How to Make Night Vision Potion in Minecraft: Materials, Crafting Guide, Recipe, & More

How To Make Night Vision Potion In Minecraft: Materials, Crafting Guide, Recipe, And More


Minecraft has several magical items to create valuable effects for your gameplay. Potions are the strengthening bottles in Minecraft that you can drink to make you more powerful. There are many potions in Minecraft that vary from one another. Among them, the Night-vision potion is of prime importance. As the name implies, a night vision potion will provide you with night vision effects. So how do you make a Night Vision potion in Minecraft?

Crafting a night vision potion requires a brewing stand, golden carrot, water bottle, nether wart, blaze powder, and a crafting table. Open your brewing stand menu. Then add the items in the top slots of your stand. The formation of white bubbles will show you the progress of the brewing process. Transfer your Potion to Minecraft inventory. You can use your Potion of night vision in your gameplay. 

Night vision potion gives you magical powers. You will be able to see not only in darkness but also underwater with the help of a night vision potion. You will get a clear image of everything with a night vision potion. But how will you make this Potion in Minecraft? This guide consists of the materials needed to make a night vision potion, a crafting guide, and a recipe for a night vision potion. 

Materials for Night Vision Potion

How To Make Night Vision Potion In Minecraft: Materials, Crafting Guide, Recipe, And More

Minecraft night vision potion is very useful for all those Minecraft players that want to make their vision strong in darkness and underwater. But you would need certain things to make a night vision potion in Minecraft. Let’s learn about those things. 

To make a night vision potion, you will require:

  • A crafting table 
  • Brewing stand 
  • Blaze powder 
  • Golden carrot 
  • Nether wart 
  • Water bottle

There are a few other things that vary from one night vision potion to another. To get a variety of night vision potions, you will need:


Redstone will help you make the Potion of night vision (8:00) in Minecraft. This Minecraft potion (8:00) can give you an extra vision of 8 minutes during darkness. You will need a Redstone and a potion of night vision (3:00) in your brewing stand menu. 

Dragon’s Breath 

Dragon’s breath will help you make the splash potion of night vision in Minecraft. Splash potion of night vision (2:15) can give your mobs and other players extra vision during dark hours. They will night vision effect for 2 minutes and 15 seconds. 


Gunpowder will help you make the lingering potion of night vision in Minecraft. Lingering Potion of night vision (2:00) will help you move through Minecraft’s clouds. You will be able to move through the nether and the oceans with this Potion. You can also explore the End for almost 2 minutes extra night vision effects. 

How To Make Night Vision Potion In Minecraft 

Minecraft potion of night vision (3:00) will let you make other useful potions in Minecraft. In your Minecraft gameplay, you can make a splash potion of night vision (2:15) and the lingering Potion of night vision.

1. Collect the required items

First, you need to collect the items required for your Minecraft potion of night vision. You need to find or craft all the things mentioned above to make your night vision potion. Redstone, Gunpowder, and Dragon’s breath are the optional items that help you create different night vision potions. 


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2. Open the brewing stand menu

Once you have collected all the required items, open your brewing stand menu. You will need o to right-click on your brewing stand to open its UI. 

3. Activate your brewing stand 

Then, add the blaze powder to activate your brewing stand in Minecraft. This blaze powder will help you fuel your brewing stand. As a result, your brewing stand will start working. Make sure you have placed the blaze powder in the top left block of the brewing stand. 

4. Add the required items to your brewing stand

How To Make Night Vision Potion In Minecraft: Materials, Crafting Guide, Recipe, And More

Now, you will need to add the other items required to your brewing stand menu. Make sure to place all the items in the top boxes of your brewing stand. Or else, you won’t be able to get Potion of night vision in Minecraft. 

5. Add your water bottle

Again, right-click on your brewing stand. Then, place the water bottle right in the middle of your stand menu. You will be able to make three potions at the same time by adding three water bottles in the same process.

6. Add the nether wart 

Then add the nether wart at the correct top box of your brewing stand menu. With this addition, your brewing process starts in your gameplay.

7. Formation of white bubbles

Once you have added all the items except golden carrot, white bubbles will appear, and the arrow will also turn white. These things will help you show the progress of your brewing process. The nether wart will soon disappear with the completion of the brewing process.  

8. Add the crafted golden carrot

As a result of the above arrangement, you have only one box empty in your brewing stand menu. 

  • Fill up this box with the crafted golden carrot.
  • Hold on a few minutes, and you will hear a sound. 
  • This sound will assure you of the completion of your brewing process. 
  • Now your golden carrot will disappear from the brewing stand menu. 
  • You have successfully made the Potion of night vision in Minecraft. 

9. Move your potion to the Minecraft inventory

Once you have made the potion of night vision, you are all set to move it to your Minecraft inventory. This thing will help you use the potion of night vision in your Minecraft gameplay. 

10. Use a ‘give’ command

To use and run the potion of night vision in your game, you will need a ‘give’ command. This command will let you use your potion for various useful vision effects.

You can also use this potion to make other useful potions in Minecraft. You can make a splash potion of night vision and a lingering potion of night vision. 

  • To make a splash potion of night vision, you will need to place your night vision potion in the bottom slot of your brewing stand menu. Here, you will need Gunpowder. Add it to the top slot of your stand menu. As a result, you will get your splash potion of night vision. 
  • To make a lingering potion of night vision, you will need to place your night vision potion in the bottom slot of your brewing stand menu. Then add Dragon’s breath to the topmost space of your brewing stand menu. Dragon’s breath is the essential item to make a lingering potion of night vision in Minecraft. This way, you will get your lingering Potion. 

Write A Recipe And Make A Crafting Guide

Minecraft potion of night vision is extremely helpful to visit the nether during dark hours. You can also use this potion to explore the Minecraft marine world. The potion of night vision will give you an extra vision of three minutes for the further exploration of your Minecraft world. The recipe for the night vision potion is the same as mentioned above. 


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How To Craft Night Vision Potion In Survival Craft 

How To Make Night Vision Potion In Minecraft: Materials, Crafting Guide, Recipe, And More

Minecraft Survival edition also allows you to craft a night vision potion. You can get yourself avail of the magical powers of this potion in the Minecraft Survival edition. Here, you will use the same method mentioned above to craft a night vision potion for your gameplay. 

To put it in a nutshell, get a brewing stand that will consist of four slots. There would be one top box and three bottom boxes in your brewing stand menu. Then add water, nether wart, and golden carrot in the bottom three slots. The formation of white bubbles will show the progress of the brewing process. And soon, you will get your potion of night vision in Minecraft. 

Where To Find Materials Needed To Make Night Vision Potion In Minecraft?

You can easily find the needed materials to make a night vision potion in Minecraft. Here, I will briefly explain each required item and the way to get them in Minecraft world.  

1. Crafting table

Crafting a grid or table is the first thing you will need for your night vision potion. You will require four wood planks to make your crafting table. Here, you can use any planks such as crimson, wooden, warped, etc. 

2. Brewing stand 

A brewing stand is crucial to make a night vision potion in Minecraft. Crafting a brewing stand requires you three cobblestones and a blaze rod. What else do you need to do to make a brewing stand?

  • Collect three cobblestones and a blaze rod. 
  • You will need a crafting grid of 3×3.
  • Place these collected items in your crafting grid. 
  • You will need to place the blaze rod right in the middle square of the first row. 
  • Now, add three cobblestones in the second row of your crafting grid. 
  • This arrangement will help you get a brewing stand for your Minecraft potion

3. Blaze powder 

You can’t find a blaze powder in your Minecraft world. You can only craft it to make your Minecraft potion. You can craft a blaze powder with a blaze rod in your Minecraft inventory. Blaze powder will help you fuel your brewing stand. You can also make your Minecraft journey long-lasting with this powder. 

To craft a blaze powder, you need to put the blaze rod in the middle box of your crafting grid. As a result, you will get your blaze powder within no time. One blaze rod will produce two blaze powders. 

4. Golden carrot 

Golden carrot will help you turn many awkward potions into night vision potions. There are a few ways to find golden carrots in your Minecraft world. You can use any of the given methods:

  • Trading with Minecraft farmer villagers is the best way to get the golden carrot. Minecraft villagers will provide you with a golden carrot in turn of three emeralds. 
  • You can also craft a golden carrot to make your brewable Minecraft potion. Crafting a golden carrot requires you to have eight gold nuggets and a regular carrot. You can turn these items into a golden carrot by using your Minecraft crafting table. Place a carrot in the middle block of your crafting table and surround it with eight gold nuggets. 
  • Carrot is the most common food item in Minecraft. You can get it from the Minecraft farmer villagers or the nearby crop farms in Minecraft. You will craft gold ingots. Once you get these things, you will be able to craft a golden carrot to make your night vision potion in Minecraft. 

5. Nether wart 

Getting a nether wart is a bit tedious task for Minecraft players. Nether warts are crucial to make a night vision potion in Minecraft. Nether wart is a Minecraft plant that has a natural growth. You can’t get it from Minecraft villagers. But, there are a few other ways to find nether warts in Minecraft, such as:

  • You can get nether warts from Nether Fortresses. 
  • Small soul sand garden also consists of nether warts. 
  • You can also use nether wart blocks and turn them in nether warts. But for this, you need to have nether wart blocks in your Minecraft inventory slot. 

6. Water bottle 

A water bottle is one of the basic materials to make Minecraft night vision potion. You can find a water bottle in your Minecraft world by using these methods:

  • You can trade with the Minecraft wandering villagers for a water bottle. 
  • You can also make a water bottle from an empty glass bottle. Fill your glass bottle with water to make it a water bottle.  
  • You can also dig up some sand to make your glass bottles. Then smelt it to make some glass pieces. Now use these glass pieces to make glass bottles. 

Where Can You Find Night Vision Potion In Minecraft?

You can’t find the potion of night vision directly from your Minecraft world. You need to find the crafting items for this potion around your Minecraft world. Then use a brewing stand menu to craft your Potion of night vision in Minecraft. This way, you will get your potion in the Minecraft inventory slot. 

What Is The Easiest Way To Get Night Vision Potion In Minecraft?

The method mentioned above is the easiest and simple way to get a night vision potion in Minecraft. You can make your potion by using a brewing stand menu in your Minecraft inventory slot. 

Is Night Vision Potion Rare In Minecraft?

Minecraft night vision potions are not that much rare. There is only one thing that makes these Minecraft potions rare or hard to acquire in the Minecraft world. One of the brewing items of the Potion of night vision is difficult to find in Minecraft. That item is a nether wart. 

Finding a nether wart is a bit difficult thing in Minecraft. You can only get nether warts from the nether fortresses. But due to the rarity of nether fortresses, you will find it difficult to craft a Minecraft potion of night vision.

Are Night Vision Potions Useful In The End?

Night vision is one of the amazing effects of Minecraft. You can get enhanced vision ability in darkness and underwater. Potions of night vision are helpful in the End. Not only does night vision Potions makes the giant mobs immune, but they also allow you to see in the places that are otherwise difficult to surpass. You will find them helpful in the following cases:

  • In the Nether

You can use a potion of night vision in nethers to lighten up the Minecraft nethers during darkness. You will be able to make the background of your nether bright red. 

  • In the End

If you use a potion of night vision in the Ends, you will see a tinted pink color around yourself. The Potion will apply tinted pink color to all the items in the End.

Enderman and end portals will look in bright white when you see them from distant places. The Potion of night vision helps you trace your enemies, and you can quickly get an idea of any danger with this Potion.

  • In Voids 

Voids will look black if you apply the potion of night vision to them. This thing makes you well aware of the void places. 

  • In Lava 

The potion of night vision is much better when you have submerged in the lava and cannot see anything. This Minecraft potion will give a bright orange color to your game screen. 

  • In a Swamp place

When you apply the potion of night vision there, you will get a foggy appearance in swamp and marshy places. 

How Do You Use Night Vision In Minecraft?

How To Make Night Vision Potion In Minecraft: Materials, Crafting Guide, Recipe, And More

You can use the night vision potion in Minecraft by using a specific give command. You will use different commands for Potion of night vision in other Minecraft platforms such as Java, Bedrock, Windows10, Xbox one, and Survival. 

Make sure that you have already activated the potion of night vision in your Minecraft inventory slot. As a result, you will use and run your game with the magical effects of Potion of night vision. 

What Effect Is Night Vision Minecraft?

Night vision has a tremendous effect on Minecraft. You will get many beneficial effects with night vision potion in Minecraft. The effects include:

  • You will become able to explore the difficult places in your Minecraft world. 
  • Night vision usually increases the brightness level to the maximum light level (Level 15).
  • Minecraft potion of night vision will help you see in the dark places. 
  • Minecraft night vision potion will help you swim in the oceans and underwater. 
  • You can also brew night vision potion in Minecraft. This thing makes it popular and demanding among Minecraft players. 


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What Does Potion Of Night Vision Do?

The potion of night vision serves you several purposes in Minecraft. Following are some of the main benefits that you would get from the night vision potion in Minecraft. 

  • To get extra night vision during dark hours

The main purpose behind its usage is its ability to provide you extra night vision during darkness in Minecraft. You will get night vision for 3 minutes in Minecraft. 

  • To cross places that lack proper lightning

Potion of night vision will help you cross the places that are difficult to surpass without proper lights. You can cross the End, the Nether, the swamps, and the Lava in Minecraft.  

  • To see in the depths of the underwater

You would be able to see underwater and find useful items deep down in the oceans. Exploration is an important part of the Minecraft journey. The potion of night vision will ease your exploration journey in Minecraft. 

  • To make giant mobs immune.

When your boss mobs drink the potion of night vision, they will get immune to the darkness. You will quickly locate the other Minecraft mobs in your gameplay. 

  • To improve the working capacity of your gameplay

Perhaps, the most important thing is the ability of Potion of night vision to enhance your gameplay performance. You will become stronger when you drink the Potion of night vision. 

  • To get massive outputs with low investment

Minecraft potion of night vision will help you invest least and get more outputs. Here, the payoff will be massive. You can get yourself avail of the incredible powers of this potion whenever you drink it in your gameplay. 

How To Find Night Vision Potion In Minecraft?

Minecraft night vision potion is not easy to find in Minecraft. The only way to get or find a night vision potion is to use a brewing stand menu. A brewing stand menu along with the other required items (golden carrot, water bottle, nether wart, blaze powder, and crafting grid) will help you get your Potion of night vision in Minecraft.

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