durable, taking approximately 18 sniper rounds to finally down the aircraft. Available in Warstock Cache & Carry for a price of $1,596,000 and can be stored as a Personal Aircraft in the Hangar and customized in Hangar Aircraft Workshop. 

1. Buckingham Pyro – 222.75 mph (358.48 km/h)

12 Fastest Planes in GTA V (Ranked)

The fastest aircraft in Grand Theft Auto V game is definitely Pyro, which just about edged out the aforementioned Rogue. Also added with the Smuggler’s Run patch in 2017, this plane is unstoppable. Inspired by a British fighter jet that was operated by Royal Air Force, called de Havilland Vampire. 

The Pyro is an extremely maneuverable aircraft, having one of the tightest turning circles and best acceleration of conventional aircraft. Fully customizable Pyro is the best in the dogfights in the game. Pyro can be stored as a Personal Aircraft in the Hangar and customized at Hangar Aircraft Workshop. It costs $4,455,500 and is available in Warstock Cache & Carry.  

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