The Acolyte’ Episode 6 Disappoints Fans Again, Except for One Thing: Everyone Thinks Star Wars’ Newest Sith Lord Is Hot
Episode 6 of ‘The Acolyte’ was released today, and I have to admit, it was just as we predicted last week – boring. Once again, not much happened, aside from a few breadcrumbs.
Osha is stuck with Qimir, who, after a few raunchy scenes, reveals that he used to be a Jedi. He tempts her with overwhelming power if she channels her anger, sadness, lust, etc., which she recognizes as the path to the dark side.
Osha had the chance to strike Qimir down but chose not to. In a moment of anger, she admitted that she failed as a Jedi, which is why she left the order. At the end of the episode, we see her putting on Qimir’s cortosis helmet.
On the other side, we have Mae and Sol. Mae believes Sol has no idea who she is, while she secretly plots to take him down. Sol sends a message to Master Vernestra Rwoh but encounters communication issues. At some point, Mae pleads with Sol to tell her everything about that night on Brendok that left her an orphan. It seems this is when Sol realizes it’s been Mae all along, or maybe it was when she had to reset her droid or Bazil?
Mae is imprisoned, and Sol, in a somewhat threatening manner, says he is going to tell the Jedi Council everything, hinting at some juicy secrets from the past. Meanwhile, Rwoh arrives in Khofar and discovers the aftermath of the Jedi’s confrontation with Qimir. One of the Jedi with her suggests that perhaps Master Sol has fallen. She is open to the idea but needs solid evidence.
We also see Rwoh using her lightwhip for the first time. That’s pretty much the whole episode: no action, odd dialogues, and lots of teasing that will spark some interesting theories, especially regarding the “power of two” and Qimir’s Jedi background, along with his scars that seem to be from the whip.
With so little happening on screen aside from characters walking from point A to point B, it’s no wonder fans focused on Qimir’s physique.
Yes, the latest Sith Lord has several raunchy scenes in the episode, and fans went wild—well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration, but everyone is talking about it, so you get the idea.
Apparently, many fans are now shipping Qimir and Osha, and I’ve already seen traces of the first smut and fan fiction being written online. It’s a Rey-Kylo Ren situation all over again, except this time, it doesn’t feel as forced.
Here are some reactions to the episode, highlighting the scenes fans liked the most.
It looks like we’ll need to remind a lot of people that Qimir killed a kid in the last episode. Anyway, that’s this week’s rundown on the episode and the reactions. Got something to add? Let us know in the comments below!