Minecraft: Top 16 Female Youtubers You Have To Follow in 2024


Minecraft YouTubers are popping off with some of the most popular ones hitting 2.5 million views per video but from what I’ve seen, there aren’t as many female creators out there trying to make a name for themselves or so I’ve thought. The YouTube algorithm is tricky so it’s hard for new and small creators to get the recognition they rightfully deserve so I’m here to honor the ladies of the community by making a list of the top 16 female Minecraft YouTubers.

1. LDShadowLady

First on the list is likely the most famous girl Minecraft YouTuber out there. Elizabeth Lizzie D. is an English YouTuber most famous for her Minecraft let’s plays. She has a Minecraft series behind with the most popular one being her single-player series, Shadowcraft and Shadowcraft 2.0.

Other series include Minecraft empires where 12 people play on vanilla survival, forge alliances, declare wars, and build their empires. Apart from the ShadowCraft mod she uses, she also has a series playing using Crazycraft 3.0 mod pack.

She uploads regularly but in her own words, doesn’t have an upload schedule since that takes the fun and magic away from making videos. Her subscriber count is close to hitting 7 million.

2. KatherineElizabethGaming

Even though her channel is not strictly a Minecraft one, the series Katherine has is extremely fun to watch because of how cool the concept is. One of the series is called Afterlife SMP where you only get 10 lives and each time you die you get a new origin. An origin can give you special abilities, some bad and some good.

Katherine had a rough start with YouTube back in 2011 when she first made her channel. A year would pass till her first upload and after that, 3 years later she would create her gaming channel.

She uploads new Minecraft videos every weekend and you’ll mostly see her world filled with magical fantasy fairy colors.


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3. GeminiTay

GeminiTay or Taylor for short is part of the HermitCraft community. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a server of YouTubers where they get together and build. It’s a whitelisted community and was made in 2012.

As for Taylor, her content consists of playing survival and SMP. She began doing this in 2020 and up until that point, from 2015 she was making videos about building. She still does this but on an SMP server. Other series she’s a part of are Empires and X Life.

She was also part of the MC Ultimate event which is the largest Hunger Games event in the community and she participated in the MC Championship. She has 1.5 million subscribers as of today and her videos average 280k views.

4. BriannaPlayz

Briana Paige Arsement is a Texas-born YouTuber formerly working as a nurse. Thanks to her husband Preston, her YouTube career began. The channel is very similar to her husband’s in terms of content but nonetheless, Briana found success of her own, counting over 4.5 million subscribers.

There’s a lot of thought that goes into her videos, coming up with storylines and following them through to the end. The editing is also amazing and she mostly plays with her husband, Preston where they both get into sticky situations and try to help each other out.

As she says it herself, her goal is to spread joy and kindness by sprinkling it everywhere and that’s exactly what she does with her channel. She also has a main channel that has 8 million subscribers.

5. Aphmau

Jessica Bravura is another Texas-born YouTuber with a lot of content variety. Still, she is most known for her Minecraft content, and with good reason. A lot of thought is put into making her roleplays. If you want to know what I’m talking about, just check out one of her recent videos titled ”Growing up as a Dark Ninja in Minecraft”.

Aphmau is likely the biggest female Minecraft YouTuber around, counting more than 14 million subscribers. She’s loved by kids not because she is an amazing gamer, but because she’s simply a character that children love.

Her content is not for everyone, but give it a go and see if you like it. She’s developed a particular persona through the years and a unique video content type.

6. iHasCupquake

Tiffany Michelle Herera started her career playing League of Legends and World of Warcraft. The channel gained popularity and continued with a positive subscriber count trend when she transitioned to Minecraft let’s plays

She is the definition of you can do anything if you dedicate yourself enough and put hard work into it. That’s why today, she holds the Guinness world record for the most views for a female game broadcaster on YouTube, or at least she did back in 2018.

In recent years, she branched out to other games and NFTS for which she received some negative feedback. She still plays Minecraft but you’ll have to search a bit to find the videos.

7. Hannahxxrose

Not only does Hannah upload YouTube videos but she’s also a Twitch streamer. Her content is exclusively Minecraft-related which earned her a subscriber count of 780k. She’s only 22 years old so it’s interesting to think about where her YouTube and Twitch career is going to take her next.

She’s an active member of Dream SMP which is an invite-only server created by Dream and GeorgeNotFound. She’s also included in the Minecraft Bedwars series.

She has a large variety of video types on her channel so everyone can find the content they enjoy the most.


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8. MegRae

MegRae is a small YouTuber with a subscriber count of 71k. She’s a Minecraft builder that focuses on the art aspect of it. She does everything herself and is open to collaborations but isn’t looking to join building teams.

She does Minecraft tutorials, mega builds, and build reviews. She’ll even teach you how to build cool builds like an Allay. She uploads frequently even though she does YouTube in her spare time and doesn’t have an upload schedule.

If you have a creative block and need some new inspiration, MegRae will definitely help with that.

9. SuperMcGregs

SuperMcGregs or Kate Lessard is another small-time YouTuber with an amazing gaming channel. She mostly plays Minecraft but does play other games as well. Her Minecraft content consists of reaction videos to other Minecraft YouTubers.

She doesn’t hide the fact that she’s a noob at the game but she still does let’s play. She’s also active on Twitch and interacts with her audience frequently, as proven by the video where she let Twitch chat control her game.

If you’re looking for a relaxing and fun commentary of gameplay and news in the Minecraft community, or are looking forward to seeing how a noob plays the game, her channel is definitely for you.

10. goddessofcrows

As she describes it herself, she’s a goth YouTuber making whimsical Minecraft videos to help people relax. She does tutorials, let’s play, and no commentary let’s play.

She uploads every week and has stuck to her YouTube channel even though it hasn’t picked up any friction just yet. She only has 5k subscribers so if you enjoy her content, be sure to subscribe and send support so she can continue making her videos.

She plays with different add-ons and texture packs as well.

11. Zaypixel

Zaypixel hasn’t been on YouTube for a long time. Her YouTube career started in mid-2020 and by 2021, she hit 1 million subscribers. Now, in 2022, she’s making videos for more than 2 million subscribers.

She mainly uploads let’s play and building tutorials. If you look at her channel closely, you won’t find that she uploads a lot. I’d say that’s either because she doesn’t have the time or she values quality over quantity. Nonetheless, you find her uploading 2 times a month.

Her fans would describe her building tutorial videos as simple and awesome and I agree. The builds are relaxing and easy to follow.

12. ThePinkDiamondDiva

Lauren, a young gamer girl started her YouTube channel back in 2014. She’s been uploading ever since and has slowly gained a following of 200k subscribers. She mainly does Minecraft roleplay videos and has a series called Roomies University.

In this world, she experiences heartbreak and all the high school-type drama you’d find in your regular teen movie. Of course, a good roleplay wouldn’t be possible without other people so she’s on an SMP with around 15 other people.

She uploads several times a week and besides Minecraft, she also plays Roblox. It’s clear to see how much work has been put into her videos and the content quality is there to back up the statement.

13. stacyplays

Stacy Mary Hinojosa’s positivity is infectious. That’s how she makes most of her Minecraft-related videos and you’ll quickly grow to like her with her down-to-earth attitude even though her subscriber count of 2.2 million easily gives her bragging rights.

She’s 39 years old and has several successful Minecraft series. Her most popular one is DogCraft where she rescues different dogs in a modded Minecraft world. She also builds things there so she’s partially a builder as well.

She was part of the Cube SMP series and also does BookCraft survival where she tries to encourage reading, NoobQuest played on Xbox and Mystic Mesa.


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14. FalseSymmetry

Katy is an English YouTuber and part of the HermitCraft family. She joined in 2014 and has been an active member ever since then. She’s also part of the Empires SMP and does some pretty impressive builds on her channel as well.

Many would say that Katy is very underrated and I’d agree. Her subscriber count is close to reaching half a million so if you enjoy all the content listed above, give FalseSymmetry a go.

You can also catch her live on Twitch if you prefer it and if you want to check out her Twitch channel without ever leaving YouTube, hop on over to her FalseLive channel where she uploads the best past streams.

15. NashCrafter

Nash joined the YouTube community back in 2015 and has seen a slow rise to a decent follower count of almost 52k. She mostly plays Minecraft but mixes it up a bit with other survival games as well.

In terms of Minecraft, she does let’s play. She mainly focuses on survival, modded Minecraft, and let’s builds. She uploads regularly so you can enjoy her videos every week or even multiple times a week.

She’s been part of the Legacy SMP server since its first season and is an active member to this day. Her gameplay is chill and you can easily relax watching her videos.

16. ItsFunneh

Kat La is the person behind this widely successful YouTube channel. She’s Canadian and is aged 28. She’s part of the KREW and plays lots of different games on her channel, including Minecraft.

On her main channel, you’ll find daily uploads of gaming videos, live streams, vlogs, and more. She’s one of the more successful gaming YouTubers as a whole, having more than 9 million subscribers which she hit in 2022.

Kat was nominated for a Shorty award and four Bloxy awards. She won one out of the 4 for Best Twitter Channel and continues to upload on a regular basis. You’ll see fewer Minecraft videos but given her daily uploads, the frequency is equal to a Minecraft YouTuber exclusively with a weekly posting schedule.

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