How Old Is Omega in The Bad Batch?


We know that Star Wars: The Bad Batch revolves around the members of the bad batch of clones officially known as Clone Force 99. However, we know that there is one kid among them, and her name is Omega. The thing about Omega is that she is unlike all of the other clones due to the fact that her DNA was never altered when she was created, and that means that she aged in a manner that’s normal. So, how old is Omega in The Bad Batch?

Omega should be around 12 to 13 years old as she looks to be the same age as Boba Fett, who is another Jango Fett clone that was never altered. This makes her chronologically older than all of the other members of Clone Force 99, as they were created right after Omega was created.

The fact that Omega is older than the clones is fascinating, considering that the bad batch and all of the other clones in Star Wars were created to make sure that they would grow and mature at an accelerated pace. That is why it was surprising for fans to discover that Omega is older than the members of Clone Force 99 and quite possibly all of the other clones as well.

Is Omega Older Than The Bad Batch?

One of the things that we already knew before the release of Star Wars: The Bad Batch was that the series was going to focus on the storyline of Clone Force 99, popularly known as the bad batch, who are all clones that have specific genetic mutations introduced into their DNA so that they would have unique traits that allow them to specialize in certain aspects. That is why the members of Clone Force 99 are basically a “bad batch” in the sense that they are different from the rest of the clones.

However, there was one other clone that was different from all of the other clones, as the bad batch met her when they returned to Kamino at the end of the Clone Wars. This was Omega, a female clone that isn’t even old enough to be called a teenager. When Omega was introduced, she was interested in Clone Force 99 and was aware of all of their names and specialties due to the fact that she felt that she was one of them in the sense that she was also a “reject.”

Of course, we are not only talking about the fact that Omega is female. Instead, there was something that was more interesting about her than her gender. And it goes back to her entire status as a clone.

Back in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones all of the clones were created from the genetic material that Jango Fett, the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy, provided the Kaminoans. However, in order for the clones to be ready for war in a hurry, they were genetically modified to mature rapidly on top of the fact that they were much more obedient and disciplined compared to Jango. Of course, they all had the same features and skills that Jango possessed, and that was the reason why they were very effective soldiers during the Clone Wars.


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Meanwhile, Omega wasn’t created to become a soldier. She lived her entire life on Kamino and was the lab assistant of Kaminoan scientist Nala Se, who was responsible for the creation of the clones. In that regard, Omega didn’t live the same kind of lives that the other clones did, and that was the reason why she was so fascinated by Clone Force 99, who had adventures and exploits that were more interesting compared to the other clones due to the fact that they do things differently.

Her fascination with Clone Force 99 was the reason why Omega tried to join them in one of their missions. This was also the reason why the bad batch got into trouble with the Empire, as they were forced to protect her from the Imperial forces that wanted her back due to her genetic material.

Unlike all of the other clones, Omega’s genetic material was largely unaltered, as the only thing that was changed was her gender. Other than that, she was created to be a “clean” clone due to the fact that her DNA was never altered. That was the reason why the Empire and the Kaminoans wanted her back, as she was the key to Jango Fett’s entire genetic material. On the other hand, the other clones no longer had “pure” genetics due to the fact that they were already altered.

It is also the fact that Omega’s entire DNA was largely unaltered which made her age like a normal human being. Meanwhile, the rest of the bad batch were like the other clones due to the fact that they matured a lot faster. 

So, in a sense, Omega grew up at a rate of a normal child. That also means that, yes, she is older than the rest of Clone Force 99 and quite possibly all of the other clones. Most of the other clones were created during the Clone Wars. Meanwhile, Clone Force 99 was created on 21 BBY, which was just three years before the end of the Clone Wars.

How Old Is Omega In The Bad Batch?

The fact that Omega is actually older than the bad batch is pretty surprising, considering that she is just a kid and that the other members of Clone Force 99 are all grown-up and mature adults. But just how old is Omega in The Bad Batch?


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It is possible that Omega was created just right after or around the same time as Boba Fett. We saw Boba during the events of Star Wars: Clone Wars as a boy that was no older than 13 years old. It seems that he is right around the same age as Omega and could probably be a little older. And take note that Boba Fett is a perfect genetic replica of Jango because his DNA was never altered in any way.

Considering that both Boba and Omega have unaltered DNAs and that they age at a rate that’s similar to a normal human being, this could mean that Omega is also right around the same age as well. Boba was born at 32 BBY. As such, it is possible that Nala Se created Omega at around the same time or shortly after Boba was created, and that could mean that she might be around 12 to 13 years old.

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