Classroom of the Elite: What Is the New Class Poll Exam & Why Is It So Important?

Classroom of the Elite: What Is the New Class Poll Exam & Why Is It so Important?

If you remember, the third season of Classroom of the Elite started with Volume 8 of the light novel series, i.e., with the Mixed Training Camp event. This was another in a line of numerous special events held in the Advanced Nurturing High School, but we have already written about that. Now, the anime is on Volume 10 of the light novel, which means that we will be seeing the intriguing Class Poll Exam, which is going to be the focus of the upcoming episodes. What is this new, strange exam, and how was it conducted? In this article, we are going to reveal everything you need to know!

  • Article Breakdown:
  • Due to a string of successes achieved by the first-year students, the Advanced Nurturing High School decided to organize one surprise supplementary exam before the final special exam of the year.
  • The special exam in question was the Class Poll Exam, which consisted of students evaluating their classmates and determining one who was worthy of praise and one who was worthy of criticism.
  • As if the structure and point of the exam weren’t strange enough, the students with the lowest grades in each class ended up being expelled.

The Class Poll Exam was a special test for the students

As fans of Classroom of the Elite will know, the students are constantly subjected to a series of special events and tests that test their skills, abilities, and how they react in strange situations, both individually and amongst each other. If you’ve been around for the first two seasons, you’ll know that there were several such events, and the third season has – so far – provided us with two of them. We’ve already told you about the Mixed Training Camp, and in this article, we are going to tell you about the second one: the Class Poll Exam.

The Class Poll Exam was a special supplementary exam that was added as a surprise test, mainly because all the students had passed all the previous exams and no one was on the brink of being expelled. So, in order to make things harder for them, the school organized this test. As part of it, each class had a total of four days to evaluate their own classmates, determining who was worthy of the most praise and who had the most criticism. The rules were as follows:

Rule 1: Praise and criticism votes invalidate each other. Praise votes – Criticism votes = Results.

Rule 2: You can’t cast praise or criticism votes for yourself.

Rule 3: Voting multiple times for the same person, leaving part of the ballot blank, abstaining from the vote altogether and other acts of this nature are prohibited.

Rule 4: The exam will be repeated until the first and last place students are determined.

Rule 5: It is required to cast a separate dedicated praise vote for a student in another class.

Classroom of the Elite, Volume 10

Each student was assigned a total of three praise points and three criticism points that they could allocate however they wanted. You can imagine how much lobbying and background activity there was when the students were given the opportunity to decide. And this is the gist of this exam. Let us now see why it is so important.


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Its importance lies in the fact that it got three students expelled and almost a fourth one, as well

Well, like each exam, there was a reward and a penalty. The student who got the most praise points in each class would receive a Protection Point, which is, as the series explained in Volume 10, “the right to override an expulsion. Even if you were to fail a test, as long as you have a protection point, you can use it to cancel out the questions you had gotten wrong. However, these points cannot be transferred between students.” On the other hand, the student with the most criticism points would get expelled. The results were as follows:

Most Praise votesMost Criticism votes
Class 1-AArisu SakayanagiYahiko Totsuka
Class 1-BHonami IchinoseRyūji Kanzaki
Class 1-CKiyotaka AyanokōjiHaruki Yamauchi
Class 1-DSatoru KanedaShiho Manabe

Most of these results were actually expected, as far as the praise votes are concerned. As far as the other group is concerned, Totsuka, Yamauchi, and Manabe really did get expelled from the school; Kanzaki was the only one who was saved thanks to his friends spending a total of 20 million private points, and he managed to remain in the school.

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